Words ending with the suffix -INE
This list is expanded and updated regularly.
The words on this list are nouns and/or adjectives. In a small number of cases, some are also verbs and are so noted.
aberdevine noun
abietine noun
acacine noun also gum arabic
acalycine adjective also acalysinous
acanthine adjective
acarine noun, adjective also acarian adjective
acauline adjective also acaulous, acaulose
accipitrine adjective also accipitral
acervuline adjective
acetanisidine noun same as methacetin
acetylaniline noun same as acetanilide
acetylcholine noun
acolyctine noun
aconitine noun
acridine noun
acriflavine noun also called neutral acriflavine, euflavine, trypaflavine neutral
adamantine adjective
adenine noun
adenosine noun
adrenaline noun
adulterine adjective
aedine adjective
aegirine noun also aegirite
aeromedicine noun also aviation medicine
affine noun, adjective
agatine adjective
alabamine noun
alabandine noun also alabandite
alabastrine adjective also alabaster noun, adjective
alanine noun
albespine noun
alcidine adjective also alcid noun, adjective
Aldine noun, adjective
alepine (Obsolete) noun
Alexandrine or alexandrine noun, adjective
alexine or alexin noun
algerine noun
Algerine noun, adjective
alizarine or alizarin noun
alkaline adjective
alkine or alkyne noun
almandine noun also written almondine
alpestrine adjective also subalpine adjective
Alphonsine adjective
Alpine noun, adjective
alpine adjective
altheine noun same as asparagine
alumine noun same as alumina also called aluminum oxide
alvine (Obsolete) adjective also intestinal
amandine adjective
amanitine noun
amantadine noun
amaranthine adjective also written amarantine
amarine noun
amethystine adjective also amethyst noun, adjective
amianthine adjective
amidine noun
amine noun
aminophylline noun
aminopurine noun
aminopyrine noun same as aminophenazone
amitriptyline or amitryptyline noun
ammine noun also ammoniate, ammonate (nouns)
amphetamine noun
amygdaline adjective
anatine adjective
andesine noun
Andine adjective also Andean (adjective)
aneurine or aneurin noun same as thiamine
Angevine or Angevin noun, adjective
anguine adjective
aniline noun, adjective also anilin noun
animalculine adjective also animalcular, animalculous adjectives
annotine noun
anopheline noun, adjective
anserine adjective also anserous adjective
antalkaline noun, adjective also antalkali noun
anticline noun
antifebrine noun same as acetanilide, acetanilid nouns
antifeminine adjective
antiheroine noun
antihistamine noun
antilopine adjective
antimachine adjective
antimedicine adjective
antipyrine noun also called phenazine
antisubmarine adjective
antitoxine noun
Apennine adjective
apocodeine noun
apocrine adjective
apomorphine or apomorphin noun
aquamarine noun
aquiline adjective
arabinosylcytosine noun same as cytosine arabinoside
arccosine or arc cosine noun
archine noun same as arshine or arshin
arcsine or arc sine noun
ardassine noun
arecoline noun
argentamine noun
argentine noun, adjective
Argentine noun, adjective also Argentinean noun, adjective
arginine noun
aricine noun
armozine or armozeen noun
arnicine noun
arpine (Obsolete) noun same as arpent
Arretine adjective
arshine or arshin noun
arsine noun
arsphenamine noun
arvicoline adjective
asbestine adjective also asbestous adjective
asine (Obsolete) noun also she-ass
asinine adjective
asparagine noun
astatine noun
Atabrine™ (American English) or Atebrin™ (British English) noun a brand of quinacrine
atherine noun, adjective
atrazine noun
atropine or atropin noun
aubergine noun, adjective
australopithecine noun, adjective
austrine (Obsolete) adjective same as austral adjective
avanturine or aventurine or aventurin noun
Aventine noun, adjective
aventurine or aventurin noun also called goldstone
avine adjective also avian
azatadine [maleate] noun
azathioprine noun
azidothymidine noun also AZT®
azine noun
azotine or azotin noun
azurine noun, adjective
baculine adjective
baladine (Archaic) noun
balaustine noun, adjective
balsamine noun
balzarine noun
bandoline noun
banjorine noun
Banthine® noun a brand of methantheline
barbotine noun
baregine noun
barkantine or barkentine or barquantine or barquentine noun
basquine noun
bebeerine noun also written bebirine
beguine noun
bellarmine noun also called graybeard, longbeard
belluine (Rare) adjective also brutal
Benedictine noun, adjective
bengaline noun
benzamine same as eucaine
Benzedrine® noun a trademark for amphetamine
benzidine noun
benzine or benzin noun also ligroine or ligroin, petroleum ether
benzocaine noun
benzodiazepine noun
benzoglyoxaline noun same as benzimidazole
benzoline (Rare) noun 1. same as benzole 2. same as amarine
benzylidine noun
berberine nounberline or berlin noun
Bernardine noun, adjective
beryline or berylline adjective
betaine or betain noun also called lycine, oxyneurine, trimethylglycine
bibirine see bebeerine
biforine noun
biomedicine noun
Biphetamine® pronoun
Bipontine adjective
bisontine adjective
bismuthine noun
Bizantine see Byzantine
blondine noun, verb
bocasine noun
bombasine noun same as bombazine
bombazine noun also written bombasine, bombazeen
bottine noun
bovine noun, adjective
Brabantine adjective
brankursine noun
brigandine noun
brigantine noun
brilliantine noun
bromine noun
bromocriptine noun
bronzine noun, adjective
brucine noun
bubaline adjective
bufotenine noun
bulgine or bullgine noun also steam locomotive
buntine noun
butterine noun
butylamine noun
buxine noun also called buxina same as bebeerine
byssine adjective
Byzantine noun, adjective
caballine noun, adjective
cacaine noun same as theobromine
cadaverine noun also called pentamethylenediamine
caffeine or caffein noun
calabarine noun
calamine noun
calcarine adjective
calcimine noun, verb also kalsomine noun, verb
calcine noun, verb
calycine adjective also calycinal
cambrasine noun
cameline noun
camphine noun
cancrine adjective
canine noun, adjective
cannabine adjective
cantharidine or cantharidin noun
canthaxanthine adjective
capeline or cappeline noun
Capitoline noun, adjective
cappadine noun
cappeline or capeline noun
capreoline adjective
caprine adjective
capsicine noun
carabine or carabin noun variant of carbine
carbamazepine noun
carbamidine noun same as guanidine
carbamine noun
carbylamine also isocyanide nouns
carbine (1)noun
carbine (2)noun also called carabine, carabin
cardamine noun
carline or carlin noun
carmine noun
carnitine noun
Caroline adjective
carthamine noun
cassine or cassene noun also cassina, cassena
castanospermine noun
catarhine adjective also catarrhine noun, adjective
catarrhine noun, adjective also catarrhinian noun, adjective
catecholamine noun
Catherine (roper noun - a female given name also Cathryn, Katherine, Katharine, Kathryn
cauline adjective
cedrine adjective
celandine noun
Celestine proper noun
cephaloridine noun
ceratine adjective also sophistical
ceresine noun
cervine adjective
cespitine noun
chalcosiine adjective
chelerythrine noun same as sanguinarine
chemokine noun same as cytokine
chinaldine see quinaldine
chioppine noun same as chopine or chopin
chloramine noun
chlorine noun
chloriodine (Rare) noun
chloroquine noun
chlorphenoxamine noun
chlorpromazine noun
chlortetracycline noun
cholerine noun
cholestyramine noun
choline noun
chondrophorine adjective
chopine or chopin noun also written chioppine
chorine noun also chorus girl
Christine proper noun - a female given name
chrysaniline noun
chryselephantine adjective
chrysoidine noun
cicutine noun also called conicine
cimetidine noun
cinchonidine noun
cinchonine noun
cinnabarine adjective also cinnabaric
cinnarizine noun
cinnoline noun
circuline adjective
cisalpine adjective
cispontine (Archaic) adjective
citrine noun, adjective
citrulline noun
clandestine adjective
clementine noun
Clementine noun - a feminine given name also Clementina
clepsine noun
cloacaline adjective also cloacal
clonidine noun
cobalamine or cobalamin noun also vitamin B12
cobaltine noun also cobaltite noun
cocaine or cocain noun
codeine noun also codeina, codeia nouns
coelacanthine adjective
colamine noun same as ethanolamine
colbertine (Obsolete) noun
colchicine noun
colicine noun
collidine noun
colline (Obsolete) noun
colubrine adjective
columbine (1) noun (Botany) also called aquilegia
columbine (2) adjective also dovelike
Columbine noun - a female given name
compline or complin noun
conchinine noun same as quinidine
concubine noun
coneine see conine
conhydrine noun
conicine noun same as cicutine
coniine noun also conine, conin nouns
consanguine adjective also consanguineal
contadine noun (Italian)
conyrine noun
copataine (Obsolete) adjective
coralline noun, adjective also coralloid adjective
coramine noun
cordyline noun
coregonine adjective
coridine noun also written corindine
corindine noun same as coridine
corolline adjective
coroutine noun
corrovaline noun
corticine noun
corvine adjective
corydaline noun
cosine noun also cos
cosmoline noun
cotarnine noun
coteline noun
covelline noun also called indigo copper
crapaudine noun
creatine or creatin noun
creatinine noun
crepoline noun
crepusculine (Obsolete) adjective same as crepuscular
crinoline noun
croceine or crocein noun
crocine adjective
crotaline adjective
crotonine noun
cryptidine noun
cryptocrystalline adjective
cryptopine noun
crystalline adjective
cuisine noun
culicine adjective
cumidine noun
curarine noun
curcumine adjective
cyanine or cyanin noun
cyanocobalamine or cyanocobalamin noun
cyanoguanidine noun same as dicyandiamide
cyclazocine noun
cyclizine noun
cyclobenzaprine noun
cyclohexylamine noun also called aminocyclohexane, hexahydroaniline
cycloserine noun
cyclosporine or cyclosporin noun
cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine noun also known as RDX, cyclonite
cymidine noun
cyprine adjective also cyprinoid noun, adjective
cyproheptadine noun
cystathionine noun
cysteamine noun
cysteine noun
cystine noun
cytarabine noun also cytosine arabinoside, ara-C
cytidine noun
cytisine noun
cytokine noun
cytosine noun
dasyurine noun
daturine noun same as atropine also called daturia, daturina
dauphine noun
decamine noun
decine noun also called decenylene
Delphine proper noun (a female given name)
delphinine noun
dentine or dentin noun
deoxytetracycline noun also doxycycline
dermatine adjective
deserpidine noun
desipramine noun
desmine noun same as stilbite
dessiatine noun also written dessyatine
dexamphetamine noun
Dexedrine® noun brand of dextroamphetamine
dexfenfluramine noun
dextrine or dextrin noun also called British gum
dextroamphetamine noun
diacetylmorphine noun also heroin (not to be confused with heroine)
diactine noun, adjective
diamantine adjective
diamine noun
diaminopropyltetramethylenediamine noun
diamorphine noun also heroin (not to be confused with heroine)
diazine or diazin noun
didelphine adjective also didelphian
didine adjective
diethylcarbamazine [citrate] noun
diethylamine noun
dietine noun
dihydrocodeine noun
dihydroergotamine noun
dimethylhydrazine noun
dimethylamine noun
dimethylaniline noun
dimethylnitrosamine noun
dimethyltryptamine noun
dimethylxanthine noun same as theophylline
diophantine adjective
diphenhydramine noun
diphenylamine noun
dipyridine noun
discipline noun, verb
dispoline noun
divine noun, adjective, verb
doctrine noun
doline noun also dolina
domine noun
dopamine noun
doucine (noun) also cyma recta (noun)
dourine (noun)
doxycycline noun same as deoxytetracycline
dracontine adjective
dragantine noun
draisine noun
Dramamine® noun a trademark of dimenhydrinate
dryopithecine noun, adjective or Dryopithecine noun
duboisine noun
duvetine or duvetyne, duvetyn noun
dyeline adjective
eburnine adjective
ecboline noun
eccrine adjective
ecgonine noun
echidnine noun
ectocrine noun
eglantine noun
ektexine noun
elaphine adjective
elapine adjective
electrine adjective
elephantine adjective
emeraldine noun
emetine or emetin noun
Emmeline proper noun (a female given name)
enamine noun
encephaline or encephalin or enkephaline or enkephalin noun
endexine noun
endocrine noun, adjective also endocrinal, endocrinic adjectives
endoctrine (Obsolete - this word is a verb only)
engine noun
enkephaline or enkephalin or encephaline or encephalin noun
enlumine (Obsolete - this word is a verb only)
ensanguine (this word is a verb only)
enteroendocrine adjective
eosine or eosin noun also called bromoeosin, tetrabromofluorescein
ephedrine or ephedrin noun
epinephrine or epinephrin noun also called adrenaline
equine noun, adjective
ergonovine noun
ergotamine noun
ergothioneine noun
ergotine or ergotin noun
ergotoxine noun
ermine noun, adjective
errhine noun, adjective
erthine noun
erythrine noun
erythrophleine noun
erythrosine noun
escharine adjective
eserine noun same as physostigmine or physostigmin
Esquiline noun
estuarine adjective
esurine (Obsolete) noun, adjective
etamine noun
ethamine noun same as ethylamine
ethanolamine noun also called colamine
etheostomine adjective
ethine or ethyne noun same as acetylene
ethionine noun
ethmovomerine noun
ethylamine noun
eucaine noun also called benzamine
euchlorine or euchlorin noun
euflavine noun same as acriflavine
Eugubine adjective
euryhaline adjective
exine also extine nouns
exocrine noun, adjective
exsanguine adjective
extine noun same as exine
extrauterine adjective
falconine adjective
famine noun
fanzine noun
farandine (Obsolete) noun
fascine noun
feline noun, adjective
feminine noun, adjective
ferine adjective also feral
ferrandine noun
fescennine adjective
fibrine adjective
figuline noun, adjective
figurine noun also statuette
flavaniline noun
flavine (1) (C14H15N3Cl2) noun
flavine (2) or flavin (C10H6N4O2) noun
Florentine noun, adjective
fluocerine noun
fluorine or fluorin noun
fluoxetine noun
fluphenazine noun
fluviomarine adjective
fluvoxamine also SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor noun
forestine adjective
fringilline adjective also fringillid noun, adjective
fuchsine or fuchsin noun also called basic fuchsin, basic magenta, magenta
fumarine noun
furfurine noun
fuscine (Rare) noun
gabardine or gaberdine noun
galactosamine noun
galatine same as galantine noun
galantamine noun
galantine also galatine noun
galeopithecine adjective
gallamine noun
gamine noun, adjective
ganoine or ganoin noun
gasoline (American English) also petrol (British English) noun
gelatine or gelatin noun
gelsemine noun also called gelsemia
gelseminine noun same as gelsemine
gentianine noun
genuine adjective
geomedicine noun
geraniine or geranine noun
Ghibelline noun, adjective
gigantine (Obsolete) adjective same as gigantic
Gilbertine noun, adjective
giraffine adjective
gismondine noun
glassine noun
glaucine noun, adjective
gliadine or gliadin noun
glonoine noun 1. same as nitroglycerin also called oil of glonoin 2. diluted nitroglycerin
glucosamine noun
glutamine noun
glutazine noun
glycerine or glycerin noun same as glycerol
glycine noun also called aminoacetic acid, glycocoll
glycosine noun
glyoxaline noun same as imidazole
gnoscopine noun
gorilline adjective also gorillian
gossypine adjective
gradine or gradin noun
gralline adjective
gratine adjective
gregarine noun, adjective
grenadine noun
guanethidine noun
guanidine noun also called carbamidine, iminourea
guanine noun
guanosine noun
guaranine noun same as caffeine
guillotine noun, verb
gutturine (Obsolet) adjective
haberdine noun
half-divine adjective
half-feminine adjective
haloxyline noun
harmaline noun
harmine noun
hatchettine noun also hatchettite also called adipocerite
haversine noun
helicine adjective also helical
helicline noun
helleborine noun
Hellespontine adjective
helvine noun also helvite
hematine or hematin noun
hemicrystalline adjective same as hypocrystalline
heptine noun
herakline noun
heroine noun (not to be confused with heroin)
hexactine adjective
hexactinelline adjective
hexahydroaniline noun same as cyclohexylamine
hexamethylenetetramine noun also called hexamine, methenamine
hexamine noun same as hexamethylenetetramine also called methenamine
hexine noun also called hexoylene
hircine adjective
hirudine adjective
hirundine adjective
histamine or histamin noun
histidine or histidin noun
Holocaine® noun a brand of phenacaine
holocrine adjective
holocrystalline adjective
homatropine noun
hominine adjective
hornotine noun
hyacine (Obsolete) noun same as hyacinth
hyacinthine adjective
hyaline noun, adjective also hyalin noun
hydralazine noun
hydramine noun
hydrastine noun
hydrastinine noun
hydrazine noun
hydrocoralline noun also hydrocoral
hydroxylamine noun
hydroxyproline noun
hydroxytetracycline noun also oxytetracycline
hydroxytryptamine noun also 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin 5HT
hydroxyzine noun
hyenine adjective also hyenic
hygrine noun
hyoscine noun same as scopolamine
hyoscyamine noun
hyperfeminine adjective
hypermasculine adjective
hypersaline adjective
hypocrystalline adjective
hypoxanthine noun
hystricine noun
ianthine adjective
ibogaine noun
icterine adjective
idoxuridine noun
idrialine noun
igasurine noun
imine noun
imipramine noun
incarnadine noun, adjective, verb
indamine noun
indiscipline noun
indoaniline noun
induline noun
infantine adjective also infantile
ingine (Scottish English) noun
inquiline noun, adjective
intercolline adjective
intercrystalline adjective
interestuarine adjective
interlacustrine adjective
intermarine adjective
internecine adjective also internecive
intestine noun, adjective
intextine noun
intine noun
intrauterine adjective
iodine or iodin noun
iodoquinine noun
iodothyronine noun
iodotyrosine noun
iridoline noun
iridosmine noun also iridosmium also called osmiridium
isabelline adjective
isatine noun
isoalloxazine noun
isoleucine noun
isoline noun also isogram
isonicotine noun
isonipecaine noun
isopedine also isopedin noun
isoprenaline noun
isoxsuprine noun
jaborine noun
Jacobine proper noun (a female given name) also Jacobina
Jacqueline proper noun (a female given name) also Jacquelyn
jamaicine noun also called jamacina
jasmine noun also jessamine
Jasmine proper noun (a female given name) also Jasmin, Jasmina
Jeanine or Jeannine proper noun (a female given name)
jervine noun also called jervina
jessamine noun same as jasmine
Josephine proper noun (a female given name)
juglandine noun
kairine noun
kairoline noun
kalsomine noun, verb also calcimine noun, verb
kaoline or kaolin noun also china clay, china stone nouns
Katharine proper noun (a female given name) also Katherine, Kathryn, Kathrynne, Catherine, Cathryn
keelivine noun(Scottish English)
kerasine adjective also corneous
kerosine or kerosene noun, adjective
ketamine noun
ketine noun
laburnine noun
labyrinthine adjective also labyrinthian, labyrinthic
lacertine adjective also lacertian adjective also lacertilian noun, adjective
lacustrine adjective
lampyrine noun
landgravine noun
langoustine noun
lanoline or lanolin noun also called wool fat
lanthopine noun
larine adjective
latrine noun
laudanine noun
laurestine noun also written laurustine, laurestina
lauwine (Rare, Poetic) noun also written lawine also avalanche
legantine (Obsolete) adjective same as legatine
legatine adjective
lemurine adjective also lemuroid noun, adjective
leonine adjective
Leonine noun, adjective also Leonine verse noun
Leotine or Leotyne proper noun (a female given name)
lepidine noun
leporine adjective
leptorrhine noun, adjective also leptorhinian noun, adjective also broadnosed adjective
leucaniline noun
leucine or leucin noun
leucoline noun same as quinoline
leucomaine noun
levantine noun
Levantine noun, adjective
libertine noun, adjective
lidocaine noun also called lignocaine
ligroine or ligroin noun also benzine or benzin, petroleum ether
limacine adjective also limaciform
limicoline adjective
limousine noun
linguine or linguini noun
Lipofectamine® noun
lobeline noun
longipennine adjective
lophine noun
Lorettine noun
lupine (1) adjective
lupine (2)(American English) or lupin (British English) noun
lupinine noun
lupuline noun
lustrine noun
lutidine noun
lycine same as betaine noun
lydine noun
lymphokine noun
lysine noun
macedoine or macédoine noun
machine noun, verb
Madeline proper noun (a female given name) also Madeleine, Madelaine, Madelyn
magazine noun
malengine (Obsolete) noun
maline noun also malines
maltine noun
Malvine proper noun (a female given name) also Malvina
mandarine or mandarin noun
mandoline or mandolin noun
marceline noun
margarine noun also called oleomargarine
margravine noun
marine noun, adjective
marline or marlin noun also marling
marteline noun
Martine proper noun (a female given name) also Martina
masculine noun, adjective
masseterine adjective also massseteric
matrimoine (Obsolete) noun same as matrimony
matutine (Rare) adjective same as matutinal
maudeline noun
mauvaniline noun same as mauveine also called mauve aniline
mauveine noun also Perkin’s mauve
mauvine adjective
mazarine noun
mecamylamine noun
meclizine noun
meconidine noun
mediastine noun
medicine noun, verb
mefloquine noun
melamine noun
melaniline noun also called diphenyl guanidin
meleagrine adjective
menispermine noun also called menispermina
mepacrine (British English) also quinacrine (American English) noun
meperidine noun
mercaptopurine noun
merocrine adjective
mescaline noun
mesorhine or mesorrhine adjective
messaline noun
metalline adjective
metatoluidine noun
methacholine noun
methamphetamine noun
methantheline noun
Methedrine® noun a brand of methamphetamine
methenamine noun same as hexamethylenetetramine also called hexamine
methionine noun
methylamine noun also called monomethylamine
methylamphetamine noun same as methamphetamine
methylxanthine noun
mezzanine noun
microcrystalline adjective
milvine adjective
misseldine or misselden (Obsolete) noun same as mistletoe
moelline noun
moline adjective
molossine noun
monactine noun, adjective also monact noun, adjective
monamine noun
monoamine noun
monocrystalline adjective also monocrystal noun, adjective
monokine noun
monomethylamine noun same as methylamine
monorhine adjective also monorhinal, monorhinous
morphine noun also morphia
moschine adjective
mouline noun also moulinet
mousseline noun, adjective
multicauline adjective
multicrystalline adjective
multidiscipline noun
multiengine noun
multivoltine adjective
murine noun, adjective
murrhine or murrine adjective
muscadine noun
muscardine noun
muscarine noun
muscicapine adjective
musteline adjective
mutine (Obsolete) noun, verb
mydaleine noun
myeline or myelin noun
myrmicine adjective
myrmotherine adjective
myrrhine adjective same as murrhine
mytilotoxine noun
myxine noun
Nalline™ noun a brand of nalorphine
nalorphine noun
nandine noun
naphthalidine (noun) same as naphthylamine
naphthaline or naphthalin or naphthalene noun also called tar camphor
naphthylamine noun
narceine or narceen noun
narcissine adjective
narcotine noun also called narcotia
nardine adjective
narine adjective also narial
nasopalatine adjective
nectarine noun
nemaline adjective
nemertine adjective
neoarsphenamine noun
neossine noun
neostigmine noun
Neo-Synephrine™ noun a brand of phenylephrine
nepheline noun also nephelite
nerine noun
nervine noun, adjective
neurine or neurin noun
neuroendocrine noun
neurovaccine noun
nickeline noun also called niccolite
nicotianine noun
nicotidine noun
nicotine noun
nifedipine noun
nigraniline noun also called aniline black
nigrine noun
nigrosine or nigrosin noun
nitraniline noun
nitratine noun same as soda niter also called Chile saltpeter
nitroglycerine or nitroglycerin noun also called glonoin, glyceryl trinitrate, trinitroglycerine
nitrosamine noun
noctilucine adjective
nodosarine noun, adjective
nonasbestine adjective
noncaffeine noun
nonclandestine adjective
noncrystalline adjective
nongenuine adjective
nonmarine noun, adjective
nonmasculine adjective
nonoscine adjective
nonpasserine noun, adjective
nonroutine noun, adjective
nonsaccharine noun, adjective
nonsaline adjective
nonsanguine adjective
nonuterine adjective
noradrenaline (British English) noun also norepinephrine (American English) noun
Norbertine noun same as Premonstrant, Premonstratensian
nortriptyline noun
Novocaine® noun tradename of procaine hydrochloride
nummuline noun, adjective also nummulite noun
nundine noun
Observantine noun
odontophorine adjective also odontophoral, odontophorous
odorline (Obsolete) noun
oleandrine noun
olefine or olefin noun
oleine or olein noun
oleomargarine noun same as margarine
olivine noun also called chrysolite
omphacine adjective
ondine noun same as undine
opaline noun, adjective also opalescent adjective
opianine noun
orciprenaline noun
organochlorine noun
organzine noun
ornithine noun
orphaline or orpheline (Obsolete) noun also orphan
orphenadrine noun
orpine or orpin noun also livelong also called live-forever
orthocaine noun
ortho-toluidine noun
oscine noun, adjective
oscinine adjective
osteodentine noun
otarine adjective
ouarine noun
overdiscipline (this word is a verb only)
overfeminine adjective
oversanguine adjective
ovibovine adjective
ovine adjective
oxalethyline noun
oxaline noun also glyoxaline
oxamidine noun
oxazine noun
oxymetazoline noun
oxyneurine noun same as betaine
oxyquinoline noun also called carbostyril
oxyrrhodine noun
oxytetracycline noun also hydroxytetracycline
paeonine noun also called red coralline
palatine noun, adjective
Palatine noun
Palestine proper noun
palsgravine noun
paludine adjective
Paludrine™ noun trademark for proguanil hydrochloride
palustrine adjective
pantherine adjective
pantine noun
papaverine noun
papyrine adjective also papyral, papyrian
paraconine noun
paracrine adjective
paradoxurine noun, adjective also paradoxure noun
paraffine or paraffin noun, verb
paragrandine noun
paramorphine noun same as thebaine
paranitroaniline or para-nitroaniline noun also paranitraniline
para-phenetidine noun
pararosaniline noun
para-toluidine noun
pardine adjective
pargyline noun
parietine (Obsolete) noun
parkesine noun also called xylotile
parochine (Scottish English) noun
parvoline noun
passerine noun, adjective
patine (1) noun, verb also patina noun
patine (2) or patin or paten noun
Pauline proper noun (a female given name), adjective
pavonine adjective
paytine noun
pebrine noun
pelegrine (Obsolete) adjective same as peregrine (in adjectival form)
pelerine noun
pemoline noun
penduline noun
penicillamine noun
pennine noun also penninite
pentamethylenediamine noun same as cadaverine
pentamidine noun
pentaquine noun
pentazocine noun
pentine noun same as valerylene
peperine noun also peperino
pepsine or pepsin noun
peptotoxine noun
percaline noun
percine noun
perdicine adjective
peregrine noun, adjective
pericline noun
periuterine adjective
perivitelline adjective
perphenazine noun
perseline noun
petaline adjective
petaurine noun, adjective also petaurist noun also flying phalanger noun
pethidine noun also called pethidine hydrochloride
Petrine adjective
petroline noun
petrostearine noun
phalangistine or Phalangistine noun same as phalangist or Phalangist or Falangist
phanerocrystalline adjective also phaneritic
phenacaine noun
phenacetine or phenacetin noun
phenanthridine noun
phenanthroline noun
phenarsazine adjective
phenazine noun same as antipyrine also called azophenylene
phenazopyridine noun
phencyclidine noun also called angel dust, PCP
phenelzine noun
phenetidine or phenetidin noun
phenicine noun
pheniramine noun
phenmetrazine noun
phenosafranine noun
phenothiazine noun
phentermine noun
phentolamine noun
phenylalanine noun also called phenylaminopropionic acid
phenylamine noun same as aniline as a noun
phenyldiethanolamine noun
phenylephrine noun
phenylethylamine noun
phenylpropanolamine noun also called PPA
phialine adjective
Philippine adjective also Filipino noun, adjective
philistine or Philistine noun, adjective
phloramine noun
phloroglucine noun also phloroglucin, phloroglucinol
phocine adjective
phosphatidylcholine noun also lecithin
phosphatidylethanolamine noun
phosphatidylserine noun
phosphine noun
phosphocholine noun
phosphocreatine or phosphocreatin noun also called creatine phosphate
phthalocyanine noun
phycocyanine noun
phycoerythrine noun
phycophaeine noun
phycoxanthine noun
phyllorhine adjective
physostigmine or physostigmin noun also called eserine
picine adjective
picoline noun
picotine noun
picrocarmine noun
pieridine adjective also pierid noun, adjective
pilocarpine or pilocarpin noun
piperazidine noun same as piperazine
piperazine noun
piperidine noun
piperine noun
piperocaine noun
piprine adjective
piscine adjective
pithecanthropine adjective also pithecanthropic
Plasticine™ noun
platyrhine or platyrrhine noun, adjective also platyrhinian or platyrrinian
plicidentine noun
polverine noun
polyactine noun
polyamine noun
polycrystalline adjective
polycystine noun, adjective
polyendocrine adjective
polylysine noun
polypine adjective
polyvoltine adjective same as multivoltine
pomarine adjective
pomptine adjective same as pontine
pontine adjective
Pontine adjective
porcine adjective
porcupine noun
porpentine (Obsolete) noun same as porcupine
postpalatine adjective
post-Petrine adjective
post-Tridentine adjective
postuterine adjective
poulaine noun
poutine noun
praline noun
pre-Augustine adjective
pre-Byzantine adjective
precrystalline adjective
prediscipline noun, verb
pre-Petrine adjective
prequarantine noun, verb
presanguine adjective
pre-Tridentine adjective
primaquine noun
primine noun
primuline noun
pristine adjective
procaine noun
procarbazine noun
pro-Florentine adjective
prolamine or prolamin noun
proline noun
promethazine noun
promine noun
pro-Philippine adjective
propine (Scottish English) noun, verb
propylamine noun
protamine noun
prothalline adjective also prothallial, prothallic
protogine noun
protopine noun
pseudocrystalline adjective
pseudodivine adjective
pseudoephedrine noun
pseudofeminine adjective
pseudomasculine adjective
pseudoviperine adjective
psittacine adjective
psocine adjective
pteridine noun
pterygopalatine adjective
ptomaine or ptomain noun
pulverine noun
purine or purin noun
purline or purlin noun
putrescine noun
pyrazine noun
pyrazoline noun
pyrethrine noun
Pyribenzamine® noun trademark for tripelennamine
pyridine noun
pyridostigmine noun
pyridoxamine noun
pyridoxine or pyridoxin noun
pyrimethamine noun
pyrimidine noun
pyrithiamine noun
pyronine noun
pyroxyline or pyroxylin noun
pyrrhotine noun also pyrrhotite
pyrrolidine noun
pyrroline noun
quarantine noun, verb
quartine noun
quasicrystalline adjective
quasi-genuine adjective
quasi-sanguine adjective
quercine adjective
quinacrine (American English) also mepacrine (British English) noun
quinaldine noun also written chinaldine
quinazoline noun
quinicine noun
quinidine noun
quinine noun
quinizine noun
quinoidine noun written also chinoidine
quinoline noun written also chinoline also called leucoline
quinonimine noun
quinoxaline or quinoxalin noun
quintine noun
quinzaine or quinzain noun
rabatine (Obsolete) noun same as rabato
radioiodine noun
ralline adjective
ramapithecine noun, adjective
ranine adjective
ranitidine noun
rapine noun
ravine noun
rediscipline (this word is a verb only)
reguline adjective
relumine (this word is a verb only)
Renardine adjective
reserpine noun
resupine adjective
retine noun
Rexine® noun
rhabarbarine noun also chrysophanic acid
Rhadamanthine adjective
rhaponticine noun also chrysophanic acid
rhinolophine adjective
rhizine noun also rhizoid noun, adjective
rhodamine noun
rhoeadine noun
riboflavine or riboflavin noun also called lactoflavin, vitamin B2, vitamin G
ricinine noun
riverine adjective
romeine noun
rosaniline noun
roseine noun same as magenta
rosmarine (Obsolete) noun
routine noun, adjective
rubidine noun
rubine or rubin (Obsolete) noun same as ruby (as a noun)
rucervine adjective
Rudolphine adjective
rugine noun same as raspatory
rupicoline adjective
rusine adjective
Sabbatine adjective
Sabine noun, adjective
sabuline adjective also sabulous
saccharine adjective
safranine or safranin noun
salamandrine adjective
salicine or salicin noun
saline noun, adjective
saltine noun
sanguinarine noun
sanguine noun, adjective
sanidine noun
saponine or saponin noun
sapphirine noun, adjective
sarcoline adjective
sarcosine noun
sardine noun
sasine (Scottish English) noun
sassoline noun also sassolite
saturnine adjective
savine or savin noun
sawine or sewine noun
saxicoline adjective also saxicolous
scaloppine noun also scallopini
sciurine adjective
scolopacine adjective
scolopendrine adjective
scopeline adjective also scopeloid noun, adjective
scopolamine noun also called hyoscine
secundine noun
seine noun
selegiline noun
self-doctrine noun
semicrystalline adjective
semidivine adjective
semimarine noun, adjective
semisaline adjective
semitontine noun, adjective
sentine (Obsolete) noun
sepaline adjective also sepaloid
seraphine noun
serine noun
serotine 1. adjective also serotinous 2. noun
serpentine noun, adjective, verb
servaline adjective
sialine adjective also sialic
sibylline adjective also sibylic or sibyllic
silkaline or silkoline or silkolene noun
simazine noun
sinamine noun also called allyl melamine
sinapine noun
sinapoline noun also called diallyl urea
sincaline noun same as choline also written sinkaline
Sistine adjective also Sixtine
sittine adjective
smaltine noun also smaltite
smaragdine noun, adjective also smaragd noun
socotrine noun, adjective
solanicine noun same as solanine
solanidine noun same as solanine
solanine noun
sordine (American English) or sourdine (British English) noun also sordino (Italian)
soricine adjective
Sorrentine adjective
sourdeline adjective
sourdine noun
sozine or sozin noun
sparteine noun
speakerine (British English) noun
spermine noun
spessartine noun also spessartite
sphingosine noun
stanine noun
stannine noun also stannite
staphyline adjective also botryoid
stearine or stearin noun
stenodermine adjective
stenohaline adjective
stibine noun also called antimony hydride
stovaine noun
strepsorhine noun, adjective
strigine adjective
strobiline adjective also strobilaceous, strobiliform
struthionine adjective also struthious
strychnine noun also strychnina, strychnia
sturnine adjective also sturnoid
subalpine adjective
subapennine adjective
subcrystalline adjective
subdiscipline noun
subdivine adjective
subestuarine adjective
subhyaline or subhyalin adjective
sublacustrine adjective
sub-machine adjective
submarine noun, adjective, verb
suboscine noun, adjective
sub-Pontine adjective
subroutine noun
subsaline adjective
subursine adjective
succinylcholine noun
succubine adjective
suilline adjective
suine noun
sulfacytine noun
sulfadiazine or sulphadiazine noun
sulfadimidine (British English) noun also sulfamethazine (American English)
sulfadoxine or sulphadoxine noun
sulfamethazine (American English) noun also sulfadimidine (British English)
sulfamezathine noun same as sulfamethazine
sulfapyridine noun
sulfarsphenamine noun
sulfasalazine noun
sulphadiazine or sulfadiazine noun
sulphadoxine or sulfadoxine noun
sulphine noun
sulphurine adjective also sulphureous
supercanine noun, adjective
superdivine adjective
superfeminine adjective
superheroine noun
supermarine adjective
supermasculine adjective
supermedicine noun
supersanguine adjective
supine noun, adjective
sycamine noun
sylphidine adjective also sylphid noun, adjective
sylphine adjective
sylvicoline adjective
sylviine adjective
sylvine or sylvin noun also sylvite
synallaxine adjective
syncline noun
taborine noun also tabor
tacrine noun
tagine or tajine noun
tambourine noun
tamine noun also taminy, tammy
tanagrine adjective
tangerine noun, adjective
tartarine (Obsolete) noun same as potasium carbonate
tartine noun
tartrazine noun also Yellow No. 5
tarwhine noun
taurine noun, adjective
taxine noun also called taxia
telecine noun
telemedicine noun
tercine noun
terebinthine adjective
teredine noun also teredo
terrine noun
tetracaine noun
tetractine noun, adjective also tetract
tetracycline noun
tetramethyldiarsine noun also cacodyl, dicacodyl
tetrazine or tetrazin noun
textrine adjective
thalline noun, adjective
Theatine noun
thebaine noun
theine noun also caffeine or caffein
theobromine noun
theophylline noun also called dimethylxanthine
thermifugine noun
thermocline noun
thermohaline adjective
thetine noun
thialdine noun
thiamine or noun thiamin also called vitamin B1, aneurin, aneurine
thiazine noun
thionine or thionin noun
thionoline noun
thioridazine noun
thiosinamine noun also called allylthiourea
threonine noun
thyine adjective
thylacine noun also called Tasmanian tiger, Tasmanian wolf
thymidine noun
thymine noun
thyroxine or thyroxin noun
tichorrhine noun
tigerine (Rare) adjective also tigrine, tigerish
tigrine adjective
timaline adjective
timburine (Obsolete) noun same as tambourine
tobine noun
tolidine noun
tolazoline noun
toluidine noun
tolypeutine noun also apar
tontine noun
topazine adjective
torrentine adjective
totaquine noun
tourmaline or tourmalin or turmaline noun
toxine noun
tragelaphine adjective
traguline adjective
trampoline noun
transalpine noun, adjective
transandine adjective
transcrystalline adjective
transmarine adjective
transpalatine adjective
transpontine adjective
transriverine adjective
transuterine adjective
travertine or travertin noun also called calc-sinter
trephine noun, verb
triactine adjective
triamine noun
triazine or triazin noun
tricotine noun also cavalry twill
Tridentine adjective
triethylamine noun
trifluoperazine noun
triiodothyronine noun
trimethylamine noun
trimethylglycine same as betaine noun
tripelennamine noun
triphenylamine noun
triphyline noun also triphylite
tripoline adjective
Tripoline adjective
trochantine noun
tropeine noun
tropidine noun
tropine noun
trypaflavine noun same as acriflavine hydrochloride
tryptamine noun
tubocurarine noun
turbine noun
turdine adjective
turmaline or tourmaline or tourmalin noun
turpentine noun, verb
tyramine noun
tyrocidine noun
tyrosine noun
tyrotoxine noun same as tyrotoxicon
ultrafeminine adjective
ultramarine noun, adjective
ultramasculine adjective
umbrine noun
uncrystalline adjective
undine noun also written ondine
undiscipline noun same as indiscipline
undivine adjective
unequine adjective
unfeline adjective
unfeminine adjective
ungenuine adjective
univoltine adjective
unmarine adjective
unmasculine adjective
unroutine adjective
unsaccharine adjective
unsaline adjective
unsanguine adjective
unsupine adjective
unvulturine adjective also unvulturous
uridine noun
urine noun
ursine adjective
Ursuline noun, adjective
uterine adjective
vaccine noun, adjective
vaginicoline (Rare) adjective
valentine noun
valeridine noun
valeritrine noun
valine noun
Vaseline® noun a trademark for petrolatum
vasodentine noun
vaticine (Obsolete) noun same as vaticination
veloutine noun
venine or venin or venene noun
venturine noun
veratralbine noun
veratridine noun
veratrine or veratrin noun also veratria
verdine noun
verine noun
vernine noun
versine or versin noun also versed sine
vesicouterine adjective
vespertilionine adjective also vesptertilionid noun, adjective
vespertine adjective also vespertinal
vespine adjective
vesuvine noun also called Bismarck brown, Manchester brown
vicereine noun
vicine (Rare) adjective same as vicinal
victorine noun
Victorine noun
vidarabine noun also called adenosine arabinoside
vinblastine noun
vincaleukoblastine noun same as vinblastine sulfate
vincristine noun
violaniline noun
violine noun
viperine adjective
viridine noun
Visine® noun
vitamine or vitamin noun
vitelline adjective
vitrine noun
vituline adjective
viverrine noun, adjective also viverrid noun, adjective
voltzine noun
volucrine adjective
vomerine adjective
vomicine noun same as brucine
vulpine adjective also vulpecular
vulturine adjective also vulturous
vulvo-uterine adjective
waldgravine noun
warine noun
wolverine noun also called carcajou, glutton
wrightine noun
xanthine noun
xanthinine noun
xanthopterine or xanthopterin noun
xanthopuccine noun
Xenophontine adjective also Xenophontian
xenurine noun also cabassou or kabassou
xylidine noun
xyloidine or xyloidin noun
yeldrine noun also yellow-hammer also called yeldrock, yoldrin
yohimbine noun
zebrine adjective also zebroid noun, adjective
zibeline or zibelline noun, adjective
zidovudine noun same as azidothymidine also called AZT
zooerythrine noun
zygaenine adjective
This list is expanded and updated regularly.
The words on this list are nouns and/or adjectives. In a small number of cases, some are also verbs and are so noted.
aberdevine noun
abietine noun
acacine noun also gum arabic
acalycine adjective also acalysinous
acanthine adjective
acarine noun, adjective also acarian adjective
acauline adjective also acaulous, acaulose
accipitrine adjective also accipitral
acervuline adjective
acetanisidine noun same as methacetin
acetylaniline noun same as acetanilide
acetylcholine noun
acolyctine noun
aconitine noun
acridine noun
acriflavine noun also called neutral acriflavine, euflavine, trypaflavine neutral
adamantine adjective
adenine noun
adenosine noun
adrenaline noun
adulterine adjective
aedine adjective
aegirine noun also aegirite
aeromedicine noun also aviation medicine
affine noun, adjective
agatine adjective
alabamine noun
alabandine noun also alabandite
alabastrine adjective also alabaster noun, adjective
alanine noun
albespine noun
alcidine adjective also alcid noun, adjective
Aldine noun, adjective
alepine (Obsolete) noun
Alexandrine or alexandrine noun, adjective
alexine or alexin noun
algerine noun
Algerine noun, adjective
alizarine or alizarin noun
alkaline adjective
alkine or alkyne noun
almandine noun also written almondine
alpestrine adjective also subalpine adjective
Alphonsine adjective
Alpine noun, adjective
alpine adjective
altheine noun same as asparagine
alumine noun same as alumina also called aluminum oxide
alvine (Obsolete) adjective also intestinal
amandine adjective
amanitine noun
amantadine noun
amaranthine adjective also written amarantine
amarine noun
amethystine adjective also amethyst noun, adjective
amianthine adjective
amidine noun
amine noun
aminophylline noun
aminopurine noun
aminopyrine noun same as aminophenazone
amitriptyline or amitryptyline noun
ammine noun also ammoniate, ammonate (nouns)
amphetamine noun
amygdaline adjective
anatine adjective
andesine noun
Andine adjective also Andean (adjective)
aneurine or aneurin noun same as thiamine
Angevine or Angevin noun, adjective
anguine adjective
aniline noun, adjective also anilin noun
animalculine adjective also animalcular, animalculous adjectives
annotine noun
anopheline noun, adjective
anserine adjective also anserous adjective
antalkaline noun, adjective also antalkali noun
anticline noun
antifebrine noun same as acetanilide, acetanilid nouns
antifeminine adjective
antiheroine noun
antihistamine noun
antilopine adjective
antimachine adjective
antimedicine adjective
antipyrine noun also called phenazine
antisubmarine adjective
antitoxine noun
Apennine adjective
apocodeine noun
apocrine adjective
apomorphine or apomorphin noun
aquamarine noun
aquiline adjective
arabinosylcytosine noun same as cytosine arabinoside
arccosine or arc cosine noun
archine noun same as arshine or arshin
arcsine or arc sine noun
ardassine noun
arecoline noun
argentamine noun
argentine noun, adjective
Argentine noun, adjective also Argentinean noun, adjective
arginine noun
aricine noun
armozine or armozeen noun
arnicine noun
arpine (Obsolete) noun same as arpent
Arretine adjective
arshine or arshin noun
arsine noun
arsphenamine noun
arvicoline adjective
asbestine adjective also asbestous adjective
asine (Obsolete) noun also she-ass
asinine adjective
asparagine noun
astatine noun
Atabrine™ (American English) or Atebrin™ (British English) noun a brand of quinacrine
atherine noun, adjective
atrazine noun
atropine or atropin noun
aubergine noun, adjective
australopithecine noun, adjective
austrine (Obsolete) adjective same as austral adjective
avanturine or aventurine or aventurin noun
Aventine noun, adjective
aventurine or aventurin noun also called goldstone
avine adjective also avian
azatadine [maleate] noun
azathioprine noun
azidothymidine noun also AZT®
azine noun
azotine or azotin noun
azurine noun, adjective
baculine adjective
baladine (Archaic) noun
balaustine noun, adjective
balsamine noun
balzarine noun
bandoline noun
banjorine noun
Banthine® noun a brand of methantheline
barbotine noun
baregine noun
barkantine or barkentine or barquantine or barquentine noun
basquine noun
bebeerine noun also written bebirine
beguine noun
bellarmine noun also called graybeard, longbeard
belluine (Rare) adjective also brutal
Benedictine noun, adjective
bengaline noun
benzamine same as eucaine
Benzedrine® noun a trademark for amphetamine
benzidine noun
benzine or benzin noun also ligroine or ligroin, petroleum ether
benzocaine noun
benzodiazepine noun
benzoglyoxaline noun same as benzimidazole
benzoline (Rare) noun 1. same as benzole 2. same as amarine
benzylidine noun
berberine nounberline or berlin noun
Bernardine noun, adjective
beryline or berylline adjective
betaine or betain noun also called lycine, oxyneurine, trimethylglycine
bibirine see bebeerine
biforine noun
biomedicine noun
Biphetamine® pronoun
Bipontine adjective
bisontine adjective
bismuthine noun
Bizantine see Byzantine
blondine noun, verb
bocasine noun
bombasine noun same as bombazine
bombazine noun also written bombasine, bombazeen
bottine noun
bovine noun, adjective
Brabantine adjective
brankursine noun
brigandine noun
brigantine noun
brilliantine noun
bromine noun
bromocriptine noun
bronzine noun, adjective
brucine noun
bubaline adjective
bufotenine noun
bulgine or bullgine noun also steam locomotive
buntine noun
butterine noun
butylamine noun
buxine noun also called buxina same as bebeerine
byssine adjective
Byzantine noun, adjective
caballine noun, adjective
cacaine noun same as theobromine
cadaverine noun also called pentamethylenediamine
caffeine or caffein noun
calabarine noun
calamine noun
calcarine adjective
calcimine noun, verb also kalsomine noun, verb
calcine noun, verb
calycine adjective also calycinal
cambrasine noun
cameline noun
camphine noun
cancrine adjective
canine noun, adjective
cannabine adjective
cantharidine or cantharidin noun
canthaxanthine adjective
capeline or cappeline noun
Capitoline noun, adjective
cappadine noun
cappeline or capeline noun
capreoline adjective
caprine adjective
capsicine noun
carabine or carabin noun variant of carbine
carbamazepine noun
carbamidine noun same as guanidine
carbamine noun
carbylamine also isocyanide nouns
carbine (1)noun
carbine (2)noun also called carabine, carabin
cardamine noun
carline or carlin noun
carmine noun
carnitine noun
Caroline adjective
carthamine noun
cassine or cassene noun also cassina, cassena
castanospermine noun
catarhine adjective also catarrhine noun, adjective
catarrhine noun, adjective also catarrhinian noun, adjective
catecholamine noun
Catherine (roper noun - a female given name also Cathryn, Katherine, Katharine, Kathryn
cauline adjective
cedrine adjective
celandine noun
Celestine proper noun
cephaloridine noun
ceratine adjective also sophistical
ceresine noun
cervine adjective
cespitine noun
chalcosiine adjective
chelerythrine noun same as sanguinarine
chemokine noun same as cytokine
chinaldine see quinaldine
chioppine noun same as chopine or chopin
chloramine noun
chlorine noun
chloriodine (Rare) noun
chloroquine noun
chlorphenoxamine noun
chlorpromazine noun
chlortetracycline noun
cholerine noun
cholestyramine noun
choline noun
chondrophorine adjective
chopine or chopin noun also written chioppine
chorine noun also chorus girl
Christine proper noun - a female given name
chrysaniline noun
chryselephantine adjective
chrysoidine noun
cicutine noun also called conicine
cimetidine noun
cinchonidine noun
cinchonine noun
cinnabarine adjective also cinnabaric
cinnarizine noun
cinnoline noun
circuline adjective
cisalpine adjective
cispontine (Archaic) adjective
citrine noun, adjective
citrulline noun
clandestine adjective
clementine noun
Clementine noun - a feminine given name also Clementina
clepsine noun
cloacaline adjective also cloacal
clonidine noun
cobalamine or cobalamin noun also vitamin B12
cobaltine noun also cobaltite noun
cocaine or cocain noun
codeine noun also codeina, codeia nouns
coelacanthine adjective
colamine noun same as ethanolamine
colbertine (Obsolete) noun
colchicine noun
colicine noun
collidine noun
colline (Obsolete) noun
colubrine adjective
columbine (1) noun (Botany) also called aquilegia
columbine (2) adjective also dovelike
Columbine noun - a female given name
compline or complin noun
conchinine noun same as quinidine
concubine noun
coneine see conine
conhydrine noun
conicine noun same as cicutine
coniine noun also conine, conin nouns
consanguine adjective also consanguineal
contadine noun (Italian)
conyrine noun
copataine (Obsolete) adjective
coralline noun, adjective also coralloid adjective
coramine noun
cordyline noun
coregonine adjective
coridine noun also written corindine
corindine noun same as coridine
corolline adjective
coroutine noun
corrovaline noun
corticine noun
corvine adjective
corydaline noun
cosine noun also cos
cosmoline noun
cotarnine noun
coteline noun
covelline noun also called indigo copper
crapaudine noun
creatine or creatin noun
creatinine noun
crepoline noun
crepusculine (Obsolete) adjective same as crepuscular
crinoline noun
croceine or crocein noun
crocine adjective
crotaline adjective
crotonine noun
cryptidine noun
cryptocrystalline adjective
cryptopine noun
crystalline adjective
cuisine noun
culicine adjective
cumidine noun
curarine noun
curcumine adjective
cyanine or cyanin noun
cyanocobalamine or cyanocobalamin noun
cyanoguanidine noun same as dicyandiamide
cyclazocine noun
cyclizine noun
cyclobenzaprine noun
cyclohexylamine noun also called aminocyclohexane, hexahydroaniline
cycloserine noun
cyclosporine or cyclosporin noun
cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine noun also known as RDX, cyclonite
cymidine noun
cyprine adjective also cyprinoid noun, adjective
cyproheptadine noun
cystathionine noun
cysteamine noun
cysteine noun
cystine noun
cytarabine noun also cytosine arabinoside, ara-C
cytidine noun
cytisine noun
cytokine noun
cytosine noun
dasyurine noun
daturine noun same as atropine also called daturia, daturina
dauphine noun
decamine noun
decine noun also called decenylene
Delphine proper noun (a female given name)
delphinine noun
dentine or dentin noun
deoxytetracycline noun also doxycycline
dermatine adjective
deserpidine noun
desipramine noun
desmine noun same as stilbite
dessiatine noun also written dessyatine
dexamphetamine noun
Dexedrine® noun brand of dextroamphetamine
dexfenfluramine noun
dextrine or dextrin noun also called British gum
dextroamphetamine noun
diacetylmorphine noun also heroin (not to be confused with heroine)
diactine noun, adjective
diamantine adjective
diamine noun
diaminopropyltetramethylenediamine noun
diamorphine noun also heroin (not to be confused with heroine)
diazine or diazin noun
didelphine adjective also didelphian
didine adjective
diethylcarbamazine [citrate] noun
diethylamine noun
dietine noun
dihydrocodeine noun
dihydroergotamine noun
dimethylhydrazine noun
dimethylamine noun
dimethylaniline noun
dimethylnitrosamine noun
dimethyltryptamine noun
dimethylxanthine noun same as theophylline
diophantine adjective
diphenhydramine noun
diphenylamine noun
dipyridine noun
discipline noun, verb
dispoline noun
divine noun, adjective, verb
doctrine noun
doline noun also dolina
domine noun
dopamine noun
doucine (noun) also cyma recta (noun)
dourine (noun)
doxycycline noun same as deoxytetracycline
dracontine adjective
dragantine noun
draisine noun
Dramamine® noun a trademark of dimenhydrinate
dryopithecine noun, adjective or Dryopithecine noun
duboisine noun
duvetine or duvetyne, duvetyn noun
dyeline adjective
eburnine adjective
ecboline noun
eccrine adjective
ecgonine noun
echidnine noun
ectocrine noun
eglantine noun
ektexine noun
elaphine adjective
elapine adjective
electrine adjective
elephantine adjective
emeraldine noun
emetine or emetin noun
Emmeline proper noun (a female given name)
enamine noun
encephaline or encephalin or enkephaline or enkephalin noun
endexine noun
endocrine noun, adjective also endocrinal, endocrinic adjectives
endoctrine (Obsolete - this word is a verb only)
engine noun
enkephaline or enkephalin or encephaline or encephalin noun
enlumine (Obsolete - this word is a verb only)
ensanguine (this word is a verb only)
enteroendocrine adjective
eosine or eosin noun also called bromoeosin, tetrabromofluorescein
ephedrine or ephedrin noun
epinephrine or epinephrin noun also called adrenaline
equine noun, adjective
ergonovine noun
ergotamine noun
ergothioneine noun
ergotine or ergotin noun
ergotoxine noun
ermine noun, adjective
errhine noun, adjective
erthine noun
erythrine noun
erythrophleine noun
erythrosine noun
escharine adjective
eserine noun same as physostigmine or physostigmin
Esquiline noun
estuarine adjective
esurine (Obsolete) noun, adjective
etamine noun
ethamine noun same as ethylamine
ethanolamine noun also called colamine
etheostomine adjective
ethine or ethyne noun same as acetylene
ethionine noun
ethmovomerine noun
ethylamine noun
eucaine noun also called benzamine
euchlorine or euchlorin noun
euflavine noun same as acriflavine
Eugubine adjective
euryhaline adjective
exine also extine nouns
exocrine noun, adjective
exsanguine adjective
extine noun same as exine
extrauterine adjective
falconine adjective
famine noun
fanzine noun
farandine (Obsolete) noun
fascine noun
feline noun, adjective
feminine noun, adjective
ferine adjective also feral
ferrandine noun
fescennine adjective
fibrine adjective
figuline noun, adjective
figurine noun also statuette
flavaniline noun
flavine (1) (C14H15N3Cl2) noun
flavine (2) or flavin (C10H6N4O2) noun
Florentine noun, adjective
fluocerine noun
fluorine or fluorin noun
fluoxetine noun
fluphenazine noun
fluviomarine adjective
fluvoxamine also SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor noun
forestine adjective
fringilline adjective also fringillid noun, adjective
fuchsine or fuchsin noun also called basic fuchsin, basic magenta, magenta
fumarine noun
furfurine noun
fuscine (Rare) noun
gabardine or gaberdine noun
galactosamine noun
galatine same as galantine noun
galantamine noun
galantine also galatine noun
galeopithecine adjective
gallamine noun
gamine noun, adjective
ganoine or ganoin noun
gasoline (American English) also petrol (British English) noun
gelatine or gelatin noun
gelsemine noun also called gelsemia
gelseminine noun same as gelsemine
gentianine noun
genuine adjective
geomedicine noun
geraniine or geranine noun
Ghibelline noun, adjective
gigantine (Obsolete) adjective same as gigantic
Gilbertine noun, adjective
giraffine adjective
gismondine noun
glassine noun
glaucine noun, adjective
gliadine or gliadin noun
glonoine noun 1. same as nitroglycerin also called oil of glonoin 2. diluted nitroglycerin
glucosamine noun
glutamine noun
glutazine noun
glycerine or glycerin noun same as glycerol
glycine noun also called aminoacetic acid, glycocoll
glycosine noun
glyoxaline noun same as imidazole
gnoscopine noun
gorilline adjective also gorillian
gossypine adjective
gradine or gradin noun
gralline adjective
gratine adjective
gregarine noun, adjective
grenadine noun
guanethidine noun
guanidine noun also called carbamidine, iminourea
guanine noun
guanosine noun
guaranine noun same as caffeine
guillotine noun, verb
gutturine (Obsolet) adjective
haberdine noun
half-divine adjective
half-feminine adjective
haloxyline noun
harmaline noun
harmine noun
hatchettine noun also hatchettite also called adipocerite
haversine noun
helicine adjective also helical
helicline noun
helleborine noun
Hellespontine adjective
helvine noun also helvite
hematine or hematin noun
hemicrystalline adjective same as hypocrystalline
heptine noun
herakline noun
heroine noun (not to be confused with heroin)
hexactine adjective
hexactinelline adjective
hexahydroaniline noun same as cyclohexylamine
hexamethylenetetramine noun also called hexamine, methenamine
hexamine noun same as hexamethylenetetramine also called methenamine
hexine noun also called hexoylene
hircine adjective
hirudine adjective
hirundine adjective
histamine or histamin noun
histidine or histidin noun
Holocaine® noun a brand of phenacaine
holocrine adjective
holocrystalline adjective
homatropine noun
hominine adjective
hornotine noun
hyacine (Obsolete) noun same as hyacinth
hyacinthine adjective
hyaline noun, adjective also hyalin noun
hydralazine noun
hydramine noun
hydrastine noun
hydrastinine noun
hydrazine noun
hydrocoralline noun also hydrocoral
hydroxylamine noun
hydroxyproline noun
hydroxytetracycline noun also oxytetracycline
hydroxytryptamine noun also 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin 5HT
hydroxyzine noun
hyenine adjective also hyenic
hygrine noun
hyoscine noun same as scopolamine
hyoscyamine noun
hyperfeminine adjective
hypermasculine adjective
hypersaline adjective
hypocrystalline adjective
hypoxanthine noun
hystricine noun
ianthine adjective
ibogaine noun
icterine adjective
idoxuridine noun
idrialine noun
igasurine noun
imine noun
imipramine noun
incarnadine noun, adjective, verb
indamine noun
indiscipline noun
indoaniline noun
induline noun
infantine adjective also infantile
ingine (Scottish English) noun
inquiline noun, adjective
intercolline adjective
intercrystalline adjective
interestuarine adjective
interlacustrine adjective
intermarine adjective
internecine adjective also internecive
intestine noun, adjective
intextine noun
intine noun
intrauterine adjective
iodine or iodin noun
iodoquinine noun
iodothyronine noun
iodotyrosine noun
iridoline noun
iridosmine noun also iridosmium also called osmiridium
isabelline adjective
isatine noun
isoalloxazine noun
isoleucine noun
isoline noun also isogram
isonicotine noun
isonipecaine noun
isopedine also isopedin noun
isoprenaline noun
isoxsuprine noun
jaborine noun
Jacobine proper noun (a female given name) also Jacobina
Jacqueline proper noun (a female given name) also Jacquelyn
jamaicine noun also called jamacina
jasmine noun also jessamine
Jasmine proper noun (a female given name) also Jasmin, Jasmina
Jeanine or Jeannine proper noun (a female given name)
jervine noun also called jervina
jessamine noun same as jasmine
Josephine proper noun (a female given name)
juglandine noun
kairine noun
kairoline noun
kalsomine noun, verb also calcimine noun, verb
kaoline or kaolin noun also china clay, china stone nouns
Katharine proper noun (a female given name) also Katherine, Kathryn, Kathrynne, Catherine, Cathryn
keelivine noun(Scottish English)
kerasine adjective also corneous
kerosine or kerosene noun, adjective
ketamine noun
ketine noun
laburnine noun
labyrinthine adjective also labyrinthian, labyrinthic
lacertine adjective also lacertian adjective also lacertilian noun, adjective
lacustrine adjective
lampyrine noun
landgravine noun
langoustine noun
lanoline or lanolin noun also called wool fat
lanthopine noun
larine adjective
latrine noun
laudanine noun
laurestine noun also written laurustine, laurestina
lauwine (Rare, Poetic) noun also written lawine also avalanche
legantine (Obsolete) adjective same as legatine
legatine adjective
lemurine adjective also lemuroid noun, adjective
leonine adjective
Leonine noun, adjective also Leonine verse noun
Leotine or Leotyne proper noun (a female given name)
lepidine noun
leporine adjective
leptorrhine noun, adjective also leptorhinian noun, adjective also broadnosed adjective
leucaniline noun
leucine or leucin noun
leucoline noun same as quinoline
leucomaine noun
levantine noun
Levantine noun, adjective
libertine noun, adjective
lidocaine noun also called lignocaine
ligroine or ligroin noun also benzine or benzin, petroleum ether
limacine adjective also limaciform
limicoline adjective
limousine noun
linguine or linguini noun
Lipofectamine® noun
lobeline noun
longipennine adjective
lophine noun
Lorettine noun
lupine (1) adjective
lupine (2)(American English) or lupin (British English) noun
lupinine noun
lupuline noun
lustrine noun
lutidine noun
lycine same as betaine noun
lydine noun
lymphokine noun
lysine noun
macedoine or macédoine noun
machine noun, verb
Madeline proper noun (a female given name) also Madeleine, Madelaine, Madelyn
magazine noun
malengine (Obsolete) noun
maline noun also malines
maltine noun
Malvine proper noun (a female given name) also Malvina
mandarine or mandarin noun
mandoline or mandolin noun
marceline noun
margarine noun also called oleomargarine
margravine noun
marine noun, adjective
marline or marlin noun also marling
marteline noun
Martine proper noun (a female given name) also Martina
masculine noun, adjective
masseterine adjective also massseteric
matrimoine (Obsolete) noun same as matrimony
matutine (Rare) adjective same as matutinal
maudeline noun
mauvaniline noun same as mauveine also called mauve aniline
mauveine noun also Perkin’s mauve
mauvine adjective
mazarine noun
mecamylamine noun
meclizine noun
meconidine noun
mediastine noun
medicine noun, verb
mefloquine noun
melamine noun
melaniline noun also called diphenyl guanidin
meleagrine adjective
menispermine noun also called menispermina
mepacrine (British English) also quinacrine (American English) noun
meperidine noun
mercaptopurine noun
merocrine adjective
mescaline noun
mesorhine or mesorrhine adjective
messaline noun
metalline adjective
metatoluidine noun
methacholine noun
methamphetamine noun
methantheline noun
Methedrine® noun a brand of methamphetamine
methenamine noun same as hexamethylenetetramine also called hexamine
methionine noun
methylamine noun also called monomethylamine
methylamphetamine noun same as methamphetamine
methylxanthine noun
mezzanine noun
microcrystalline adjective
milvine adjective
misseldine or misselden (Obsolete) noun same as mistletoe
moelline noun
moline adjective
molossine noun
monactine noun, adjective also monact noun, adjective
monamine noun
monoamine noun
monocrystalline adjective also monocrystal noun, adjective
monokine noun
monomethylamine noun same as methylamine
monorhine adjective also monorhinal, monorhinous
morphine noun also morphia
moschine adjective
mouline noun also moulinet
mousseline noun, adjective
multicauline adjective
multicrystalline adjective
multidiscipline noun
multiengine noun
multivoltine adjective
murine noun, adjective
murrhine or murrine adjective
muscadine noun
muscardine noun
muscarine noun
muscicapine adjective
musteline adjective
mutine (Obsolete) noun, verb
mydaleine noun
myeline or myelin noun
myrmicine adjective
myrmotherine adjective
myrrhine adjective same as murrhine
mytilotoxine noun
myxine noun
Nalline™ noun a brand of nalorphine
nalorphine noun
nandine noun
naphthalidine (noun) same as naphthylamine
naphthaline or naphthalin or naphthalene noun also called tar camphor
naphthylamine noun
narceine or narceen noun
narcissine adjective
narcotine noun also called narcotia
nardine adjective
narine adjective also narial
nasopalatine adjective
nectarine noun
nemaline adjective
nemertine adjective
neoarsphenamine noun
neossine noun
neostigmine noun
Neo-Synephrine™ noun a brand of phenylephrine
nepheline noun also nephelite
nerine noun
nervine noun, adjective
neurine or neurin noun
neuroendocrine noun
neurovaccine noun
nickeline noun also called niccolite
nicotianine noun
nicotidine noun
nicotine noun
nifedipine noun
nigraniline noun also called aniline black
nigrine noun
nigrosine or nigrosin noun
nitraniline noun
nitratine noun same as soda niter also called Chile saltpeter
nitroglycerine or nitroglycerin noun also called glonoin, glyceryl trinitrate, trinitroglycerine
nitrosamine noun
noctilucine adjective
nodosarine noun, adjective
nonasbestine adjective
noncaffeine noun
nonclandestine adjective
noncrystalline adjective
nongenuine adjective
nonmarine noun, adjective
nonmasculine adjective
nonoscine adjective
nonpasserine noun, adjective
nonroutine noun, adjective
nonsaccharine noun, adjective
nonsaline adjective
nonsanguine adjective
nonuterine adjective
noradrenaline (British English) noun also norepinephrine (American English) noun
Norbertine noun same as Premonstrant, Premonstratensian
nortriptyline noun
Novocaine® noun tradename of procaine hydrochloride
nummuline noun, adjective also nummulite noun
nundine noun
Observantine noun
odontophorine adjective also odontophoral, odontophorous
odorline (Obsolete) noun
oleandrine noun
olefine or olefin noun
oleine or olein noun
oleomargarine noun same as margarine
olivine noun also called chrysolite
omphacine adjective
ondine noun same as undine
opaline noun, adjective also opalescent adjective
opianine noun
orciprenaline noun
organochlorine noun
organzine noun
ornithine noun
orphaline or orpheline (Obsolete) noun also orphan
orphenadrine noun
orpine or orpin noun also livelong also called live-forever
orthocaine noun
ortho-toluidine noun
oscine noun, adjective
oscinine adjective
osteodentine noun
otarine adjective
ouarine noun
overdiscipline (this word is a verb only)
overfeminine adjective
oversanguine adjective
ovibovine adjective
ovine adjective
oxalethyline noun
oxaline noun also glyoxaline
oxamidine noun
oxazine noun
oxymetazoline noun
oxyneurine noun same as betaine
oxyquinoline noun also called carbostyril
oxyrrhodine noun
oxytetracycline noun also hydroxytetracycline
paeonine noun also called red coralline
palatine noun, adjective
Palatine noun
Palestine proper noun
palsgravine noun
paludine adjective
Paludrine™ noun trademark for proguanil hydrochloride
palustrine adjective
pantherine adjective
pantine noun
papaverine noun
papyrine adjective also papyral, papyrian
paraconine noun
paracrine adjective
paradoxurine noun, adjective also paradoxure noun
paraffine or paraffin noun, verb
paragrandine noun
paramorphine noun same as thebaine
paranitroaniline or para-nitroaniline noun also paranitraniline
para-phenetidine noun
pararosaniline noun
para-toluidine noun
pardine adjective
pargyline noun
parietine (Obsolete) noun
parkesine noun also called xylotile
parochine (Scottish English) noun
parvoline noun
passerine noun, adjective
patine (1) noun, verb also patina noun
patine (2) or patin or paten noun
Pauline proper noun (a female given name), adjective
pavonine adjective
paytine noun
pebrine noun
pelegrine (Obsolete) adjective same as peregrine (in adjectival form)
pelerine noun
pemoline noun
penduline noun
penicillamine noun
pennine noun also penninite
pentamethylenediamine noun same as cadaverine
pentamidine noun
pentaquine noun
pentazocine noun
pentine noun same as valerylene
peperine noun also peperino
pepsine or pepsin noun
peptotoxine noun
percaline noun
percine noun
perdicine adjective
peregrine noun, adjective
pericline noun
periuterine adjective
perivitelline adjective
perphenazine noun
perseline noun
petaline adjective
petaurine noun, adjective also petaurist noun also flying phalanger noun
pethidine noun also called pethidine hydrochloride
Petrine adjective
petroline noun
petrostearine noun
phalangistine or Phalangistine noun same as phalangist or Phalangist or Falangist
phanerocrystalline adjective also phaneritic
phenacaine noun
phenacetine or phenacetin noun
phenanthridine noun
phenanthroline noun
phenarsazine adjective
phenazine noun same as antipyrine also called azophenylene
phenazopyridine noun
phencyclidine noun also called angel dust, PCP
phenelzine noun
phenetidine or phenetidin noun
phenicine noun
pheniramine noun
phenmetrazine noun
phenosafranine noun
phenothiazine noun
phentermine noun
phentolamine noun
phenylalanine noun also called phenylaminopropionic acid
phenylamine noun same as aniline as a noun
phenyldiethanolamine noun
phenylephrine noun
phenylethylamine noun
phenylpropanolamine noun also called PPA
phialine adjective
Philippine adjective also Filipino noun, adjective
philistine or Philistine noun, adjective
phloramine noun
phloroglucine noun also phloroglucin, phloroglucinol
phocine adjective
phosphatidylcholine noun also lecithin
phosphatidylethanolamine noun
phosphatidylserine noun
phosphine noun
phosphocholine noun
phosphocreatine or phosphocreatin noun also called creatine phosphate
phthalocyanine noun
phycocyanine noun
phycoerythrine noun
phycophaeine noun
phycoxanthine noun
phyllorhine adjective
physostigmine or physostigmin noun also called eserine
picine adjective
picoline noun
picotine noun
picrocarmine noun
pieridine adjective also pierid noun, adjective
pilocarpine or pilocarpin noun
piperazidine noun same as piperazine
piperazine noun
piperidine noun
piperine noun
piperocaine noun
piprine adjective
piscine adjective
pithecanthropine adjective also pithecanthropic
Plasticine™ noun
platyrhine or platyrrhine noun, adjective also platyrhinian or platyrrinian
plicidentine noun
polverine noun
polyactine noun
polyamine noun
polycrystalline adjective
polycystine noun, adjective
polyendocrine adjective
polylysine noun
polypine adjective
polyvoltine adjective same as multivoltine
pomarine adjective
pomptine adjective same as pontine
pontine adjective
Pontine adjective
porcine adjective
porcupine noun
porpentine (Obsolete) noun same as porcupine
postpalatine adjective
post-Petrine adjective
post-Tridentine adjective
postuterine adjective
poulaine noun
poutine noun
praline noun
pre-Augustine adjective
pre-Byzantine adjective
precrystalline adjective
prediscipline noun, verb
pre-Petrine adjective
prequarantine noun, verb
presanguine adjective
pre-Tridentine adjective
primaquine noun
primine noun
primuline noun
pristine adjective
procaine noun
procarbazine noun
pro-Florentine adjective
prolamine or prolamin noun
proline noun
promethazine noun
promine noun
pro-Philippine adjective
propine (Scottish English) noun, verb
propylamine noun
protamine noun
prothalline adjective also prothallial, prothallic
protogine noun
protopine noun
pseudocrystalline adjective
pseudodivine adjective
pseudoephedrine noun
pseudofeminine adjective
pseudomasculine adjective
pseudoviperine adjective
psittacine adjective
psocine adjective
pteridine noun
pterygopalatine adjective
ptomaine or ptomain noun
pulverine noun
purine or purin noun
purline or purlin noun
putrescine noun
pyrazine noun
pyrazoline noun
pyrethrine noun
Pyribenzamine® noun trademark for tripelennamine
pyridine noun
pyridostigmine noun
pyridoxamine noun
pyridoxine or pyridoxin noun
pyrimethamine noun
pyrimidine noun
pyrithiamine noun
pyronine noun
pyroxyline or pyroxylin noun
pyrrhotine noun also pyrrhotite
pyrrolidine noun
pyrroline noun
quarantine noun, verb
quartine noun
quasicrystalline adjective
quasi-genuine adjective
quasi-sanguine adjective
quercine adjective
quinacrine (American English) also mepacrine (British English) noun
quinaldine noun also written chinaldine
quinazoline noun
quinicine noun
quinidine noun
quinine noun
quinizine noun
quinoidine noun written also chinoidine
quinoline noun written also chinoline also called leucoline
quinonimine noun
quinoxaline or quinoxalin noun
quintine noun
quinzaine or quinzain noun
rabatine (Obsolete) noun same as rabato
radioiodine noun
ralline adjective
ramapithecine noun, adjective
ranine adjective
ranitidine noun
rapine noun
ravine noun
rediscipline (this word is a verb only)
reguline adjective
relumine (this word is a verb only)
Renardine adjective
reserpine noun
resupine adjective
retine noun
Rexine® noun
rhabarbarine noun also chrysophanic acid
Rhadamanthine adjective
rhaponticine noun also chrysophanic acid
rhinolophine adjective
rhizine noun also rhizoid noun, adjective
rhodamine noun
rhoeadine noun
riboflavine or riboflavin noun also called lactoflavin, vitamin B2, vitamin G
ricinine noun
riverine adjective
romeine noun
rosaniline noun
roseine noun same as magenta
rosmarine (Obsolete) noun
routine noun, adjective
rubidine noun
rubine or rubin (Obsolete) noun same as ruby (as a noun)
rucervine adjective
Rudolphine adjective
rugine noun same as raspatory
rupicoline adjective
rusine adjective
Sabbatine adjective
Sabine noun, adjective
sabuline adjective also sabulous
saccharine adjective
safranine or safranin noun
salamandrine adjective
salicine or salicin noun
saline noun, adjective
saltine noun
sanguinarine noun
sanguine noun, adjective
sanidine noun
saponine or saponin noun
sapphirine noun, adjective
sarcoline adjective
sarcosine noun
sardine noun
sasine (Scottish English) noun
sassoline noun also sassolite
saturnine adjective
savine or savin noun
sawine or sewine noun
saxicoline adjective also saxicolous
scaloppine noun also scallopini
sciurine adjective
scolopacine adjective
scolopendrine adjective
scopeline adjective also scopeloid noun, adjective
scopolamine noun also called hyoscine
secundine noun
seine noun
selegiline noun
self-doctrine noun
semicrystalline adjective
semidivine adjective
semimarine noun, adjective
semisaline adjective
semitontine noun, adjective
sentine (Obsolete) noun
sepaline adjective also sepaloid
seraphine noun
serine noun
serotine 1. adjective also serotinous 2. noun
serpentine noun, adjective, verb
servaline adjective
sialine adjective also sialic
sibylline adjective also sibylic or sibyllic
silkaline or silkoline or silkolene noun
simazine noun
sinamine noun also called allyl melamine
sinapine noun
sinapoline noun also called diallyl urea
sincaline noun same as choline also written sinkaline
Sistine adjective also Sixtine
sittine adjective
smaltine noun also smaltite
smaragdine noun, adjective also smaragd noun
socotrine noun, adjective
solanicine noun same as solanine
solanidine noun same as solanine
solanine noun
sordine (American English) or sourdine (British English) noun also sordino (Italian)
soricine adjective
Sorrentine adjective
sourdeline adjective
sourdine noun
sozine or sozin noun
sparteine noun
speakerine (British English) noun
spermine noun
spessartine noun also spessartite
sphingosine noun
stanine noun
stannine noun also stannite
staphyline adjective also botryoid
stearine or stearin noun
stenodermine adjective
stenohaline adjective
stibine noun also called antimony hydride
stovaine noun
strepsorhine noun, adjective
strigine adjective
strobiline adjective also strobilaceous, strobiliform
struthionine adjective also struthious
strychnine noun also strychnina, strychnia
sturnine adjective also sturnoid
subalpine adjective
subapennine adjective
subcrystalline adjective
subdiscipline noun
subdivine adjective
subestuarine adjective
subhyaline or subhyalin adjective
sublacustrine adjective
sub-machine adjective
submarine noun, adjective, verb
suboscine noun, adjective
sub-Pontine adjective
subroutine noun
subsaline adjective
subursine adjective
succinylcholine noun
succubine adjective
suilline adjective
suine noun
sulfacytine noun
sulfadiazine or sulphadiazine noun
sulfadimidine (British English) noun also sulfamethazine (American English)
sulfadoxine or sulphadoxine noun
sulfamethazine (American English) noun also sulfadimidine (British English)
sulfamezathine noun same as sulfamethazine
sulfapyridine noun
sulfarsphenamine noun
sulfasalazine noun
sulphadiazine or sulfadiazine noun
sulphadoxine or sulfadoxine noun
sulphine noun
sulphurine adjective also sulphureous
supercanine noun, adjective
superdivine adjective
superfeminine adjective
superheroine noun
supermarine adjective
supermasculine adjective
supermedicine noun
supersanguine adjective
supine noun, adjective
sycamine noun
sylphidine adjective also sylphid noun, adjective
sylphine adjective
sylvicoline adjective
sylviine adjective
sylvine or sylvin noun also sylvite
synallaxine adjective
syncline noun
taborine noun also tabor
tacrine noun
tagine or tajine noun
tambourine noun
tamine noun also taminy, tammy
tanagrine adjective
tangerine noun, adjective
tartarine (Obsolete) noun same as potasium carbonate
tartine noun
tartrazine noun also Yellow No. 5
tarwhine noun
taurine noun, adjective
taxine noun also called taxia
telecine noun
telemedicine noun
tercine noun
terebinthine adjective
teredine noun also teredo
terrine noun
tetracaine noun
tetractine noun, adjective also tetract
tetracycline noun
tetramethyldiarsine noun also cacodyl, dicacodyl
tetrazine or tetrazin noun
textrine adjective
thalline noun, adjective
Theatine noun
thebaine noun
theine noun also caffeine or caffein
theobromine noun
theophylline noun also called dimethylxanthine
thermifugine noun
thermocline noun
thermohaline adjective
thetine noun
thialdine noun
thiamine or noun thiamin also called vitamin B1, aneurin, aneurine
thiazine noun
thionine or thionin noun
thionoline noun
thioridazine noun
thiosinamine noun also called allylthiourea
threonine noun
thyine adjective
thylacine noun also called Tasmanian tiger, Tasmanian wolf
thymidine noun
thymine noun
thyroxine or thyroxin noun
tichorrhine noun
tigerine (Rare) adjective also tigrine, tigerish
tigrine adjective
timaline adjective
timburine (Obsolete) noun same as tambourine
tobine noun
tolidine noun
tolazoline noun
toluidine noun
tolypeutine noun also apar
tontine noun
topazine adjective
torrentine adjective
totaquine noun
tourmaline or tourmalin or turmaline noun
toxine noun
tragelaphine adjective
traguline adjective
trampoline noun
transalpine noun, adjective
transandine adjective
transcrystalline adjective
transmarine adjective
transpalatine adjective
transpontine adjective
transriverine adjective
transuterine adjective
travertine or travertin noun also called calc-sinter
trephine noun, verb
triactine adjective
triamine noun
triazine or triazin noun
tricotine noun also cavalry twill
Tridentine adjective
triethylamine noun
trifluoperazine noun
triiodothyronine noun
trimethylamine noun
trimethylglycine same as betaine noun
tripelennamine noun
triphenylamine noun
triphyline noun also triphylite
tripoline adjective
Tripoline adjective
trochantine noun
tropeine noun
tropidine noun
tropine noun
trypaflavine noun same as acriflavine hydrochloride
tryptamine noun
tubocurarine noun
turbine noun
turdine adjective
turmaline or tourmaline or tourmalin noun
turpentine noun, verb
tyramine noun
tyrocidine noun
tyrosine noun
tyrotoxine noun same as tyrotoxicon
ultrafeminine adjective
ultramarine noun, adjective
ultramasculine adjective
umbrine noun
uncrystalline adjective
undine noun also written ondine
undiscipline noun same as indiscipline
undivine adjective
unequine adjective
unfeline adjective
unfeminine adjective
ungenuine adjective
univoltine adjective
unmarine adjective
unmasculine adjective
unroutine adjective
unsaccharine adjective
unsaline adjective
unsanguine adjective
unsupine adjective
unvulturine adjective also unvulturous
uridine noun
urine noun
ursine adjective
Ursuline noun, adjective
uterine adjective
vaccine noun, adjective
vaginicoline (Rare) adjective
valentine noun
valeridine noun
valeritrine noun
valine noun
Vaseline® noun a trademark for petrolatum
vasodentine noun
vaticine (Obsolete) noun same as vaticination
veloutine noun
venine or venin or venene noun
venturine noun
veratralbine noun
veratridine noun
veratrine or veratrin noun also veratria
verdine noun
verine noun
vernine noun
versine or versin noun also versed sine
vesicouterine adjective
vespertilionine adjective also vesptertilionid noun, adjective
vespertine adjective also vespertinal
vespine adjective
vesuvine noun also called Bismarck brown, Manchester brown
vicereine noun
vicine (Rare) adjective same as vicinal
victorine noun
Victorine noun
vidarabine noun also called adenosine arabinoside
vinblastine noun
vincaleukoblastine noun same as vinblastine sulfate
vincristine noun
violaniline noun
violine noun
viperine adjective
viridine noun
Visine® noun
vitamine or vitamin noun
vitelline adjective
vitrine noun
vituline adjective
viverrine noun, adjective also viverrid noun, adjective
voltzine noun
volucrine adjective
vomerine adjective
vomicine noun same as brucine
vulpine adjective also vulpecular
vulturine adjective also vulturous
vulvo-uterine adjective
waldgravine noun
warine noun
wolverine noun also called carcajou, glutton
wrightine noun
xanthine noun
xanthinine noun
xanthopterine or xanthopterin noun
xanthopuccine noun
Xenophontine adjective also Xenophontian
xenurine noun also cabassou or kabassou
xylidine noun
xyloidine or xyloidin noun
yeldrine noun also yellow-hammer also called yeldrock, yoldrin
yohimbine noun
zebrine adjective also zebroid noun, adjective
zibeline or zibelline noun, adjective
zidovudine noun same as azidothymidine also called AZT
zooerythrine noun
zygaenine adjective