Words ending in -ALGIA

Words ending with the suffix -ALGIA
The suffix -ALGIA indicates pain.

This list is expanded and updated regularly.
All of the words on this list are nouns.

Note: Definitions are given if brief and easily described.

abdominalgia (abdominal pain)
acrostealgia (painful inflammation of the bones of the extremities)
adenalgia also called adenodynia (pain in a gland)
adiposalgia also called Gram’s syndrome, postmenopausal syndrome
aerodontalgia (altitude-induced tooth pain)
aerogastralgia (Rare) (pain due to excess air in the stomach)
alcostalgia (Humorous, Slang)
alumnistalgia (nostalgia for former classmates)
alveoalgia or alveolalgia
analgia also analgesia
apodemialgia also wanderlust
appendalgia (Obsolete)

arogastralgia similar to or same as aerogastralgia (excessive air in the stomach)

arteralgia (vascular pain)
arthralgia (pain in a joint)
arthroneuralgia (pain in or around a joint)
astralgia (a longing for space travel)
barodontalgia same as aerodontalgia also known as tooth squeeze
brachialgia (pain in the upper arm’s nerves)
bubonalgia (pain in the groin)
cardialgia 1. heartburn 2. same as cardiodynia

celialgia (American English) or coelialgia or cœlialgia (British English) (pain in the belly)

celiomyalgia (Rare) (pain in the abdominal muscles)
cephalalgia also headache
cephalgia same as cephalalgia

cerebralgia (a headache associated with neuralgic conditions of the meninges)

cervicalgia (neck pain)
cervicobrachialgia (neck pain radiating to the forelimb)
cheilalgia or chilalgia (pain in the lip)
cheiralgia or chiralgia (pain in the hand)

cheirobrachialgia or chirobrachialgia (Obsolete) (pain and paresthesia in the hand and arm)

cheiropodalgia or
chiropodalgia (pain in the hands and feet)
chilalgia or cheilalgia (pain in the lip)
chiralgia or cheiralgia (pain in the hand)

chirobrachialgia or cheirobrachialgia (Obsolete) (pain and paresthesia in the hands and arm)

chiropodalgia or cheiropodalgia (pain in the hands and feet)
cholecystalgia also biliary colic (severe abdominal pain)
chondralgia same as chondrodynia (pain in cartilage)
coccyalgia same as coccygodynia (pain in the region of the coccyx)
coccygalgia same as coccyalgia

coelialgia or cœlialgia (British English) or celialgia (American English) (pain in the belly)

colalgia same as colonalgia
colonalgia (pain in the colon)
colpalgia same as vaginodynia (vaginal pain)
costalgia (pain in the ribs)
coxalgia also coxalgy (pain in the hip)
cranialgia (pain occurring within the skull)
cystalgia (pain in the bladder)
dacryoadenalgia (pain in a lacrimal gland)
dacryocystalgia (pain in the lacrimal sac)
dactylalgia (pain in the fingers)
dentalgia also toothache
dentinalgia (pain in the dentin of a tooth)
depralgia (depression brought on by nostalgia)
dermalgia (pain of the skin arising from nervous disease)
dermatalgia same as dermalgia

diaphragmalgia (Rare) same as diaphragmodynia (pain in the diaphragm)

didymalgia same as orchialgia also called testalgia (testicular pain)
dorsalgia (pain in the upper back)
encelialgia (pain in the abdominal area)
encephalalgia also headache
enteralgia also colic (pain in the intestine)

eparsalgia (pain and soreness from overuse or unaccustomed use of a joint or muscle)

epersalgia same as eparsalgia
epigastralgia (pain in the epigastric region)
erythermalgia (a rare disease)
erythralgia (mottled reddening of the skin, often with throbbing pain)
erythroprosalgia same as erythroprosopalgia
erythroprosopalgia also known as a cluster headache

esophagalgia (American English) or oesophagalgia (British English) also called esophagodynia (Am Eng) or oesophagodynia (Br Eng) (pain in the esophagus)

fauxstalgia same as faux nostalgia
gastralgia same as gastrodynia (stomach ache)
gastroenteralgia (pain in the stomach and intestine)
ghostalgia (Informal)
gingivalgia (pain in the gingiva)
glossalgia same as glossodynia (pain or burning sensation in the tongue)
glottalgia same as glossalgia
gnathalgia same as gnathodynia (pain in the jaw)
gonalgia (pain in the knee)
gonyalgia same as gonalgia
hemialgia (pain or neuralgia on only one side of the body or head)

hemicephalalgia also called hemicrania (headache on one side of the head, like a migraine)

hemiopalgia (pain in one eye, usually accompanied by hemicrania)
hepatalgia also called hepatodynia (pain in the liver)
hieralgia (pain in the sacrum)
hypalgia also hypalgesia (decreased sensitivity to pain)
hyperalgia also hyperalgesia (exaggerated sense of pain)
hypnalgia (pain during sleep)

hysteralgia also called hysterodynia, metralgia, metrodynia (pain in the uterus)

iridalgia (pain in the iris)
ischialgia also called ischiodynia (pain in the ischium)
ischioneuralgia same as ischialgia
keratalgia (pain in the cornea)
kinesalgia or kinesialgia (pain caused by muscular movement)
laryngalgia (pain in the larynx)
lumbalgia same as lumbago
mammalgia same as mastodynia also called mastalgia (pain in the breast)
mastalgia same as mammalgia
mastoidalgia (pain in the mastoid region)
megalgia (very severe pain)
melosalgia (Obsolete) (pain in the lower extremities)
menorrhalgia same as dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
meralgia (pain in the thigh)
metatarsalgia (cramping, burning pain in the metatarsal bones of the foot)
metopantralgia also frontal sinusitis
metralgia (pain in the uterus) also hysteralgia, metrodynia, hysterodynia
mononeuralgia (pain along the course of a single nerve)
myalgia also called myoneuralgia (pain in the muscles)
myelaglia (pain in the spinal cord)

myocelialgia (American English) or myocoelialgia (British English) Obsolete term for celiomyalgia (Am Eng) or coeliomyalgia (Br Eng)

myoneuralgia same as myalgia
myosalgia same as myalgia (muscle pain)
nephralgia (kidney pain)
neuralgia (sharp pain along the course of a nerve)
nostalgia (longing for former things, places, people)

notalgia [paraesthetica] also called hereditary localized pruritus, posterior pigmented pruritic patch, subcapsular pruritus

nyctalgia (pain occurring in one’s sleep)
odontalgia also toothache
odontoneuralgia (pain in the face caused by a decayed tooth)

oesophagalgia (British English) or esophagalgia (American English) also called oesophagodynia (Br Eng) or esophagodynia (Am Eng) (pain in the esophagus)

omalgia also called frozen shoulder (pain in the shoulder)
ombrosalgia (pain felt when it rains)
onychalgia (pain in the fingernails or toenails)
oophoralgia same as ovarialgia (pain in an ovary)
ophthalmalgia (pain in the eyeball)

orchialgia also written orchalgia also called didymalgia, testalgia (testicular pain)

orchidalgia (pain in the testes)
orchioneuralgia same as orchialgia
orgasmalgia (pain occurring at the time of orgasm)
ostalgia (a German term referring to nostalgia for life in East Germany)
ostealgia (pain in a bone)
osteoneuralgia (neuralgia of a bone)
otalgia also earache
otoneuralgia same as otalgia
ovarialgia (pain in an ovary)
pancreatalgia (pain in or near the pancreas)
pantalgia (pain involving the entire body)
paralgia (abnormal pain)
patellalgia (pain involving the patella)
pectoralgia (pain in the chest)
pedialgia same as podalgia
pedionalgia same as or similar to podalgia (pain in one or both feet)
pedioneuralgia same as pedionalgia
peritonealgia (pain in the peritoneum)
phallalgia same as phallodynia (pain in the penis)
pharyngalgia same as pharyngodynia (pain in the pharynx)
phlebalgia (pain originating in a vein)
photalgia (pain, usually in one’s eye(s) caused by intense light)
phrenalgia same as psychalgia (pain in the diaphragm)

plantalgia (pain on the sole of the foot in the region of the plantar muscle)

pleuralgia same as pleurodynia 1. (pain in the chest or side) 2. also called epidemic pleurodynia, devil’s grip

pneumonalgia (pain in the lungs)
podalgia (pain in the foot)
polyarthralgia (pain in several joints)
polymyalgia also polymyalgia rheumatica
polyneuralgia (pain in several nerves)
precordialgia (pain in the precordial region)

proctalgia also called proctodynia, rectalgia (pain at the anus or in the rectum)

prosopalgia same as trigeminal neuralgia
prosoponeuralgia same as trigeminal neuralgia
prostatalgia also called prostatodynia (pain in the prostate gland)
protonostalgia (longing for an era long before one is born)

pseudocoxalgia same as transient synovitis (painful hip condition of children)

psychalgia also called phrenalgia (physical pain resulting from psychological and/or emotional pain)

psychroalgia (painful sensation of cold)

pubalgia (pain in the groin) also called sports hernia, hockey hernia, hockey groin, Gilmore’s Groin

pygalgia (Rare) (pain in the buttocks)
pyloralgia (Rare) (pain in the pyloric region of the stomach)

rachialgia formerly known as lead colic also Pott’s disease (pain in the spine)

rectalgia same as proctalgia
retrostalgia (longing for a time or experience before one was born)
rhachialgia variant of rachialgia
rheumatalgia (rheumatic pain)
rhinalgia also called rhinodynia (pain in the nose)
rodonalgia (painful redness of the skin)
sacralgia also called sacrodynia (pain in the sacral region)
sacrocoxalgia (painful condition of the sacrum and coccyx)
scapulalgia (Rare) same as scapulodynia (pain in the shoulder blades)
scelalgia or skelalgia (Obsolete) (leg pain)
somatalgia (body pain due to organic causes)
sphincteralgia (pain in the muscles of the anal sphincter)

spinalgia (pain caused by pressure on the spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae)

splenalgia also called splenodynia (pain in the spleen)
spondylalgia (pain occurring in the spine)
sternalgia also called sternodynia (pain in the sternum)
stethalgia (pain in the chest)
stomachalgia (Obsolete) also stomach ache
stomalgia same as stomatalgia
stomatalgia also called stomatodynia (pain in the mouth)
subcostalgia (pain in the subcostal region)
synalgia same as referred pain
synaesthesialgia (British English) or synesthesialgia (American English)
talalgia (pain in the ankle)
tarsalgia same as podalgia
telalgia same as referred pain
tenalgia also called tenodynia, tenontodynia (pain in a tendon)
testalgia same as orchialgia also called didymalgia (testicular pain)
thelalgia (pain in the nipples)
thermalgia (burning pain)
thoracalgia also called thoracodynia (pain in the chest)
tibialgia (pain in the shin)
topalgia (pain restricted to a particular spot)
trachealgia (pain in the trachea)
trichalgia (painful hair, pain produced by touching the hair)
ulalgia (pain in the gums)
ureteralgia (pain in the ureter)
urethralgia also called urethrodynia (pain in the urethra)
uteralgia (pain in or near the uterus)
veisalgia also hangover
visceralgia (pain in any part of the viscera)
xiphoidalgia also called xiphodynia (pain occurring in the lowest portion of the sternum)