Words ending in -FORM

Words ending with the suffix -FORM

This list is expanded and updated regularly.
With very few exceptions, all of the words on this list are adjectives. Meanings are given for all except for those words which are zoological terms or which are difficult to define briefly.

Note: Though a small number of the adjectival words are also nouns and/or verbs, they are not necessarily noted here as such.

acetabuliform (saucer-shaped)
aciculiform also acicular (needle-shaped)
aciform also acicular (needle-shaped)
acinaciform (scimitar-shaped)
acinetiform (resembling the Acinetae)
aciniform 1. (shaped like a cluster of grapes) 2. acinous or acinose
acneform or acneiform (resembling acne)
actiniform (having a radiate form)
aculeiform (like a prickle)
adeniform (glandlike)
adipoceriform (having the form or appearance of adipocere)
aeriform 1. (airlike, gaseous) 2. (unsubstantial, unreal)
aliform (wing-shaped, wing-like)
alphabetiform (having the form of an alphabet, resembling letters)
aluminiform (having the form of alumina)
alveoliform (having the form of alveoli)
ambulacriform (having the form of ambulacra)

amebiform (American English) or amoebiform (British English) (resembling an ameba)

amentiform (shaped like a catkin)
amianthiform (resembling amianthus)

amoebiform (British English) or amebiform (American English) (resembling an amoeba)

ampulliform (flask-shaped)
amygdaliform (almond-shaped)
anginiform (resulting from or resembling angina)
anguiform (snake-shaped)
anguilliform (shaped like an eel)
anseriform (Zoology)
ansiform (having a handle or a handle-shaped part)
antenniform (shaped like antennae)
antheriform (anther-shaped)
apoplectiform also apoplectoid
aquiform (having the form of water)
araneiform (having the form of a spider)
arboriform (treelike in form)
arcform (Nautical)
arciform (resembling an arch)
asbestiform (like asbestus in form or structure)
ascidiform (shaped like an ascidian)
aspergilliform (resembling an aspergillum)
atheriniform (Zoology)
auriform (shaped like an ear)
bacciform (shaped like a berry)
bacilliform also bacillar, bacillary (rod-shaped)
baculiform (rod-shaped)
basaltiform also columnar (in the form of basalt)
biform also biformed (of two forms)
boniform (keen to moral excellence)
botuliform (shaped like a sausage)
boviform (Rare - ox-shaped)
bromoform (this word is a noun only)
bursiform also saccate (pouch-shaped)
cactiform (resembling a cactus)
calathiform (cup-shaped)
calcariform (having the shape of a spur)
calceiform also calceolate (shaped like a shoe or slipper)
calciform (like chalk or lime)
calyciform (shaped like a calyx)
calyptriform (having the form of a calyptra)
cambiform (having the form or nature of a cambium or cambium cells)
campaniform also campanulate (bell-shaped)
campaniliform same as campaniform
campodeiform (shaped like a bristletail of the genus Campodea)
cancriform (of or resembling cancer)
caniform (Zoology)
capilliform (like a hair or hairs)
capriform (having the form of a goat)
caprimulgiform (Zoology)
casuariiform (Zoology)
cauliform (having the form of a caulis)
chancriform (resembling chancre)
charadriiform (Zoology)
cheliform (shaped like a chela)

chloroform also called trichloromethane (this word is a noun and a verb only)

choleriform (of or resembling cholera)
choreiform (of, pertaining to, or resembling chorea)
chyliform (resembling chyle)
ciconiiform (Zoology)
ciliform or ciliiform (like cilia)
cirriform (pertaining to certain types of clouds)
claviform also clavate (club-shaped)
clupeiform (Ichthyology)
clypeiform also clypeate (shaped like a round shield)
cobriform (like or related to cobras)
cochleariform (spoon-shaped)
coliform (resembling a coliform bacillus)
colubriform (being or resembling a colubrine snake)
columbiform (Zoology)
columelliform (like a columella)
columniform (having the form of a column)
conchiform also conchate (shell-shaped)
conform (Archaic) also conformable
coniform also conical (cone-shaped)
coraciiform (Ornithology)
coralliform (resembling coral)
cordiform or cordoform also cordate (heart-shaped)
corniform also cornute, cornuted (horn-shaped)
corolliform (having the form of a corolla)
coroniform (resembling a crown)
corticiform (resembling bark or rind)
coryneform (shaped like a rod or club)
cotyliform (shaped like a cup)
crateriform (shaped like a shallow bowl)
cribriform also cribrous (sievelike)
cristiform (shaped like a crest)
cruciform (cross-shaped)
cteniform (comb-shaped)
cubiform (shaped like a cube)
cuculiform (Zoology)
cucumiform (shaped like a cucumber)
culiciform (gnat-shaped)
cultriform also cultrate (shaped like a pruning knife)
cumuliform (like cumulus clouds)
cuneiform or cuniform (wedge-shaped)
cupuliform also cupulate (having or shaped like a cupule)
curviform (having a curved form)
cyathiform (cup-shaped)
cylindriform (having the form of a cylinder)
cymbiform (boat-shaped)
cypriniform (Zoology)
cypseliform (Zoology)
cystiform (resembling a cyst) also cystoid (in adjectival form)
deiform (godlike in form or nature)
dendriform (treelike in form)
dentiform (tooth-shaped)
difform (irregular in form)
digitiform (like a finger)
disciform also discoid (in adjectival form) (flat and round in shape)
disuniform (Obsolete- not uniform)
diversiform (of various forms)
dolabriform also dolabrate (shaped like an axe head, hatchet or cleaver)
dolioform (barrel-shaped)
ectocuneriform also ectocuniform (Anatomy - this word is a noun only)
elytriform (having the form or structure of an elytron)
embryoniform (like an embryo in form)
ensiform also xiphoid (sword-shaped)
entocuneiform or entocuniform (Anatomy - this word is a noun only)
epileptiform also epileptoid (resembling epilepsy)
equiform also equiformal (having the same shape or purpose)
equisetiform (having the form of the equisetum)
eruciform (caterpillarlike)
etheriform (having the form of ether)
extractiform (having the form, appearance, or nature of an extract)
falciform also falcate, falcated (sickle-shaped)
falconiform (Zoology)
feliform (resembling a cat)
fibriform (fiberlike)
fibrilliform (of the form of a fibril)
filariform (thin or hairlike, resembling a small nematode worm)
filiciform (shaped like a fern or fern leaf)
filiform also filamentous (threadlike)
fistuliform (pipe-shaped)
flabelliform also flabellate (fan-shaped)
flagelliform (shaped like a whip)
floriform (flower-shaped)
foveiform (like a fovea)
freeform or free-form
fringilliform (resembling a finch)
fungiform (shaped like a mushroom or similar fungus)
fungilliform (shaped like a small fungus)
funiliform (resembling a cord)
funnelform also infundibuliform (funnel-shaped)
fusiform (spindle-shaped)
gadiform (Ichthyology)
galeiform (helmet-shaped)
galliform (Zoology)
gangliform also ganglioform (having the form of a ganglion)
gasiform also gaseous (having a gaseous form)
gasterosteiform (Zoology)
gelatiniform (having the form of gelatin)
gemmiform (shaped like a bud)
ginglyform also ginglymoid (resembling a ginglymus)
glandiform (resembling a gland)
globiform (globe-shaped)
graniform (formed like corn)
granitiform (resembling granite)
granuliform also granular
gruiform (Ornithology)
guttiform (shaped like a drop)
haloform also trihalomethane (this word is a noun only)
hamiform (hook-shaped)
harengiform (herring-shaped)
heliciform (having the form of a helix) also spiral (in adjectival form)
hippocrepiform (shaped like a horseshoe)
homiform (Obsolete - in human form)
hydatidiform (having the form or appearance of a hydatid)
hydatiform (resembling a hydatid)
hydriform (having the form or structure of a hydra)
hyeniform also hyenoid (resembling a hyena)
hyperboliform (having a same or similar form of an hyperbola)
hypocrateriform also hypocraterimorphous (salver-shaped)
ichthyosiform (resembling ichthyosis)
inconform (Obsolete) also unconformable
infundibuliform also funnelform (shaped like a funnel)
incisiform (resembling an incisor tooth)
insectiform (Science Fiction, Robotics - this word is also noun)
iodoform (Chemistry - this word is a noun only) also triiodomethane
isopodiform (having the shape of an isopod)
janiform (Janus-faced)
juliform (shaped or appearing like a julus, catkin, ament)
kaliform (formed like saltwort or glasswort)
labyrinthiform also intricate (having the form of a labyrinth)
lachrymiform (tear-shaped)
lageniform (shaped like a flask)
lamelliform (shaped like a lamella)
lanciform (shaped like a lance)
landform (Geology - this word is a noun only)
laniariform (shaped like a laniary tooth)
lapilliform (shaped like a pebble)
larviform (having the form or structure of a larva)
lentiform also lenticular (lentil-shaped)
leptiform (having a form similar to leptus)
letterform (this word is a noun only)
licheniform (having the form of a lichen)
ligniform (resembling wood)
limaciform also limacine (resembling a slug)
lindiform (resembling the genus Lindia)
linguiform (tongue-shaped)
lirelliform also written lirellaeform (like a lirella)
lituiform (like a lituite)
luciform (resembling light)
lumbriciform (resembling an earthworm)
luniform (moon-shaped)
lupiform also lupoid (resembling lupus)
lyriform (shaped like a lyre)
madreporiform (resembling a madreporian coral)
malleiform (shaped like a hammer)
mammaliform (resembling a mammal)
mammiform (breast-shaped)
mammilliform (nipple-shaped)
mandibuliform (having the form of a mandible)
maniform (shaped like a hand)
maxilliform (having the form or structure of a maxilla)
medusiform (resembling a medusa)
membraniform (having the appearance or structure of a membrane)
mesocuneiform or mesocuniform (Anatomy - this word is a noun only)
metalliform (having the form or structure of a metal)
microform (this word is a noun only)
mitriform (shaped like a bishop’s miter)
monadiform (having the form of a monad)
moniliform (Botany, Zoology)
montiform (resembling a mountain in form)
morbilliform (resembling measles)
muciform (resembling mucus)
multiform (having many shaped, forms, or kinds)
mummiform (having some resemblance to a mummy)
muriform (resembling bricks or stones in arrangement)
muscariform (having the form of a brush)
musciform (having the form or appearance of moss)
myrtiform (resembling myrtle, myrtle berries, or a myrtle leaf)
mytiliform (shaped like a mussel)
napiform (turnip-shaped)
nariform (noselike)
nasiform (nose-shaped)
natiform (buttock-shaped, resembling the buttocks)
naupliiform (shaped like a nauplius larva)
nautiform (shaped like a ship’s hull)
nitrochloroform also chloropicrin (this word is a noun only)
nitroform (this word is a noun only)
nonconform (Rare)
nubiform (Literary - cloud-like)
nuciform (nut-shaped)
nucleiform (resembling a nucleus)
oculiform (resembling an eye)
omniform (having every form or shape)
operculiform (shaped like a cover or lid)
outform (Obsolete - this word is a noun only)
ovaliform (egg-shaped)
oviform also ovoid (egg-shaped)
paliform (resembling a palus)
palpiform (having the form of a palpus)
pampiniform (shaped like a tendril)
panduriform also pandurate (shaped like a fiddle)
papilliform (resembling a papilla)
pappiform (resembling the pappus of certain plants)
paraboliform (resembling a parabola in form)
paraform shortened form of paraformaldehyde (this word is a noun only)
passeriform also passerine (Ornithology)
patelliform (shaped like a patella)
pectiniform also pectinate or pectinated (comblike)
pediform (footlike)
peltiform also peltate (shield-shaped)
pelviform (basin-shaped)
penicilliform also penicillate (having a small, brushlike tuft of hairs)
perciform (Ornithology - resembling a perch)
petaliform also petaloid (petal-shaped)
phialiform (resembling a saucer)
piciform (like a woodpecker)
pileiform (having the form of a pileus)
piliform (resembling hair)
pinniform (shaped like a fin or feather)
piriform or pyriform (pear-shaped)
pisciform (shaped like a fish)
pisiform (pea-shaped)
placentiform (shaped like a placenta)
planform (this word is a noun only)
planiform (having a flattened shape)
planuliform (resembling a planula)
platform (this word is a noun only)
pleuronectiform (Ichthyology)
plexiform also intricate also complex (in adjectival form)
pliform (Obsolete - in the form of a ply or fold)
plumiliform (Rare - having the shape of a plume or feather)
poculiform (cup-shaped)
polyform (Recreational Mathematics - this word is a noun only)
poriform (resembling a pore in form)
preform (this word is a noun and verb only)
proboscidiform (having the form or function of a proboscis)
procellariiform (Zoology)
proteiform (resembling a Proteus or an amoeba)
protoform (1) (Fiction - this word is noun only)
protoform (2) (Linguistics - this word is a noun only)
psittaciform (Zoology)
psoriasiform (resembling psoriasis)
pulvilliform (relating to a pulvillus)
pumiciform (resembling pumice)
punctiform (dot-like)
puriform also purulent (resembling pus)
pustuliform (having the form of a pustule)
pyriform or piriform (pear-shaped)
quadriform (four-sided or having four parts)
racemiform (having the form of a raceme)
radiatiform (Botany)
radiciform (having the nature or appearance of a radix or root)
raduliform (rasplike)
ralliform (shaped like a rail)
ramiform (branchlike or branched)
raniform (froglike)
remiform (shaped like an oar)
reniform (kidney-shaped)
reptiliform (having a reptilian form or appearance)
resiniform (having the form of resin)
retiform also reticulate (netlike)
rhagadiform (of or relating to rhagades)
rostelliform (having the form of a rostellum)
rostriform (having the form of a beak)
rotiform (shaped like a wheel)
rubiform (Rare - having the nature or quality of red)
ruiniform (having the appearance of ruins)
runiform (resembling the ancient runes in form or appearance)
sacciform also sacculate or sacculated (formed into or having a saccule)
sacculiform (shaped like a small sac)
sagittiform also sagitate (shaped like an arrowhead)
salamandriform (shaped like a salamander)
saliniform (saltlike)
salpiform (Ichthyology)
salverform (Botany)
samariform (shaped like a samara)
sandaliform (shaped like a sandal or slipper)
scalariform (ladderlike)
scalpelliform (shaped like a scalpel blade)
scalpriform (chisel-shaped)
scapiform (resembling a scape or flower stem)
scobiform (resembling sawdust or raspings)
scoleciform also scolecoid (like or resembling a scolex)
scolopendriform (of, relating to, or resembling scolopendra)
scopiform (resembling a broom or besom)
scoriform (in the form of scoria)
scorpaeniform (Zoology)
scrotiform (shaped like a purse or pouch)
scutelliform also scutiform (shield-shaped)
scyphiform (shaped like a cup or goblet)
securiform (resembling an ax hatchet)
semiform (this word is a noun only)
septiform (having the form of a septum)
serpentiform (shaped like a snake)
serriform also serrated (resembling the serrated edge of a saw)
setiform also setaceous (bristle-shaped)
siliqyiform (having the form of a silique)
siluriform (Zoology)
slipform (Construction - this word is a noun only)
soliform (Rare - resembling the sun)
somatoform (showing symptoms for no apparent physiological reason)
spathiform (resembling spar in form)
spiciform (spike-shaped)
spiculiform (having the appearance of a spicule)
spiniform (shaped like a spine)
spiraliform (having or resembling spiral lines)
spongiform (resembling a sponge in appearance or structure)
squaliform (resembling a shark or dogfish in form)
squamiform (shaped like a scale)
stalactiform also stalactitiform (having the form of a stalactite)
stalactoform same as stalactiform
stelliform (star-shaped)
stilliform also globular (drop-shaped)
stipiform also stipitiform (having the form of a stipe)
storiform (having a spiral appearance)
stratiform (Geology, Anatomy, Meteorology)
strigiform (Ornithology)
strobiliform (shaped like a strobile)
strombuliform (Geology, Botany)
strumiform (resembling goiter)
styliform also stylar (resembling a pen, pin, or peg)
subfalciform also subfalcate
subuliform also subulate (awl-shaped)
sulciform (having the form of a sulcus)
sycosiform (resembling sycosis)
tabetiform (resembling tabes)
tauriform (resembling a bull)
tectiform (having the shape of a roof)
telescopiform (Biology)
tentaculiform (shaped like a tentacle)
terebratuliform (generally formed like a terebratula shell)
terraform (this word is a verb only)
tetaniform also tetanoid (resembling tetanus)
tetraodontiform (Ichthyology)
textiform (resembling a web)
thalliform (resembling a thallus)
theiform (having the form of tea)
thermoform (this word is a verb only)
trapeziform (Rare - shaped like a trapezium)
trichiuriform (Zoology)
triform also triformed
trinacriform (three-pronged)
tubeform same as tubiform
tuberiform (in the form of a tuber)
tubiform also tubular (shaped like a tube)
tubuliform (shaped like a small tube)
tympaniform (resembling a drum or drum head)
umbelliform (resembling or having the form of an umbel)
umbiliform (Biology)
umbraculiform (umbrella-shaped)
unciform (hook-shaped)
unconform (Obsolete) also unlike
unguiform (shaped like a claw or like claws)
uniform (without variations, consistent)
ursiform (bear-shaped)
uviform also botryoid (resembling a grape or a bunch of grapes)
vaporiform (having a vaporous form)
varicelliform (resembling chickenpox)
variciform (resembling a varix)
variform (having various forms)
vasculiform (shaped like a vessel, small vase, or flowerpot)
vasiform 1. (shaped like a duct or tube) 2. (shaped like a vase)
vermiform (long and slender, resembling a worm)
verruciform (shaped like a wart)
versiform (changing in form)
vesiculiform (of or resembling a vesicle)
viperiform (resembling a viper)
vitelliform (resembling the yolk of an egg)
vitriform (resembling glass)
vulviform also vulvate (resembling the external female genitalia)
waveform or wave-form (Physics - this word is a noun only)
webform (Zoology - this word is a noun only)
ypsiliform also hypsiloid (shaped like the letter U or the letter Y)
zeolitiform (having the form of a zeolite)
zoeform (having the form of a zoea)
zosteriform (resembling herpes zoster)