Words ending in -ATE

Words ending with the suffix -ATE

This list is comprised of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

abacinate (Rare) verb
abalienate verb
abate verb
abbreviate verb
abdicate verb
aberrate (Rare) verb
aberuncate (Obsolete) verb same as averruncate
abirritate verb
abjudicate (Obsolete) verb
abjugate (Obsolet) verb
ablactate verb
ablaqueate (Obsolete) verb
ablate verb
ablegate (Obsolete) verb
abligate (Obsolete) verb
abnegate verb
abnodate (Rare) verb
abominate verb
abranchiate adjective also abranchial
abrogate verb
absinthate noun
absinthiate verb
absorbate noun
absquatulate verb
acaudate adjective
accelerate verb
accentuate verb
acclimate verb
accommodate verb
accorporate (Obsolete) verb
accriminate (Obsolete) verb
acculturate verb
accumulate verb
accurate adjective

acelomate (American English) or acoelomate (British English) noun, adjective also acelomatous (Am Eng) or acoelomatous, acoelomous (Br Eng) adjectives

acerate adjective also acerose, acerous
acerbate adjective, verb
acervate adjective
acetate noun

acetylate verb also acetylise (British English) or aceytlize (American English)

acetylsalicylate noun
achate (Obsolete) noun
achlamydate adjective
achordate adjective also achordal
aciculate adjective also aciculated
acidulate verb
acierate verb

acoelomate (British English) or acelomate (American English) noun, adjective also acoelomatous (Br Eng) or acelomatous (Am Eng), acoelomous (Br Eng) adjectives

acrylate noun
activate verb
actuate verb
acuate adjective
aculeate adjective also aculeated
aculeolate adjective
acuminate adjective, verb
acutifoliate adjective
acutilobate adjective
acylate verb
adenylate noun
adequate adjective
adipocerate verb
adjudicate verb
adjugate (Rare) noun also adjoint
admarginate (Rare) verb
adminiculate verb
administrate verb
adnate adjective
adrogate verb
adsorbate noun
adulate verb
adulterate noun, adjective also adulterated, adulterous adjectives
adumbrate verb
aduncate adjective also adunc
adversifoliate adjective also adversifolious
advisorate noun
advocate noun, verb
aerate verb
aestivate (British English) or estivate (American English) verb
affatuate (Obsolete) verb same as infatuate (as a verb)
affectionate adjective
affiliate noun, verb
affricate noun, verb
agate noun
aggerate (Obsolete) verb
agglomerate noun, adjective, verb
agglutinate adjective, verb
aggrate (Obsolete) verb
aggravate verb
aggregate noun, adjective, verb
agitate verb
agminate adjective also agminated
agnate noun, adjective
agnominate (Obsolete) verb
aguacate noun also avocado (as a noun)
alate noun, adjective also alated adjective
albuminate noun
alcoate or alcohate nouns shortened forms of alcoholate
alcoholate noun
algate adverb also algates
alginate noun
alienate verb
aliterate noun, adjective

alkalisate (British English) or alkalizate (American English) (Obsolete) adjective

alkalizate (Rare) verb
alkylate noun, verb
allatrate (Obsolete) verb
alleviate verb
alligate verb
allineate (Rare) verb also align
alliterate verb
allocate verb
alloxanate noun
altercate verb
alternate noun, adjective, verb
aluminate noun (not to be confused with illuminate)
aluminosilicate noun
alveolate adjective also alveolated
amalgamate verb
amate verb
ambreate noun
ambulate verb
ameerate noun (variant of emirate)
ameliorate verb also meliorate
amirate noun (variant of emirate)
ammoniate noun, verb also ammonate noun
ampliate adjective
amplificate (Obsolete) verb same as amplify
ampullate adjective also ampullated
amputate verb
amygdalate adjective
amylate noun
anastate noun
anchorate adjective also anchor-shaped
angulate adjective also angulated, angled
angustate adjective also narrowed
angustifoliate adjective also angustifolious
angustirostrate adjective
animate adjective, verb
annihilate verb
annominate (Rare) verb
annotate verb
annulate adjective also annulated
annumerate (Obsolete) verb
annunciate verb (not to be confused with enunciate)
ansate adjective
antedate noun, verb
antepenultimate noun, adjective also antepenult noun
anthranilate noun
anticipate verb
anticonglomerate adjective
anticorporate adjective
antiliterate noun, adjective
antimonate also antimoniate noun
antiquate verb
antliate adjective
anucleate adjective also anucleated
apholate noun
apiculate adjective
apocopate verb
apophysate adjective
apostate noun, adjective
apostemate verb
apostolate noun
appellate adjective
appendicate (Obsolete) verb
appendiculate adjective
applicate 1. adjective 2. (Obsolete) verb
appreciate verb
approbate verb
appropinquate (Archaic) verb
appropriate adjective, verb
approximate adjective, verb
apricate (Archaic) verb
aptate (Obsolete) verb
arbitrate verb
archdeaconate noun also archdeaconship
archegoniate adjective also archegonial
archidiaconate noun
archiepiscopate noun
archontate noun
archprelate noun
archprimate noun
arcuate adjective also arcuated
areolate adjective also areolated
argentate adjective also argenteous
arietate (Obsolete) verb
arillate adjective
aristate adjective
aristulate adjective
arpeggiate verb
arrogate verb
arsenate noun
arseniate (Rare) noun same as arsenate
arsenicate verb
articulate noun, adjective, verb
ascorbate noun
aseptate adjective
asiphonate noun, adjective
aspartate noun
asperate adjective, verb also asperous adjective
asperifoliate adjective
asphyxiate verb
aspirate noun, verb
assassinate verb
asseverate verb
assibilate verb
assiduate (Obsolete) adjective also assiduous
assimilate noun, verb
assimulate (Obsolete) verb
associate noun, adjective, verb
assonate verb
assubjugate (Obsolete) verb
astate (Obsolete) noun
astipulate (Obsolete) verb
attaminate (Obsolete) verb same as contaminate (as a verb)
attemperate 1. adjective 2. (Archaic) verb
attentate 1. (Obsolete) noun 2. (Law) noun
attenuate adjective, verb
atterrate (Obsolete) verb
augurate 1. noun 2. (Obsolete) verb
aurate noun
aureate adjective
auriculate adjective
auriphrygiate (Rare) adjective
auscultate verb
auspicate verb
authenticate verb
autolysate or autolyzate noun
automate verb
autorotate verb
averruncate (Obsolete) verb
aviate verb
avocate (Obsolete, Archaic) verb
avolate (Obsolete) verb
baccalaureate noun
baccate adjective
balbucinate verb
balbutiate (Obsolete) verb
barbate adjective
barbellate adjective
barbellulate adjective
barbiturate noun
beatificate (Obsolete) verb also beautify
belate verb
beneficiate verb
benzenecarboxylate noun also benzoate
benzoate noun shortened form of benzenecarboxylate
berate verb
biacuminate adjective
biangulate adjective also biangulated, biangular
biarticulate adjective also biarticulated
biauriculate adjective also biauricular
bibracteate adjective
bicalcarate adjective
bicarbonate noun
bicarinate adjective
bicaudate adjective also bicaudal
bichromate noun same as dichromate
bicolligate adjective
biconjugate adjective
bicornate adjective same as bicornuate

bicornuate adjective also bicornate, bicornuous (adjectives), bicorn noun, adjective

bicorporate adjective
bicostate adjective
bicrenate adjective
bicuspidate adjective also bicuspid noun, adjective
bidentate adjective
bidigitate adjective
bifidate adjective also bifid
biflabellate adjective
biflagellate adjective
biflorate adjective also biflorous
bifoliate adjective
bifoliolate adjective
biforate adjective
bifurcate adjective, verb
bigeminate adjective
bijugate adjective also bijugous
bilabiate adjective
bilaciniate adjective
bilamellate adjective also bilamellated
bilaminate adjective also bilaminated, bilaminar
bilobate adjective also bilobated, bilobed
biloculate adjective also bilocular
bimaculate adjective also bimaculated
bimarginate adjective
binarseniate noun
binate adjective
binervate adjective
binoculate adjective
binoxalate noun
binucleate adjective also binucleated, binuclear
binucleolate adjective
biocellate adjective
bipalmate adjective
bipectinate adjective also bipectinated
bipeltate adjective
bipennate adjective
bipinnate adjective
biplicate adjective
bipunctate adjective
bipupillate adjective
biquadrate noun also biquadratic noun, adjective
biradiate adjective also biradiated
birostrate adjective also birostrated
bisaccate adjective
biscutate adjective
biseptate adjective
biseriate adjective
biserrate adjective
bisilicate noun
bistate adjective
bisulcate adjective
bisulfate or bisulphate noun
bitartrate noun also called hydrogen tartrate
biternate adjective
bituminate verb
bivariate adjective
bletheranskate (Scottish English) noun also bletherer
bletherskate (Scottish English) noun also bletherer
bloviate verb
bombilate (Rare) verb also buzz (as a verb)
bombinate verb similar to bombilate
boncilate noun
borate noun, verb
borosilicate noun
bovate noun
braccate adjective
brachiate adjective, verb
bracteate noun, adjective also bracteose adjective
bracteolate adjective
branchiate adjective
brecciate verb
bregmate adjective also bregmatic
breviate 1. noun 2. (Obsolete) verb
brevipennate adjective
brevirostrate adjective
bromate noun, verb
brominate verb also bromate (as a verb)
bullate adjective
bursate adjective
bursiculate adjective also bursiform
butylate verb
butyrate noun
cachinnate verb
cacuminate (Obsolete) verb
caducibranchiate adjective
calamistrate (Obsolete) verb
calcarate adjective also calcarated, spurred
calceate (Obsolete) verb
calceolate adjective also calceiform
calcinate (Rare) verb also calcine noun, verb
calcitrate verb
calculate verb
calibrate verb
caliculate adjective also calicular same as calycluate, calycular
califate noun variant spelling of caliphate
caliphate noun also written califate, kalifate, khalifate
calumniate verb also slander (as a verb)
calycate adjective
calyculate adjective also calycular
calyptrate adjective
camerate verb
campanulate adjective also bellshaped
camphorate verb
canaliculate adjective also canaliculated, canalicular
cancellariate noun
cancellate adjective also cancellated
cancerate verb
candidate noun, verb
canonicate noun also canonry
cannulate or canulate adjective also cannular or canular
cantate noun
cantillate verb
canulate or cannulate adjective also canular or cannular
capacitate verb
capistrate adjective also hooded, cowled
capitate adjective
capitellate adjective
capitulate verb
caprate noun
capreolate adjective
caproate noun
caprylate noun
capsulate adjective also capsulated
captivate verb
carate noun also pinta
carbamate noun
carbazotate noun
carbohydrate noun
carbonate noun, verb
carbonylate verb
carboxylate noun, verb
carburate (American English) or carburet (British English) verb
cardinalate noun
carinate adjective also carinated
carnate adjective
carpellate adjective
carucate noun
carunculate adjective also carunculated
caseate verb
caseinate noun
casemate noun
cassate (Obsolete) verb
castigate verb
castrate noun, verb
catechumenate noun
catenate verb
catenulate adjective
catholicate noun
caudate adjective also caudated
cauliculate adjective
cavitate verb
cedrate noun same as citron
celebrate verb
celibate noun, adjective
centonate noun, adjective
centumvirate noun
centuplicate noun, adjective, verb
centuriate 1. (Rare) adjective 2. (Obsolete) verb
cephalate adjective
cephalochordate noun, adjective

cerate noun, adjective also cerated adjective(not to be confused with serrate)

cerebrate verb
certificate noun, verb
chalybeate noun, adjective
chelate noun, adjective, verb
chelicerate adjective
cincinnate adjective
chlamydate adjective
chlorate noun
chloraurate noun same as aurochloride
chloridate verb
chlorinate verb
chocolate noun, adjective
cholate noun
chordate noun, adjective
chromate noun
cicurate (Obsolete) verb
ciliate noun, adjective also ciliated adjective
ciliolate adjective

cingulate adjective also cingulated, cingular (not to be confused with singular)

circinate adjective
circulate verb
circumagitate verb
circumambulate verb
circumgyrate verb
circumnavigate verb
circumnutate verb
circumrotate verb
circumstantiate verb
circumundulate (Rare) verb
circumvallate adjective, verb
cirrate adjective also cirrose, cirrous
citrate noun
clarigate (Obsolete) verb
clathrate noun, adjective
clavate adjective also claviform, club-shaped
clavellate adjective same as clavate
claviculate adjective
clavulate adjective same as clavate
clericate noun
climate noun
clofibrate noun
clypeate adjective also clypeiform
coacervate noun, verb
coadunate adjective
coagulate adjective, verb
coarctate adjective
cochleate adjective also cochleated
co-create verb
co-cultivate verb
coelenterate noun, adjective
coelomate noun, adjective
coequate verb
coestate noun
cogitate verb
cognate noun, adjective
cohobate verb
coinquinate (Obsolete) verb also pollute
collaborate verb
collate verb
collectorate noun also collectorship
collegiate 1. adjective 2. (Canadian English) noun
colligate verb
collimate verb
colliquate (Obsolete) verb
collocate noun, verb
colocate or co-locate verb
colorate (Obsolete) adjective also colored
columbate noun same as niobate
columellate adjective
comate noun, adjective
combinate (Rare) adjective also betrothed
commemorate verb
commensurate adjective
commentate verb
commigrate (Rare) verb
comminate verb
commiserate verb
commissionate (Obsolete) verb also commission (as a verb)
commodate (Scottish English, Law) noun
communicate verb
commutate verb
compaginate (Obsolete) verb
companionate adjective
comparate noun
compassionate 1. adjective 2. (Archaic) verb
compendiate (Obsolete) verb
compensate verb
comperendinate verb
complanate adjective
complicate adjective, verb
comprobate (Obsolete) verb also agree, concur
computerate adjective
concamerate verb
concatenate adjective, verb
concelebrate verb
concentrate noun, verb
conchate adjective also conched
conciliate verb
concinnate verb
concionate (Obsolete) verb also preach
concolorate adjective also concolor
concorporate adjective, verb
concreate verb
concubinate (Obsolete) noun also concubinage
conculcate (Obsolete) verb
condensate noun
conditionate (Obsolete) adjective, verb
conduplicate adjective
conepate noun also conepatl, skunk (as a noun)
confabulate verb
confarreate adjective also confarreated
confederate noun, adjective, verb
Confederate noun, adjective
conferruminate adjective also conferruminated
configurate verb
confiscate adjective, verb
conflagrate verb also kindle
conflate verb
conformate (Rare) adjective
conglaciate (Obsolete) verb
conglobate adjective, verb
conglobulate verb
conglomerate noun, adjective, verb
conglutinate adjective, verb
congratulate verb
congregate adjective, verb
conjugate noun, adjective, verb
connate adjective
connotate (Obsolete) verb same as connote
connumerate verb
conquadrate (Rare) verb
conquassate (Obsolete) verb
consecrate verb
considerate adjective
consociate noun, adjective, verb same as associate
consolate (Obsolete) verb same as console
consolidate adjective, verb also consolidated adjective
conspurcate (Obsolete) verb
constate verb
constellate verb
consternate verb
constipate verb
constuprate verb
consubstantiate verb
consulate noun
consummate adjective, verb
contaminate 1. noun, verb 2. (Obsolete) adjective
contemperate (Obsolete) verb
contemplate verb

conterminate (Obsolete) adjective also conterminous, conterminal, coterminal

contiguate (Obsolete) adjective also contiguous
continuate adjective
contorniate noun
contortionate adjective also contortive
contortuplicate adjective
contraindicate verb
contrate adjective
contristate (Obsolete) verb
contriturate (Rare) verb
conviciate (Obsolete) verb
convocate verb
cooperate or co-operate verb
cooptate (Obsolete) verb
coordinate or co-ordinate noun, adjective, verb
copemate (Obsolete) noun also copesmate
copulate adjective, verb
coradicate adjective
corbiculate adjective
cordate adjective

corelate (British English) or correlate (American English) noun, adjective, verb

corniculate adjective
cornucopiate adjective
corollate adjective also corollated
coronate adjective, verb
corotate verb
corporate noun, adjective
corradiate verb

correlate (American English) or corelate (British English) noun, adjective, verb

corrivate (Obsolete) verb
corroborate 1. verb 2. (Archaic) adjective
corrodiate (Obsolete) verb also corrode
corrugate adjective, verb also corrugated adjective
corticate adjective also corticated
coruscate verb
costate adjective
costellate adjective
cothurnate adjective also cothurnated
counterdemonstrate verb
counterirritate verb
counterponderate verb also equiponderate
counterstate verb
craniate noun, adjective
create 1. verb 2. (Archaic) adjective
crebricostate adjective
crebrisulcate adjective
cremate verb
crenate adjective also crenated

crenelate (American English) or crenellate (British English) adjective, verb also crenelated (Am Eng) or crenellated (Br Eng) adjective

crenulate adjective also crenulated
crepitate verb
cribrate adjective also cribriform, cribrous, sievelike
criminate verb
crinate adjective also hairy
crispate adjective also crispated
cristate adjective also cristated
croceate adjective also saffron-colored
croconate noun
cruciate adjective
cruentate (Obsolete) adjective also bloodsmeared
crustate adjective also crustaceous, crusted
cryohydrate noun
cryoprecipitate noun
cryptobranchiate adjective
cryptoclimate noun
cucullate adjective also cucullated
culminate verb
cultivate verb
cultrate adjective also cultrated
cumulate adjective, verb
cuneate adjective also cuneated
cupulate adjective also cupular
curate noun, verb
curtate adjective
curvate adjective also curvated, curved
curvicaudate adjective
curvicostate adjective
curvidentate adjective
curvifoliate adjective
cuspate adjective also cuspated, cusped
cuspidate adjective also cuspidated
cyanate noun
cyanaurate noun same as aurocyanide
cyanoacrylate noun
cyanoethylate noun, verb
cyanurate noun
cybernate verb
cyclamate noun
cyclandelate noun
cyclobranchiate adjective
cyclopentolate noun
cyclosilicate noun
cyclostomate adjective also cyclostomatous
deactivate verb
deactuate verb
deaerate or de-aerate verb
dealate noun, adjective also dealated adjective
dealbate (Obsolete) verb
deallocate verb
deambulate (Obsolete) verb
deaminate verb
dearticulate verb also disjoint (as a verb)
deaspirate verb
deaurate (Obsolete) adjective, verb
deautomate verb
debacchate (Rare) verb
debate noun, verb
debellate (Obsolete) verb
debilitate verb
debulliate (Obsolete) verb
decaffeinate verb
decantate (Obsolete) verb same as decant
decapitate verb
decapsulate verb
decarbonate verb
decarboxylate verb
decaudate verb
decelerate verb
decemdentate adjective
decemvirate noun
decerebrate noun, verb
dechlorinate verb
deciduate adjective
decimate verb
declinate adjective
decollate verb
decolorate adjective, verb
decompensate verb
deconcentrate verb
deconglomerate verb
decongregate verb
deconsecrate verb
decontaminate verb
decorate verb
decorticate verb
decrepitate verb
decumulate verb
decurionate noun
decussate adjective, verb
dedecorate (Obsolete) verb
dedesignate verb
dedicate adjective, verb also dedicated adjective
dedifferentiate verb
deescalate or de-escalate verb
defaecate (British English) or defecate (American English) verb
defalcate verb
defatigate (Rare) verb
defecate (American English) or defaecate (British English) verb
defenestrate verb
defibrillate verb
defibrinate verb
deflagrate verb
deflate verb
deflocculate verb
deflorate adjective
defluoridate verb
defoliate adjective, verb
degenerate noun, adjective, verb
deglutinate verb
degustate verb also degust
dehonestate (Obsolete) verb
dehydrate verb
dehydrochlorinate verb

dehydrogenate verb also dehydrogenise (British English) or dehydrogenize (American English)

deintegrate verb
deitate (Obsolete) adjective also deified
dejerate (Obsolete) verb
delaminate verb
delate (Scottish English) verb
delectate verb
delegate noun, verb
delegitimate verb
delibate (Obsolete) verb
deliberate adjective, verb
delibrate (Archaic) verb
delicate 1. adjective 2. (Archaic, Obsolete) noun
deliciate (Obsolete) verb
deligate verb (not to be confused with delegate)
delignate verb
delimitate verb same as delimit
delineate verb
deliquate (Obsolete) verb
deliquiate (Archaic) verb same as deliquesce
delirate (Obsolete) verb
delitigate (Obsolete) verb
demarcate verb
demedicate verb
dementate 1. adjective 2. (Rare) verb
demigrate (Obsolete) verb same as emigrate
demodulate verb
demonstrate verb
demotivate verb
demyelinate verb
dendrachate noun
denegate (Obsolete) verb also deny
denervate verb
denigrate verb
denitrate verb
denominate verb
denotate (Obsolete) verb same as denote
dentate adjective
denticulate adjective also denticulated
dentirostrate adjective also dentirostral
denudate adjective, verb also denuded, bare adjective
denunciate verb also denounce
deodate (Obsolete) verb
deonerate (Obsolete) verb also disburden
deoperculate adjective
deoppilate (Obsolete) verb
deosculate (Obsolete) verb

deoxidate verb also deoxidise (British English) or deoxidize (American English)

deoxygenate verb also deoxygenise (British English) or deoxygenize (American English)

depatriate (Obsolete) verb
depauperate adjective
dephlegmate verb
dephlogisticate verb
dephosphorylate verb
depilate verb
deplanate adjective
deplorate (Obsolete) adjective same as deplorable
deplumate adjective, verb
depopulate 1. verb 2. (Archaic) adjective also depopulated adjective
deprecate verb
depreciate verb
depredate verb
depreicate (Rare) verb
deprostrate (Obsolete) adjective
depucelate (Obsolete) verb
depudicate (Obsolete) verb
depurate verb
dequantitate (Obsolete) verb also disquantity (Obsolete)
deracinate verb
derate (British English) verb
deregulate verb
derivate adjective, verb also derivative (as an adjective)
dermobranchiate adjective
derogate 1. verb 2. (Archaic) adjective also debased adjective

desalinate verb also desalinise (British English) or desalinize (American English) also desalt

desaturate verb
desecate (Obsolete) verb (not to be confused with desiccate)
desecrate verb
desegregate verb
desiccate verb
desiderate verb
designate adjective, verb
desolate adjective, verb
desophisticate (Rare) verb
despecificate (Rare) verb
desperate 1. adjective 2. (Obsolete) noun also desperado noun
desponsate (Obsolete) verb also betroth
despotate or despotat noun
despumate verb
desquamate verb
destinate (Obsolete) adjective, verb
desublimate verb

desulfurate or desulphurate verb also desulfurise or desulphurise (British English) or desulfurize or desulphurize (American English)

detenebrate (Obsolete) verb
deteriorate verb
determinate adjective, verb
detestate (Obsolete) verb same as detest
detonate verb
detoxicate verb also detoxify
detruncate verb similar to truncate (as a verb)
deturbate (Obsolete) verb also evict, remove
deturpate (Obsolete) verb
deuterate verb
devaluate verb also devalue
devastate verb
devenustate (Obsolete) verb
deviate noun, adjective, verb
devirginate (Rare) verb
dextrogyrate adjective also dextrogyre
dextrophosphate noun
diaconate noun
diagnosticate verb also diagnose
dialysate (British English) or dialyzate (American English) noun
dibranchiate noun, adjective
dichromate noun also bichromate
dictate noun, verb
differentiate verb
difficilitate (Obsolete) verb
difficultate (Obsolete) verb

diffusate noun also dialysate (British English) or dialyzate (American English)

digammate adjective also digammated
digitate adjective also digitated
digladiate (Obsolete) verb
dijudicate (Rare) verb
dilacerate verb
dilaniate (Rare) verb
dilapidate verb
dilatate adjective also dilated, broadened
dilate verb
dilucidate (Obsolete) verb same as elucidate
diluviate (Obsolete) verb
dimenhydrinate noun
dimethoate noun
dimidiate adjective, verb
dinoflagellate noun, adjective
dioptrate adjective
diphosphate noun
diphosphoglycerate noun
diplomate noun (not to be confused with diplomat)
directorate noun
disaccommodate (Rare) verb
disaffectionate (Rare) adjective
disaffiliate verb
disaggregate verb
disambiguate verb
disanimate (Rare) verb
disappreciate verb
disappropriate adjective, verb
disarticulate verb
disassimilate verb
disassociate verb same as dissociate
discalceate adjective also discalced, barefoot
discapacitate (Rare) verb
discarnate adjective also incorporeal

discolorate (Rare) verb also discolor (American English) or discolour (British English)

discomboberate (Archaic) verb same as discombobulate
discombobulate verb
discommodate (Obsolete) verb same as discommode
disconsecrate (Rare) verb
disconsolate adjective
discorporate (Obsolete) adjective
discriminate adjective, verb
discruciate (Obsolete) verb also excruciate
disculpate verb also exculpate
disequilibrate verb
disgraduate (Obsolete) verb
disgregate verb
dishabilitate (Rare) verb also disqualify
dishabituate verb
disilluminate verb
disincarcerate (Rare) verb
disincorporate verb
disintegrate verb
disintermediate verb
disintoxicate verb
disintricate (Rare) verb
disinvigorate (Rare) verb also enervate
dislocate noun, verb
disoppilate (Obsolete) verb
disordinate (Obsolete) adjective
disorientate verb also disorient
disoxidate (Rare) verb same as deoxidate

disoxygenate (Rare) verb also deoxidise (British English) or deoxidize (American English)

disparate adjective (not to be confused with desperate)
dispassionate adjective
disproportionate adjective
dispropriate (Rare) verb same as disappropriate (as a verb)
disrate verb
disseminate verb
dissentiate (Rare) verb
dissertate verb
dissimilate verb
dissimulate verb
dissipate verb
dissociate verb
distemperate (Obsolete) adjective
disterminate (Obsolete) adjective
distillate noun
disulfate or disulphate noun
dithiocarbamate noun
dithionate noun
divagate verb
divaricate adjective, verb
divellicate (Obsolete, Rare) verb
diverberate (Rare) verb
diverticulate adjective also diverticular
divulgate verb
doctorate noun
dogate noun also dogeate
dolabrate adjective also dolabriform
domesticate verb
domiciliate verb
dominate verb
donate verb
dorsibranchiate noun, adjective
dubitate (Rare) verb
dulcorate (Rare) verb also sweeten
dunderpate noun also dunderhead
duplicate noun, adjective, verb
duumvirate noun
easselgate adverb same as eassel
ebracteate adjective
ebracteolate adjective
ebriate adjective also drunk
ebulliate (Obsolete) verb
ecardinate adjective
ecarinate adjective
ecaudate adjective
echinate adjective also echinated
echinulate adjective
echolocate verb
ecostate adjective
edentate noun, adjective
edituate (Obsolete) verb
educate verb
edulcorate verb
effascinate (Obsolete) verb also bewitch
effectuate verb
effeminate adjective, verb
effigiate verb
effigurate adjective
efflagitate (Obsolete) verb
efflate verb
effluviate (Rare) verb
egerminate (Obsolete) verb same as germinate
eglomerate (Rare) verb
egurgitate verb
ejaculate noun, verb
elaborate adjective, verb
elaidate noun
elaqueate (Rare) verb also disentangle
elasmobranchiate noun, adjective
elasticate verb
elate adjective, verb also elated adjective
electorate noun
electroplate noun, verb
elevate 1. verb 2. (Archaic) adjective also elevated adjective
elicitate (Obsolete) verb same as elicit (not to be confused with illicit)
elimate (Obsolete) verb
eliminate verb
elinguate (Obsolete) verb
elixate (Obsolete) verb
eloignate (Obsolete) verb also written eloinate
elongate adjective, verb also elongated adjective
eluate noun
elucidate verb
eluctate (Obsolete) verb
elucubrate verb
elutriate verb
eluviate verb
eluxate verb also luxate, dislocate
emacerate (Obsolete) verb same as emaciate
emaciate verb
emaculate (Obsolete) verb also maculate (as a verb)
emanate verb
emancipate verb
emarginate adjective also emarginated
emasculate adjective, verb
embrocate verb
embryonate adjective
emedullate verb
emeerate noun variant spelling of emirate
emendate verb
emendicate (Obsolete) verb same as mendicate also beg
emicate (Obsolete) verb
emigrate verb (not to be confused with immigrate)
emirate noun
emolliate verb
empassionate (Obsolete) adjective
emulate 1. verb 2. (Obsolete) adjective also emulous adjective
enate noun, adjective also enatic adjective
enavigate (Obsolete) verb
encapsulate verb
enculturate verb
enecate (Obsolete) verb
enervate verb (not to be confused with innervate)
ensate adjective also ensiform
enterate adjective
enubilate (Rare) verb
enucleate adjective, verb
enumerate verb
enunciate verb (not to be confused with annunciate)
epalate adjective
eparchate noun, adjective also eparchy noun, eparchial adjective
ephorate noun also ephoralty
epilate verb
epirate noun
episcopate noun
epurate verb
equate verb
equilibrate verb
equiparate (Rare) verb also compare (as a verb)
equipensate (Obsolete) verb
equiponderate verb
equivocate verb
eradiate verb also radiate (as a verb)
eradicate verb
ergate noun
erogate (Obsolete) verb
erostrate adjective
eructate verb
erudiate (Obsolete) verb also instruct, educate
erugate adjective
erythorbate noun
escalate verb
essentiate (Obsolete) verb
estate noun, verb
estimate noun, verb
estipulate verb same as exstipulate
estivate verb
estuate verb
ethylate noun, verb also ethoxide noun
ethylenediaminetetraacetate noun
etiolate verb
eunuchate verb
eusporangiate adjective
evacate (Obsolete) verb also empty (as a verb)
evacuate verb
evaginate verb
evaluate verb
evaporate verb
eventerate (Obsolete) verb also disembowel
eventilate (Obsolete) verb
eventuate verb

evestigate (Obsolete) verb also vestigate (Obsolete) same as investigate

evibrate (Obsolete) verb same as vibrate
evirate (Obsolete) verb same as emasculate (as a verb)
eviscerate verb
evitate (Obsolete) verb also shun, avoid
evocate (Rare) verb also evoke
evulgate (Obsolete) verb
exacerbate verb
exacinate verb
exacuate (Obsolete) verb also sharpen
exaggerate verb
exagitate (Obsolete) verb
exaltate (Obsolete) adjective
examinate (Obsolete) noun
exanimate adjective
exannulate adjective
exantlate (Obsolete) verb
exarate adjective
exarchate noun also exarchy
exarillate adjective
exarticulate adjective
exasperate adjective, verb
exauctorate (Obsolete) verb same as exauthorate
exaugurate (Obsolete) verb
exauthorate (Obsolete) verb
excalceate (Obsolete) verb
excarnate verb
excarnificate verb same as excarnate
excaudate adjective
excavate verb
excecate (Obsolete) verb also blind (as a verb)
excitate (Obsolete) verb also excite
excogitate verb
excommunicate noun, adjective, verb also excommunicated adjective
excoriate verb
excorticate verb same as decorticate
excreate (Obsolete) verb
excruciate verb
exculpate verb
execrate verb
exenterate verb
exestuate (Obsolete) verb
exfoliate verb
exheredate (Rare) verb also disinherit
exhilarate verb
exhumate verb also exhume
exiccate (Obsolete) verb same as exsiccate
exoculate (Rare) verb
exonerate verb
exorate (Obsolete) verb
exorbitate (Obsolete) verb
exosculate (Obsolete) verb
exosstate (Obsolete) verb
expatiate verb
expatriate noun, adjective, verb also expatriated adjective
expectorate verb
expediate verb misconstruction of expedite
expeditate verb
expiate verb
expiscate (Scottish English) verb
explanate adjective
explate (Archaic) verb also explain
explicate verb
explorate (Obsolete) verb also explore
expostulate verb
exprobrate verb also reproach (as a verb)
expropriate verb
expurgate verb
exsanguinate verb
exscutellate adjective
exsiccate verb
exstipulate adjective also estipulate
exsufflate verb)
exsufflicate (Once used by Shakespeare) adjective
exsuscitate (Obsolete) verb
extenuate verb
exterminate verb
extimulate (Obsolete) verb same as stimulate
extirpate verb
extortionate adjective
extrapolate verb
extravagate (Archaic) verb
extravasate noun, verb also extravasation noun
extravenate (Obsolete) adjective
extricate verb
extubate verb
extuberate (Obsolete) verb
exuberate verb
exudate noun
exulcerate (Obsolete) verb
exundate (Obsolete) verb
exungulate (Rare) verb
exuperate (Obsolete) verb
exuscitate (Obsolete) verb same as exsuscitate (Obsolete)

exuviate verb also molt (American English) or moult (British English) (as a verb)

fabricate verb
fabulate verb
facilitate verb
falcate adjective also falcated
falculate adjective
famulate (Obsolete) verb also serve (as a verb)
fantasticate verb
farctate (Obsolete) adjective
fasciate adjective also fasciated
fasciculate adjective also fasciculated
fascinate verb
fastigiate adjective also fastigiated

fatigate (Obsolete) adjective, verb also fatigued adjective, fatigue (as a verb)

faveolate adjective also favose
febricitate (Obsolete) verb
fecundate verb
federate adjective, verb also federated adjective
felicitate 1. verb 2. (Archaic) adjective
fellate verb
feminate (Obsolete) adjective also feminine (as an adjective)
fenerate (Obsolete) verb
fenestrate adjective also fenestrated
ferrate noun
ferricyanate noun also ferricyanide
ferriprussiate (Rare) noun same as ferricyanate, ferricyanide
ferrocyanate noun also ferrocyanide
ferroprussiate (Rare) noun also ferrocyanate, ferrocyanide
ferruminate (Rare) verb
fertilitate verb
festinate adjective, verb also hurried adjective
fibrillate verb
fibroreticulate adjective
figulate (Rare) adjective also figulated
figurate adjective
filiate verb
filtrate noun, verb
fimbriate adjective, verb also fimbriated adjective
fimbricate adjective
fimbrillate adjective also fimbriate (as an adjective),
fissate adjective
fissicostate adjective
fissipalmate adjective
fistulate adjective also fistular, fistulous
fixate verb
flabellate (adjective) also flabelliform
flagellate (noun, adjective, verb) also flagellated (adjective)
flagitate (Archaic - verb)
flagrate (Obsolete - verb) also burn (as a verb)
flexicostate (adjective)
flocculate (verb)
floreate or floriate (adjective) also floreated or floriated
fluate (Obsolete - noun)
fluctuate (verb)
fluoborate (noun)
fluophosphate (noun) same as fluorophosphate
fluoridate (verb)
fluorinate (verb)
fluorophosphate (noun) also fluophosphate
fluosilicate (noun)
flustrate (Colloquial - verb) also fluster (as a verb)
focillate (Obsolete - verb) also nourish
folate (noun, adjective)
foliate (adjective, verb) also foliated (adjective)
foliolate (adjective)
folliculate (adjective) also folliculated, follicular
foraminate (adjective) also foraminous
forcipate (adjective)
foredate (verb)
foreordinate (verb) same as foreordain
forficate (adjective)
forficulate (adjective)
forisfamiliate (verb)
formate (noun)
formiate (noun) same as formate
formicate (verb)
formulate (verb)
fornicate (verb)
fortunate (adjective)
fossate (noun) variant of fossa
fossulate (adjective)
foveate (adjective) also foveated
foveolate (adjective) also foveolated
fractionate (verb)

fragmentate (verb) also fragmentise (British English) or fragmentize (American English)

fraternate (verb)
frigate (noun)
frigerate (Obsolete - verb) similar to or same as refrigerate
frontate (adjective)
fructuate (Obsolete - verb)
frustrate (adjective, verb) also frustrated (adjective)
fucate (adjective) also fucated
fulcrate (Rare - adjective)
fulgurate (verb)
fulminate (noun, verb)
fumarate (noun)
fumigate (verb)
funambulate (verb)
functionate (verb)
funerate (Obsolete - verb)
fungate (adjective, verb)
funiculate (adjective)
furcate (adjective, verb)
fustigate (verb)
gagate (Obsolete - noun) same as agate
galeate (adjective) also galeated
gallate (noun)
gangliate (adjective) also gangliated

ganglionate (adjective) also ganglionated same as gangliate, gangliated

gangrenate (Obsolete - verb) same as gangrene (as a verb)
gastrulate (verb)
gelate (verb)

gelatinate (verb) also gelatinise (British English) or gelatinize (American English)

geminate (noun, adjective, verb) also geminated (adjective)
gemmate (adjective, verb)
gemmiflorate (adjective)
generalate (noun)
generate (verb)
geniculate (adjective)
germinate (verb)
gestate (verb)
gesticulate (verb)
glabrate (adjective) also glabrous
glabreate or glabriate (Obsolete - verb)
glaciate (verb)
gladiate (adjective) also swordshaped
globate (adjective) also globated
glochidiate (adjective)
glomerate (adjective)
glomerulate (adjective)
gluconate (noun)
glutamate (noun)
glutinate (verb)
glycerate (noun)
glycerinate (noun, verb)
glycocholate (noun)
glycolate (noun)
glycosylate (verb)
glyoxylate (noun)
governorate (noun)
gradate (verb)
graduate (noun, adjective, verb)
granate (noun) same as garnet
granulate (verb)
gratinate (verb) also gratiné
gratulate (verb)
gravitate (verb)
gubernate (Obsolete - verb) same as govern
guesstimate or guestimate (noun, verb)
guttate (adjective) also guttated
gyrate (adjective, verb)
habilitate (verb)
habituate (verb)

haemagglutinate (British English) or hemagglutinate (American English) (verb)

haemoflagellate (British Engish) or hemoflagellate (American English) (noun)

half-Confederate (adjective)
half-cordate (adjective)
half-sagittate (adjective)
hallucinate (verb)
halogenate (verb)
hamate (adjective)
hamulate (adjective) also hamular, hamulose, hamulous
hariolate (Obsolete - verb)
haruspicate (Archaic - adjective)
hastate (adjective)
haustellate (adjective)
hebetate (verb)
hemachate (noun)

hemagglutinate (American English) or haemagglutinate (British English) (verb)

hemichordate (noun, adjective)
hemihydrate (noun)

hemoflagellate (American Engish) or haemoflagellate (British English) (noun)

hereticate (verb)
herniate (verb)
hesitate (verb)
heterogangliate (adjective)
hetmanate (noun) also hetmanship
hexahydrate (noun)
hibernate (verb)
hierogrammate or hierogrammat (noun)
hinniate (Obsolete - verb)
holostomate (adjective) same as holostomatous
homogangliate (adjective)
homogenate (noun)
homologate (verb)
horripilate (verb)
hospitate (Obsolete - verb)
humanate (Obsolete - adjective)
humate (noun)
humectate (Archaic - verb) also moisten
humiliate (verb)
hybernate (verb) see hibernate
hydrargyrate (Rare - adjective)
hydrate (noun, verb)
hydriodate (noun) same as hydriodide
hydrobromate (noun) same as hydrobromide
hydrocarbonate (noun)
hydrochlorate (noun) same as hydrochloride
hydrocyanate (noun) same as hydrocyanide
hydrofluate (Archaic - noun)
hydrofluosilicate (noun) same as silicofluoride

hydrogenate (verb) also hydrogenise (British English) or hydrogenize (American English)

hydrolysate (noun) also written hydrolyzate
hydrosulfate or hydrosulphate (noun)
hydrotellurate (noun)
hydroxylate (verb)
hyemate (Obsolete, Rare - verb)
hylobate (noun) also gibbon
hypate (noun)
hyperaccurate (adjective)
hyperaggregate (verb)
hyperdelicate (adjective)
hyperoxygenate (verb)
hyperoxymuriate (Obsolete - noun) same as perchlorate
hyperstimulate (verb)
hyperventilate (verb)
hyphenate (noun, adjective, verb)
hypnobate (Rare - noun) same as somnambulist
hypophosphate (noun)
hyposulfate or hyposulphate (noun)
hypothecate (verb)
ideate (noun, verb) also ideatum (noun)
illaqueate (verb)
illegitimate (noun, adjective, verb)
illiterate (noun, adjective)

illuminate 1. (verb) 2. (Archaic - adjective) 3. (Obsolete - adjective) 4. (Archaic - noun) also illuminated, enlightened (adjectives)

illuviate (verb)
illustrate (verb)

imaginate (Obsolete - adjective) same as imaginative
imamate (noun)
imbecilitate (Rare - verb) also enfeeble
imbricate (adjective, verb)
imitate (verb)
immaculate (adjective)
immarginate (adjective)
immateriate (Obsolete - adjective) same as immaterial
immediate (adjective)
immensurate (Rare - adjective)
immigrate (verb - not to be confused with emigrate)
immoderate (adjective)
immolate (verb)
immunoprecipitate (verb)
immutate (Obsolete - adjective) same as unchanged
impanate (Obsolete - adjective, verb)
imparidigitate (adjective)
imparipinnate (adjective) also odd-pinnate
impassionate (adjective) also impassioned
impenetrate (verb)
impennate (Rare - adjective)
imperate (Obsolete - adjective)
imperforate (noun, adjective) also imperforated (adjective)
impersonate (adjective, verb)
impetrate (verb)
impignorate (Obsolete - verb)
impinguate (Obsolete - verb) also fatten
implate (verb)
implicate (verb)
importunate (adjective)

imposthumate (adjective, verb) also imposthumated (adjective) also written impostumate

imprecate (verb)
impregnate (adjective, verb) also impregnated (adjective)
imprejudicate (Obsolete - adjective) also impartial
improbate (Obsolete - verb)
improlificate (Obsolete - verb) same as impregnate (as a verb)
improportionate (Obsolete - adjective)
impropriate (adjective, verb)
improvisate (Rare - adjective, verb)
impunctate (adjective)
inaccurate (adjective)
inactivate (verb)
inactuate (Obsolete - verb)
inadequate (adjective)

inamorate (Rare - adjective) also enamored (American English) or enamoured (British English)

inanimate (adjective)
inanitiate (Rare - verb)
inantherate (adjective)
inappropriate (adjective)
inaquate (Obsolete - adjective)
inarticulate (adjective)
inaugurate (verb)
inaurate (adjective, verb) also gilded (adjective), gild (verb)
inauspicate (Obsolete - adjective) also inauspicious
incapacitate (verb)
incapsulate or encapsulate (verb)
incarcerate (adjective, verb) also incarcerated (adjective)
incardinate (verb)
incarnate (adjective, verb)
inchoate (adjective)
incinerate (verb)
incommensurate (adjective)
incommodate (Obsolete - verb) same as incommode
incompassionate (adjective)
inconditionate (Obsolete - adjective)
inconsiderate (adjective)
inconsummate (adjective)
incontaminate (adjective) also uncontaminated
incoordinate or inco-ordinate (adjective)
incoronate (Rare - adjective) also crowned
incorporate (adjective, verb)
incrassate (adjective, verb) also incrassated (adjective)
increate (adjective)
incremate (verb) same as cremate
increpate (Obsolete - verb)
incriminate (verb)

incrustate 1. (adjective) 2. (Rare - verb) also incrusted (adjective), incrust (verb)

incubate (verb)
incudate (adjective) also incudal
inculcate (verb)
inculpate (verb)
incurvate (adjective, verb)
indagate (verb)
indeciduate (adjective)
indeliberate (adjective)
indelicate (adjective)
indepravate (Rare - adjective) also undepraved
indesignate (adjective)
indeterminate (adjective)
indevirginate (Obsolete - adjective)
indicate (verb)
indigitate (Obsolete - verb)
indiscriminate (adjective)
individuate (verb)
indoctrinate (verb)
indubitate (Obsolete - adjective, verb)
indulgiate (Rare - verb) same as indulge
induplicate (adjective) also induplicative
indurate (adjective, verb)
indusiate (adjective)
induviate (adjective)
inebriate (adjective, verb) also inebriated (adjective)
inelaborate (adjective)
inembryonate (adjective)
inequilobate (adjective)
inequitate (Obsolete - verb)
inescate (Obsolete - verb)
inexpiate (Obsolete - adjective)
infatuate (noun, adjective, verb) also infatuated (adjective)
inferobranchiate (adjective)
infibulate (verb)
infiltrate (noun, verb)
infinitate (verb)
inflate (verb)
infoliate (Rare - verb)
infortunate (Obsolete - adjective)
infraspinate (adjective) also infraspinous
infrigidate (Obsolete - verb)
infucate (verb)
infumate (verb)
infundibulate (adjective) also infundibular
infuriate 1. (verb) 2. (Archaic - adjective)
infuscate (adjective) also infuscated
ingate (noun)
ingeminate (verb)
ingenerate (adjective, verb)
ingeniate (Obsolete - verb)
ingerminate (verb)
inglobate (adjective)
ingrate 1. (noun) 2. (Archaic - adjective) also ungrateful (adjective)
ingratiate (verb)
ingravidate (Obsolete - verb) also impregnate (as a verb)
ingurgitate (verb)
inhabitate (Obsolete - verb) same as inhabit
inhumate (verb) same as inhume
initiate (noun, adjective, verb)
inlapidate (Rare - verb) also petrify
inmate (noun)
innate (adjective)
innervate (verb - not to be confused with enervate)
innodate (Obsolete - verb)
innominate (adjective) also nameless
innovate (verb)
innumerate (noun, verb)
inoculate (verb)
inodiate (Obsolete - verb)
inodorate (Obsolete - adjective) same as inodorous
inoperculate (adjective)
inopinate (Obsolete - adjective)
inordinate (adjective)
inornate (adjective)
inosilicate (noun)
inosculate (verb)
inquinate (Obsolete - verb)
inquorate (British English) - adjective)
inracinate (verb)
insalivate (verb)
insaniate (Obsolete - verb)
insatiate (adjective) also insatiable
inseminate (verb)
insensate (adjective)
inseparate (adjective)
insidiate (Obsolete - verb)
insimulate (Obsolete - verb) same as accuse
insinuate (verb)
insociate (Obsolete - adjective)
insolate (verb - not to be confused with insulate)
inspectorate (noun)
inspissate (verb)
instantiate (verb)
instate (verb)
instaurate (Rare - verb)
instigate (verb)
instimulate (Obsolete - verb)
instipulate (adjective) see exstipulate or estipulate
insubordinate (noun, adjective)
insufflate (verb)
insulate (verb)
integrate (verb)
intemerate (adjective)
intemperate (adjective)
intenerate (verb)
intensate (Rare - verb) also intensify
interagglutinate (verb)
interanimate (verb)
intercalate (verb)
intercessionate (Obsolete - verb) same as entreat
intercirculate (verb)
intercollegiate (adjective)
intercommunicate (verb)
intercoordinate (adjective)
intercorelate (British English) or intercorrelate (American English) (verb)
intercorporate (adjective)
intercreate (verb)
interdebate (verb)
interdifferentiate (verb)
interdigitate (verb)
interfiltrate (verb)
interfoliate (Obsolete - verb) also interleave
interindicate (verb)
interjaculate (verb)
interlaminate (verb)
interlineate (verb)
interlobate (adjective)
interlocate (verb)
interlucate (Obsolete - verb)
intermediate (noun, adjective)
intermicate (Rare - verb)
intermigrate (verb)
interminate 1. (adjective) 2. (Obsolete - verb)
interoscillate (verb)
interosculate (verb)
interpellate (verb)
interpenetrate (verb)
interpermeate (verb)
interpolate (verb)
interpollinate (verb)
interpretate (Archaic - verb) same as interpret
interpunctuate (verb)
interradiate (verb)
interrelate (verb)
interrogate (verb)
interseminate (Rare - verb)
intersituate (verb)
interstate (noun, adjective)
interstimulate (verb)
interungulate (adjective)
intestate (noun, adjective)
intimate (1) (noun, adjective)
intimate (2) (verb)
intimidate (verb)
intonate (verb)
intoxicate 1. (verb) 2. (Archaic - adjective) also intoxicated (adjective)
intraplate (adjective)
intrastate (adjective)
intricate (adjective)
intrinsicate (Obsolete - adjective) also intricate
intubate (verb)
inturbidate (Rare - verb)
inumbrate (Obsolete - verb)
inundate (verb)
inusitate (Rare - adjective) also unusual
invaginate (adjective, verb)
invalidate (verb)
invertebrate (noun, adjective)
investigate (verb)
inveterate (adjective)
invigilate (verb)
invigorate (verb)
inviolate (adjective)
inviscate (Rare - verb)
inviscerate (Rare - adjective, verb)
invitiate (adjective)
invocate (verb) same as invoke
involucellate (adjective) also involucellated
involucrate (adjective)
invulnerate (adjective) same as invulnerable
iodate (noun, verb)
iodinate (verb) also iodise (British English) or iodize (American English)
irate (adjective)
irisate (verb)
irradiate (adjective, verb) also irradiated (adjective)
irradicate (Rare - verb - not to be confused with eradicate)
irregulate (Obsolete - verb)
irrelate (adjective) same as irrelative
irrigate (verb)
irritate (verb)
irrorate (adjective) also irrorated
irrugate (Obsolete - verb) also wrinkle (as a verb)
isocyanate (noun)
isolate (noun, adjective, verb) also isolated (adjective)
isosulphocyanate (noun)

Italianate (adjective, verb) also Italianise (British English) or Italianize (American English) (verb) also Italianised (Br Eng) or Italianized (Am Eng) (adjective)

iterate (verb)
itinerate (verb)
jaculate (verb)
jaspachate (Obsolete - noun) also agate jasper
jubate (adjective)
jubilate (verb)
jugate (adjective)
jugulate (verb)
juncate (Obsolete - noun) same as junket (as a noun)
juniorate (noun)
kalifate (noun) variant spelling of caliphate also written khalifate, califate
karate (noun)
katastate (noun)
khalifate (noun) variant spelling of caliphate also written kalifate, califate
khanate (noun)
khedivate also khediviate (noun)
kinate (Obsolete - noun)
labiate (noun, adjective)
lacerate (adjective, verb) also lacerated (adjective)
lachrymate (Rare - verb) also weep (as a verb)
laciniate (adjective)
laciniolate (adjective)
lactate (1) (verb)
lactate (2) (noun)

lacunate (adjective) also lacunary, lacunal, lacunose (adjectives), lacunar (noun, adjective)

laevigate (British English) or levigate (American English) (adjective, verb)

laevogyrate (British English) or levogyrate (American English) (adjective)
lamellate (adjective) also lamellated, lamellose
lamellibranchiate (noun, adjective)
lamellirostrate (adjective) also lamellirostral

laminate (noun, adjective, verb) also laminous (adjective), lamination (noun)

lampate (Obsolete - noun)
lanate (adjective) also lanose
lanceolate (adjective)
lancinate (verb)
landgraviate (noun) also landgravate
langate (noun)
laniate (Rare - verb)
lapidate (verb)
larvate (adjective)
laticostate (adjective) also broad-ribbed
latidentate (adjective) also broad-toothed
latifoliate (adjective) also broad-leafed or broad-leaved
latirostrate also latirostral (adjective)
latiseptate (adjective)
latrate (Obsolete - verb)
laurate (noun)
laureate (noun, adjective)
leachate (noun)
lectorate (noun) also lectorship
legate (noun)
legislate (verb)
legitimate (noun, adjective, verb)
lemniscate (noun) also called Bernoulli’s lemniscate
lenticellate (adjective)
leptosporangiate (adjective)
levigate (American English) or laevigate (British English) (adjective, verb)
levirate (noun)
levitate (verb)
levogyrate (American English) or laevogyrate (British English) (adjective)
libate (verb)
liberate (verb)
librate (verb)
licentiate (noun)
lichgate or lychgate (noun)
ligate (verb)

lignosulfonate or lignosulphonate (noun) also lignin sulfonate or lignin sulphonate

ligulate (adjective) also ligulated
limbate (adjective)
limitate (verb)
linearensate (adjective)
lineate (adjective) also lineated
lineolate (adjective - not to be confused with linoleate) also lineolated
lingulate (adjective) also lingulated
linoleate (adjective - not to be confused with lineolate)
liquate (verb)
liquidate (verb)
litate (adjective)
literate (noun, adjective)
lithate (Obsolete - noun) written also lithiate
litigate (verb)
liturate (adjective)
lixiviate (verb)
lobate (adjective) also lobated
lobulate (adjective) also lobulated
locate (verb)
locellate (adjective)
loculate (adjective) also locular
longicaudate (adjective) also longicaudal
longipennate (adjective)
lophobranchiate (noun, adjective) also lophobranch (noun, adjective)
lorate (adjective) same as ligulate, ligulated
loricate (adjective) also loricated
lubricate (verb)
lubricitate (verb) same as lubricate
lucubrate (verb)
luminate (Obsolete - noun) also luminary (as a noun)
lunate (noun, adjective) also lunated, crescent-shaped (adjectives)
lunulate (adjective) also lunulated
lustrate (verb)
luxate (verb) also dislocate
luxuriate (verb)
lychgate or lichgate (noun)
lymphate (Obsolete - adjective) also lymphated (Obsolete)
lyrate (adjective) also lyrated
lysate (noun)
macerate (verb)
machicolate (verb)
machinate (verb)
macroaggregate (noun)
macroclimate (noun)
maculate (adjective, verb)
magistrate (noun)
magnate (noun)
magnificate (Obsolete -verb) also magnify, extol
majorate 1. (noun) 2. (Obsolete - verb)
makebate (Archaic - noun)
malamate (noun)
malappropriate (adjective, verb)
malate (noun)
malaxate (verb)
maleate (noun - not to be confused with malleate)
maleficiate (Obsolete - verb)
malleate (verb - not to be confused with maleate)
malonate (noun)

mamillate (American English) or mammillate (British English) (adjective) also mamillated (Am Eng) or mammillated (Br Eng)

mammate (adjective)
mancipate (Obsolete - verb)
mandarinate (noun)
mandate (noun, verb)
mandelate (noun)
mandibulate (noun, adjective)
manducate (verb)
manganate (noun)
manganesate (Obsolete - noun) same as manganate
manicate (adjective)
manipulate (verb)
mannitate (noun)
margarate (noun)
marginate (adjective, verb) also marginated (adjective)
margravate (noun) also margraviate
marinate (verb)
marmorate (Rare - adjective) also marmorated
marquessate (noun) same as marquisate
marquisate (noun)
marsipobranchiate (adjective)
masterate (New Zealand English - noun)
marsupiate (adjective)
masculate (verb)
masticate (verb)
masturbate (verb)

materiate (Obsolete - adjective) also materiated also material (in adjectival form)
matriarchate (noun)
matriculate (noun, verb)

matterate (verb) (Colloquial to New England, Upstate New York, and the Southern US) also suppurate

maturate (verb)
mecate (Southwestern US - noun)
meconate (noun)
mediate (adjective, verb)
medicate (verb)
meditate (verb)
medullate (adjective) also medullated
megavertebrate (noun)
meliorate (verb)
mellate (Rare - noun) same as mellitate
mellitate (noun)
memorate (Obsolete - verb) same as commemorate
mendicate (Rare - verb) same as beg
menstruate (verb)
mensurate (Obsolete - verb) same as measure (as a verb)
meprobamate (noun)

mercurate (noun, verb) also mercuriate (noun), mercurise (British English) or mercurize (American English)

mesaconate (noun)
mesitylenate (noun)
mesostate (noun)
mesoxalate (noun)
messmate (noun)
metantimonate (noun)
metaphosphate (noun)
metasilicate (noun)
metastannate (noun)
metate (noun)
metatungstate (noun)
metavanadate (noun)
methacrylate (noun)
methionate (noun)
methotrexate (noun)
methylate (noun, verb)
methylenetetrahydrofolate (noun)
methylphenidate (noun)
metricate (verb)
metropolitanate (noun)
micate (verb)
microclimate (noun)
microencapsulate (verb)
microsporangiate (adjective)
microstate (noun) also ministate
micturate (verb)
migrate (verb)
militate (verb)
militiate (Obsolete - verb)
miniate (verb)
miniconglomerate (noun)
ministate (noun)
minorate (Rare - verb) also diminish
misallocate (verb)
misappreciate (verb)
misappropriate (verb)
misarticulate (verb)
miscalculate (verb)
miscegenate (verb)
misconjugate (verb)
misconsecrate (verb)
miscoordinate (verb)
miscreate (verb)
misdate (noun, verb)
miseducate (verb)
misestimate (noun, verb)
misevaluate (verb)
misfortunate (Obsolete - adjective)
mislocate (verb)
mismate (verb)
misnarrate (verb)
misnavigate (verb)
mispunctuate (verb)
misrate (verb)
misregulate (verb)
misrelate (verb)
missificate (Obsolete - verb)
misstate (verb)
mistranslate (verb)
mithridate (noun)
mitigate (verb)
moate (Obsolete - verb)
moderate (noun, adjective, verb)
modificate (Obsolete - verb) also qualify
modulate (verb)
molybdate (noun)
monochromate or monochromat (noun)
monohydrate (noun)
mononucleate (adjective) also mononuclear
monostearate (noun)
monounsaturate (noun)
monticulate (adjective)
morate (noun)

morigerate (Obsolete - adjective) also morigerous (Obsolete) also obedient

moroxylate (noun) same as morate
moschate (adjective)
motivate (verb)
mucate (noun)
muconate (noun)
mucronate (adjective) also mucronated
mucronulate (adjective)
multarticulate (adjective)
multiarticulate (adjective)
multibranchiate (adjective)
multicamerate (adjective)
multicapitate (adjective)
multicarinate (adjective) also multicarinated
multiciliate (adjective) also multiciliated
multicordate (noun, adjective)
multicostate (adjective)
multicuspidate (adjective) also multicuspidated
multidentate (adjective)
multidenticulate (adjective) also multidenticulated
multidigitate (adjective)
multiflagellate (adjective) also multiflagellated
multifoliate (adjective)
multifoliolate (adjective) same as multifoliate
multifurcate (adjective)
multigranulate (adjective)
multigyrate (adjective)
multijugate (adjective)
multilaciniate (adjective)
multilobate (adjective)
multilobulate also multilobular (adjective)
multiloculate also multilocular (adjective)
multinervate (adjective)
multinodate (adjective)
multinucleate (adjective)
multinucleolate (adjective) also multinucleolated
multiovulate (adjective)
multiperforate (adjective)
multipinnate (adjective)
multiplicate (adjective) also multiple (in adjectival form)
multiradiate (adjective)
multisaccate (adjective)
multisacculate (adjective) also multisacculated
multiseptate (adjective)
multiseriate (adjective)
multispiculate (adjective) also multispicular
multistaminate (adjective)
multistate (adjective)
multistriate (adjective)
multisulcate (adjective) also multisulcated
multituberculate (noun, adjective)
multivariate (adjective)
multungulate (Obsolete - noun, adjective)
munificate (Obsolete - verb)
munnerate (verb)
muriate (noun)
muricate (adjective) also muricated
muriculate (adjective)
mussitate (verb)
mutate (verb)
mutilate (verb)
myristate (noun)
naphthalate (Obsolete - noun)
narrate (verb)
nauseate (verb)
navigate (verb)
necessitate (verb)
negate (verb)
negotiate (verb)
neonate (noun)
nervate (adjective)
nesosilicate (noun)
nictate (verb) also nictitate also wink (as a verb)
nidate (verb)
nidificate (verb)
nidulate (Rare - verb)
niobate (noun) also called columbate
nippitate (adjective)
nitrate (noun, verb)
nizamate (noun)
nobilitate (Obsolete - verb) also ennoble
nominate (adjective, verb)
nonaculeate (adjective) also nonaculeated
nonadvocate (noun)
nonaffiliate (noun)
nonanimate (adjective)
nonappellate (adjective)
nonarticulate (adjective)
nonaspirate (noun, adjective)
nonbarbiturate (noun)
nonbilabiate (adjective)
noncandidate (noun)
noncarbohydrate (noun)
noncarbonate (noun)
noncelibate (adjective)
nonciliate (adjective) also nonciliated
noncognate (noun, adjective)
noncollegiate (adjective)
nonconfederate (noun, adjective)
nonconjugate (noun, adjective)
noncorporate (adjective)
noncrenate (adjective) also noncrenated
noncuspidate (adjective) also noncuspidated
nondeciduate (adjective) also indeciduate
nondegenerate (noun, adjective)
nondelegate (noun)
nondeliberate (adjective)
nondelicate (adjective)
nondesignate (adjective)
nondisparate (adjective)
nonelaborate (adjective)
nonfimbriate (adjective) also nonfimbriated
nonflagellate (adjective) also nonflagellated
nongeminate (noun, adjective)
nonglomerate (adjective)
nongraduate (noun)
nonincarnate (adjective)
noninitiate (noun)
noninterstate (adjective)
nonirate (adjective)
nonlegitimate (adjective)
nonlicentiate (noun)
nonliterate (adjective) same as preliterate
nonmoderate (noun, adjective)
nonpassionate (adjective)
nonphosphate (adjective)
nonproportionate (adjective)
nonregenerate (adjective)
nonreplicate (adjective) also nonreplicated (adjective)
nonsensate (adjective)
nonseptate (adjective)
nonseriate (adjective)
nonsilicate (noun)
nonsimulate (adjective)
nonsubordinate (adjective)
nontemperate (adjective)
nonundergradulate (noun, adjective)
nonundulate (adjective)
nonvertebrate (noun, adjective)
nonzonate (adjective) also nonzonated
notate (verb)
notionate (Southern US English - adjective)
notobranchiate (adjective)
notoungulate (noun, adjective)
notungulate (noun, adjective) same as notoungulate
novitiate or noviciate (noun)
nubilate (Obsolete - verb) also cloud (as a verb)
nucleate (adjective, verb)
nucleolate (adjective) also nucleolated
nudibrachiate (adjective)
nudibranchiate (noun, adjective) also nudibranchian
nudicaudate (adjective)
numerate (adjective, verb)
nunciate (Obsolete - noun) also nuncio
nuncupate (Obsolete - verb)
nundinate (Obsolete - verb)
nutate (verb)
obcordate (adjective)
obdurate (adjective)
obequitate (Obsolete - verb)
obfirmate (verb) also obfirm
obfuscate (verb)
obimbricate (adjective)
objectivate (verb) also objectify
objurgate (verb)
oblanceolate (adjective)
oblate (1) (adjective)
oblate (2) (noun)
oblatrate (Obsolete - verb)
oblectate (Obsolete - verb)
obligate (adjective, verb)
obliterate (verb)
obnubilate (verb)
obovate (adjective)
obrogate (Obsolete - verb)
obsecrate (verb)
obsignate (Obsolete - verb)
obstetricate (Obsolete - verb)
obstinate (adjective)
obstreperate (verb)
obtemperate (Obsolete - verb) also obey
obtruncate (Rare - verb) also lop (as a verb)
obturate (verb)
obumbrate 1. (verb) 2. (Obsolete - adjective)
obviate (verb)
occasionate (Obsolete - verb) also occasion (as a verb)
occrustate (Obsolete - verb)
occupate (Obsolete - verb) same as occupy (as a verb)
ocellate (adjective) also ocellated
ochreate (adjective) also ochreated
ocreate (adjective)
octoate (noun)
octodentate (adjective)
octuplicate (noun, adjective, verb)
oculate (adjective)
odonate (noun, adjective)
odorate (Obsolete - adjective) same as odorous
oenanthate (noun)
oenanthylate (noun)
officiate (verb)
offuscate (Obsolete - verb) same as obfuscate
oleate (noun)
ominate (Obsolete - verb)
omoplate (noun)
onerate (Obsolete - verb)
opacate (Obsolete - verb)
operate (verb)
operculate (adjective) also operculated
opiate (noun, adjective, verb)
opinionate (Obsolete - adjective)
opinlate (Obsolete - verb)
opisthobranchiate (noun, adjective) also opisthobranch (noun, adjective)
opisthopulmonate (adjective)
oppignerate (Obsolete - verb)
oppignorate (Obsolete - verb) same as oppignerate
oppilate (verb)
opprobriate (verb)
optate (Obsolete - verb)
optimate (Rare - noun, adjective)
orate (verb)
orbate (Obsolete - adjective) also bereaved (in adjectival form)
orbiculate (adjective) also orbiculated
orchestrate (verb)
ordinate (noun)
organophosphate (noun) also called organophosphorus compound
orientate (verb)
originate (verb)
ornate (adjective)
orthoborate (noun)
orthophosphate (noun)
orthosilicate (noun)
oscillate (verb)
oscitate (verb)
osculate (verb)
osmate (noun)
osmiate (noun) same as osmate
osmiamate (noun)
ossiculate (adjective) also ossicular
ostentate (Rare - verb)
ostiate (adjective)
ostiolate (adjective) also ostiolar
ostomate (noun)
outdate (verb)
outdebate (verb)
outequivocate (verb)
outgate (Obsolete - noun) also outlet
outmanipulate (verb)
outpopulate (verb)
outsophisticate (verb)
outvociferate (verb)
ovate (adjective)
overaccelerate (verb)
overaccentuate (verb)
overactivate (verb)
overaggravate (verb)
overagitate (verb)
overannotate (verb)
overarticulate (adjective, verb)
overattenuate (verb)
overcommunicate (verb)
overcompensate (verb)
overcomplicate (verb)
overconcentrate (verb)
overconsiderate (adjective)
overcultivate (verb)
overdate (noun)
overdebate (verb)
overdebilitate (verb)
overdecorate (verb)
overdedicate (verb)
overdeliberate (adjective, verb)
overdelicate (adjective)
overdilate (verb)
overdomesticate (verb)
overdominate (verb)
overeducate (verb)
overelaborate (adjective, verb)
overelate (verb)
overemulate (verb)
overestimate (noun, verb)
overexaggerate (verb)
overillustrate (verb)
overimitate (verb)
overinflate (verb)
overirrigate (verb)
overlate (adjective)
overlegislate (verb)
overlubricate (verb)
overmedicate (verb)
overmitigate (verb)
overoperate (verb)
overorchestrate (verb)
overpassionate (adjective)
overpollinate (verb)
overpopulate (verb)
overproportionate (adjective)
overregulate (verb)
oversaturate (verb)
overspeculate (verb)
overstate (verb)
overstimulate (verb)
overventilate (verb)
ovulate (verb)
oxalacetate (noun)
oxalate (noun)
oxaloacetate (noun) same as oxalacetate
oxalurate (noun)
oxamate (noun)
oxanilate (noun)
oxidate (noun, verb)
oxonate (noun)
oxycrate (noun)
oxygenate (verb)
oxymuriate (noun)
ozonate (verb)
pacate (Rare - adjective)
pacificate (verb) also pacify
paginate (verb)
palaeoclimate (British English) or paleoclimate (American English) (noun)
palamate (adjective) also web-footed
palate (noun)
Palatinate (noun)
paleate (adjective) also paleaceous
paleoclimate (American English) or palaeoclimate (British English) (noun)
palliate (verb)
palliobranchiate (adjective)
palmate (adjective) also palmated
palmitate (noun)
palpate (1) (verb)
palpate (2) (adjective)
palpitate (verb)
palpebrate (adjective)
pandurate (adjective) also panduriform
paniculate (adjective) also paniculated
pantothenate (noun)
papillate (adjective) also papillose
papillulate (adjective)
paraglossate (Obsolete - adjective)
paraquadrate (noun) also squamosal (noun, adjective)
parhypate (noun)
paripinnate (adjective)
paridigitate (adjective)
participate (verb)
particulate (noun, adjective)
parturiate (Obsolete - verb)
passionate (adjective)
passivate (verb)
pastorate (noun)
patellate (adjective)
patinate (verb)
patriarchate (noun)
patriate (verb)
patriciate (noun)
patrizate (Rare - verb)
patrocinate (Obsolete - verb)
patronate (Rare - noun)
pectate (noun)
pectinate (adjective) also pectinated
pectinibranchiate (adjective)
peculate (verb)
pedate (adjective)
pedicellate (adjective)
pediculate (noun, adjective)
pedunculate (adjective) also pedunculated
pejorate (verb)
pelliculate (adjective) also pellicular
peltate (adjective)
pencillate (adjective) also pencillated, pencil-shaped
pendulate (Rare - verb)
penetrate (verb)
penicillate (adjective)
peninsulate (verb)
pennate (adjective) also pennated
pentadactylate (adjective)
penultimate (noun, adjective) also penult (noun)
pepsinate (verb)
peragrate (Obsolete - verb)
perambulate (verb)
perborate (noun) also peroxyborate
perbromate (noun)
perchlorate (noun)
percolate (noun, verb)
peregrinate (verb)
perennate (verb)
perennibranchiate (adjective)
perfectionate (verb) also perfect (as a verb)
perflate (Obsolete - verb)
perfoliate (adjective)
perforate (adjective, verb) also perforated (adjective)
perfricate (verb)
perfuncturate (Rare - verb)
perfusate (noun)
periclitate (Obsolete - verb) also endanger
periodate (noun)

perissodactylate (adjective) also perissodactylic, perissodactylous (adjectives), perissodactyl (noun, adjective)

Peritrate® (noun) also pentaerythritol tetranitrate
peritrichate adjective also peritrichic
perlustrate (verb)
permanganate (noun)
permeate (verb)
permutate (verb)
pernoctate (verb)
peronate (adjective)
perorate (verb)
peroxyborate (noun) same as perborate
peroxysulfate or peroxysulphate (noun) same as persulfate or persulphate
perpetrate (verb)
perpetuate (verb)
perseverate (verb)
personate (verb)
perspirate (verb) also perspire

persulfate or persulphate (noun) also called peroxysulfate or peroxysulphate

persulfocyanate or persulphocyanate (noun)
pertinate (Obsolete - adjective) same as pertinacious

perturbate 1. (Obsolete - verb) same as perturb 2. (Rare - adjective) same as perturbed

pertusate (adjective) also pertuse, pertused
pervestigate (Obsolete - verb)
perviate (verb)
petiolate (adjective) also petiolated
petiolulate (adjective) also petiolular
petrificate (Obsolete - verb) also petrify
phassachate (noun)
phenate (noun)

phenolate (noun, verb) also carbolise (British English) or carbolize (American English) (verb) also phenoxide (noun)

philosophate (Obsolete - verb)
phlogisticate (verb)
phonate (verb)
phorate (noun)
phosphate (noun)
phosphoenolpyruvate (noun)
phosphoglycerate (noun)
phosphorate (verb)
phosphorylate (verb)
photocoagulate (verb)
photodisintegrate (verb)
photodissociate (verb)
photoduplicate (noun, verb)
photosynthate (noun)
phthalate (noun)
phytoclimate (noun)
phytoflagellate (noun)
picrate (noun)
pignerate (Obsolete - verb)
pignorate (adjective, verb)
Pilate (proper noun)
pileate (adjective)
pinnate (adjective) also pinnated
pinnatilobate (adjective)
pinnulate (adjective) also pinnulated
pirate (noun, verb)
pistillate (adjective)
placate (1) (verb)
placate (2) (noun) also placcate, placard, plackart
plagate (adjective)
planate (adjective)
planipennate (adjective)
planulate (adjective) also planular
plicate (adjective, verb) also plicated (adjective)
ploughgate or plowgate (Scottish English - noun)
plumate (adjective)
plumbate (noun)
plumulate (adjective)
plurifoliolate (adjective)
pluriseriate (adjective) also pluriserial
policate or pollicate (adjective)
pollenate (verb) same as pollinate
pollinate (verb)
polycarbonate (noun)
polycarboxylate (noun)
polychromate (noun)
polyembryonate (adjective) also polyembryonic
polyhydroxybutyrate (noun)
polynucleate (adjective) also polynuclear
polysorbate (noun)
polytungstate (noun)
polyunsaturate (noun)
pomegranate (noun)
ponderate (Rare - verb)
pontificate (noun, verb)
populate (verb)
porcate (adjective)
porporate (Obsolete - adjective)
portate (adjective)
possessionate (adjective)
postcollegiate (adjective)
postbaccalaureate (adjective)
postcruciate (adjective)
postdate (verb)
postdebate (adjective)
postdoctorate (adjective) same as postdoctoral
postgraduate (noun, adjective)
postillate (verb)
postlicentiate (adjective)
postliterate (adjective)
postnate (Archaic - adjective)
postprostate (adjective)
postulate (noun, verb)
potentate (noun)
potentiate (verb)
potestate (Obsolete - noun) same as potentate
poundrate (noun)
preaccommodate (verb)
preaccumulate (verb)
preadequate (adjective)
preadvocate (noun, verb)
preaffiliate (noun, verb)
preaggravate (verb)
preagitate (verb)
preambulate (Rare - verb)
preantepenultimate (adjective)
preanticipate (verb)
prearticulate (adjective)
prebendate (Obsolete - verb)
precalculate (verb)
precelebrate (verb)
precipitate (noun, adjective, verb)
precirculate (verb)
precogitate (verb)
precollegiate (adjective)
precommunicate (verb)
precompensate (verb)
precomplicate (verb)
preconcentrate (noun, verb)
precongratulate (verb)
preconizate (Obsolete - verb)
preconsecrate (verb)
preconsolidate (verb)
precontemplate (verb)
precultivate (verb)
predate (verb)
predebate (noun)
prededicate (verb)
predegenerate (adjective)
predelegate (noun, verb)
predeliberate (adjective, verb)
predelineate (verb)
predemonstrate (verb)
predentate (adjective)
predepreciate (verb)
predesignate (verb)
predestinate (adjective, verb) also predestined (adjective)
predeterminate (adjective) also predetermined
predicate (noun, adjective, verb)
predictate (verb)
prediscriminate (verb)
predoctorate (noun)
predominate (verb)
predonate (verb)
preduplicate (verb)
preeducate (verb)
preeliminate (verb)
preenumerate (verb)
preestimate (noun, verb)
preevaporate (verb)
prefabricate (verb)
prefigurate (Rare - verb) same as prefigure
preflagellate (adjective) also preflagellated
preformulate (verb)
pregenerate (verb)
pregravate (Obsolete - verb)
pregravitate (Rare - verb)
prehesitate (verb)
preilluminate (verb)
preillustrate (verb)
preimitate (verb)
preinaugurate (verb)
preindesignate (adjective)
preinitiate (noun, verb)
preinsinuate (verb)
preinsulate (verb)
preinvestigate (verb)
prejudicate (adjective, verb)
prelate (noun)
preliberate (verb)
preliquidate (verb)
preliterate (adjective)
prelocate (verb)
premediate (Rare - verb) also advocate (as a verb)
premedicate (verb)
premeditate (verb)
premonstrate (Rare - verb)
prenecessitate (verb)
prenegotiate (verb)
prenominate (adjective, verb)
preobligate (verb)
preobviate (verb)
preoccupate (Obsolete - verb)
preominate (Obsolete - verb) also portend
preoperate (verb)
preordinate (Rare - adjective) also preordained
prepenetrate (verb)
preponderate (verb)
preregulate (verb)
prerelate (verb)
preremunerate (verb)
presbyterate (noun)
presentiate (Obsolete - verb)
preseparate (verb)
prespeculate (verb)
prestimulate (verb)
presubordinate (verb)
presupplicate (verb)
pretemperate (adjective)
pretranslate (verb)
prevacate (verb)
prevaccinate (verb)
prevaricate (verb)
previolate (verb)
primate (noun)
primordiate (Rare - adjective) same as primordial
principate (noun)
principiate (Obsolete - verb) also initiate (as a verb)
priorate (noun)
pristinate (Obsolete - adjective)
private (noun, adjective)
probate (noun, adjective, verb)
proboscidate (adjective)
pro-Confederate (adjective)
proconsulate (noun) also proconsulship
procrastinate (verb)
procreate (verb)
prodigate (verb) also squander (as a verb)
profanate (Obsolete - verb) also profane (as a verb)
professorate or professoriate or professoriat (noun)
profligate (noun, adjective)
progenerate (Rare - verb)
prognosticate (verb)
prolate (adjective)
prolegate (noun)
proletariate (noun)
proliferate (verb)
prolificate (verb)
prolongate (verb) also prolong
promulgate (verb)
promuscidate (adjective)
pronate (verb)
propagate (verb)
properate (Obsolete - verb)
propiolate (noun)
propionate (noun)
propitiate (verb)
proportionate (adjective, verb)
prorate (verb)
prorectorate (noun)
prorogate (Rare - verb) also prorogue

prostate (noun, adjective) also prostate gland (noun), prostatic (adjective)

prostrate (adjective, verb)
protectorate (noun)
protochordate (noun, adjective)
protonate (verb)
protosilicate (noun)
protuberate (verb)
provinciate (Obsolete - verb)
proximate (adjective)
pruinate (adjective) also pruinose
prussiate (noun)
pseudoaffectionate (adjective)
pseudoarticulate (adjective)
pseudocoelomate (noun, adjective)
pseudocollegiate (adjective)
pseudoconglomerate (adjective)
pseudogyrate (adjective)
pseudomultiseptate (adjective)
pseudosquamate (adjective)
ptenoglossate (adjective)
pterygoquadrate (adjective)
pullicate (noun)
pullulate (verb)
pulmobranchiate (noun, adjective) same as pulmonibranchiate
pulmonate (noun, adjective)
pulmonibranchiate (noun, adjective)
pulsate (verb)

pulverate (Rare - verb) same as pulverise (British English) or pulverize (American English)

pulvinate (adjective) also pulvinated also pulvinar (pertaining to architecture)

pumicate (Rare - verb)
punctuate (verb)
punctulate (adjective) also punctulated
pupate (verb)
pupillate 1. (adjective) 2. (Obsolete - verb)
purpurate (noun, adjective)
pustulate (adjective, verb)
pyroantimonate (noun)
pyroarsenate (noun)

pyroborate (noun) same as borax also called sodium borate, sodium pyroborate, sodium tetraborate

pyrogallate (noun)
pyrolysate (British English) or pyrolyzate (American English) (noun)
pyromalate (Obsolete - noun)
pyromucate (noun)
pyrophosphate (noun)
pyrosulfate or pyrosulphate (noun) also called disulfate or disulphate
pyrotartrate (noun)
pyruvate (noun)
pyxidate (adjective)
quadrate (noun, adjective, verb)
quadricostate (adjective)
quadridentate (adjective)
quadrifoliate (adjective)
quadrigeminate (adjective)
quadrijugate (adjective) same as quadrijugous
quadrilobate (adjective) also quadrilobed
quadripennate (adjective)
quadrisulcate (adjective)
quadrumvirate (noun)
quadruplicate (noun, adjective, verb)
quantitate (verb)
quasi-adequate (adjective)
quasi-affectionate (adjective)
quasi-appropriate (adjective)
quasi-collegiate (adjective)
quasi-considerate (adjective)
quasi-deliberate (adjective)
quasi-delicate (adjective)
quasi-desolate (adjective)
quasi-duplicate (adjective)
quasi-elaborate (adjective)
quasi-fortunate (adjective)
quasi-immediate (adjective)
quasi-legitimate (adjective)
quasi-private (adjective)
quaternate (adjective)
quinate (adjective)
quindecemvirate (noun)
quinquecostate (Obsolete - adjective)
quinquedentate (adjective) also quinquedentated
quinquefoliate (adjective)
quinquelobate (adjective) also quinquelobated
quintuplicate (noun, adjective, verb)
quorate (British English - adjective)
rabate (Obsolete - verb)
rabbate (Obsolete - verb) also abate
rabbinate (noun)
racemate (noun)
radiate (adjective, verb)
radicate (adjective verb) also radicated (adjective)
radulate (adjective)
raffinate (noun)
ramate (adjective)
ratiocinate (verb)
ratitate (adjective)
rattlepate (noun) also rattlebrain
reaccelerate (verb)
reaccentuate (verb)
reacclimate (verb)
reaccommodate (verb)
reaccumulate (verb)
reactivate (verb)
reactuate (Archaic - verb)
readjudicate (verb)
readvocate (verb)
reaffiliate (verb)
reaggravate (verb)
reaggregate (verb)
reagitate (verb)
realienate (verb)
reallocate (verb)
reamalgamate (verb)
reanimate (verb)
reannotate (verb)
reappropriate (verb)
rearbitrate (verb)
rearticulate (verb)
reassimilate (verb)
reassociate (verb)
reate (Archaic - noun)
reauthenticate (verb)
rebate (noun, verb)
recalcitrate (verb)
recalculate (verb)
recalibrate (verb)
recapacitate (verb)
recapitulate (verb)
recelebrate (verb)
rechate (noun, verb) also recheat
recidivate (verb)
reciprocate (verb)
recirculate (verb)
reclinate (adjective)
recoagulate (verb)
recompensate (verb)
recomplicate (verb)
reconcentrate (verb)
reconciliate (verb) also reconcile
reconfiscate (verb)
reconsecrate (verb)
reconsolate (Obsolete - verb)
reconsolidate (verb)
recontaminate (verb)
recontemplate (verb)
recrate (verb)
recreate (verb)
re-create (verb)
recriminate (verb)
rectorate (noun) also rectorship
recultivate (verb)
recuperate (verb)
recurvate (adjective) also recurved
redebate (noun, verb)
redecorate (verb)
rededicate (verb)
redelegate (verb)
redeliberate (verb)
redemonstrate (verb)
redepreciate (verb)
redesignate (verb)
redictate (verb)
redifferentiate (verb)
redilate (verb)
redintegrate (verb)
redominate (verb)
reduplicate (adjective, verb) also doubled (adjective)
reeducate or re-educate (verb)
reelevate (verb)
reemanate (verb)
reenumerate (verb)
reenunciate (verb)
reescalate (verb)
reestate (Obsolete - verb) also reestablish
reestimate (noun, verb)
reevacuate (verb)
reevaluate (verb)
reexcavate (verb)
reexplicate (verb)
reflate (verb)
refocillate (Obsolete - verb)
reformate (noun)
reformulate (verb)
refragate (Rare - verb) also oppose
refrigerate (verb)
refrustrate (verb)
regelate (verb)
regenerate (adjective, verb)
regerminate (verb)
registrate (verb)
regradate (verb)
regrate (verb)
regulate (verb)
regurgitate (verb)
rehabilitate (verb)
rehumiliate (verb)
rehydrate (verb)
rehypothecate (verb)
reilluminate (verb)
reillustrate (verb)
reimpregnate (verb)
reinaugurate (verb)
reincarnate (adjective, verb)
reincorporate (verb)
reindicate (verb)
reindoctrinate (verb)
reinfiltrate (verb)
reinflate (verb)
reingratiate (verb)
reinitiate (verb)
reinnervate (verb)
reinoculate (verb)
reinstate (verb)
reinsulate (verb)
reintegrate (verb)
reinterrogate (verb)
reinvestigate (verb)
reinvigorate (verb)
reirrigate (verb)
reiterate (verb)
rejuvenate (verb)
relate (verb)
relegate (verb)
reliberate (verb)
reliquidate (verb)
relitigate (verb)
relocate (verb)
relubricate (verb)
reluctate (verb)
remasticate (verb)
rematriculate (verb)
remediate (verb)
rememorate (Obsolete -verb) also remember
remigate (Archaic - verb)
remigrate (verb)
remodulate (verb)
remonstrate (verb)
remorate (Obsolete - verb) also hinder
remotivate (verb)
remunerate (verb)
renate (Obsolete - adjective)
renavigate (verb)
renegate (verb)
renegotiate (verb)
renominate (verb)
renovate 1. (verb) 2. (Archaic - adjective) also renovated (adjective)
renumerate (verb)
renunciate 1. (Hinduism - noun) also sannyasi 2. (Christianity - noun)
reobligate (verb)
reoperate (verb)
reorchestrate (verb)
reorientate (verb)
repaginate (verb)
repatriate (noun, verb)
replicate (noun, adjective, verb) also replicated (adjective)
repopulate (verb)
repostulate (verb)
repristinate (verb)
reprobate (noun, adjective, verb)
repromulgate (verb)
republicate (Obsolete - verb) also republish
repudiate (verb)
repugnate (Obsolete - verb) also oppose
repullulate (verb)
repunctuate (verb)
reradiate (verb)
reregulate (verb)
resegregate (verb)
reseminate (Obsolete - verb)
reseparate (verb)
reserate (Obsolete - verb) also unlock
resinate (noun, verb - not to be confused with resonate)
resituate (verb)
resonate (verb)
restagnate (Obsolete - verb) same as stagnate
restate (verb)
restaurate (Obsolete - verb) same as restore
restimulate (verb)
resublimate (verb)
resubstantiate (verb)
resultate (Obsolete - noun) same as result (as a noun)
resupinate (adjective)
resuscitate (verb)
retabulate (verb)
retaliate (verb)
retardate (noun) also retardee
reticulate (adjective, verb)
retinulate (adjective)
retractate (Obsolete - verb) same as retract
retranslate (verb)
revacate (verb)
revaccinate (verb)
revalidate (verb)
revaluate (verb)
revegetate (verb)
revelate (Obsolete - verb) same as reveal (as a verb)
revendicate (Rare - verb)
reventilate (verb)
reverberate (adjective, verb) also reverberant (adjective)
revibrate (verb)
revigorate 1. (Rare - adjective) 2. (Obsolete - verb)
revindicate (verb)
reviolate (verb)
revivificate (Rare - verb) also revive
revocate (Obsolete - verb) same as revoke (as a verb)
rhabarbarate (adjective)
rhetoricate (Obsolete - verb)
rhipidate (adjective)
rhodanate (noun)
ricinoleate (noun) formerly called palmate (Obsolete - noun)
roborate (Obsolete - verb)
roommate (noun)
roseate (adjective)
rosinate (noun) same as resinate (not to be confused with resonate)
rostellate (adjective)
rostrate (adjective) also rostrated
rostrocarinate (noun)
rosulate (adjective)
rotate 1. (verb) 2. (adjective) also wheel-shaped
rotavate or rotovate (verb)
rotundate (adjective)
rubricate (verb)
rugate (adjective) also rugose

ruinate 1. (Southern US - verb) also ruin (as a verb) 2. (adjective) also ruined

ruminate (verb)
runagate (noun)
runcinate (adjective)
rusticate (verb)
rutate (noun)
rutilate (Obsolete - verb)
saccate (adjective)
saccharate (noun)
saccharinate (noun)
saccharonate (noun)
saccholactate (noun) formerly called saccholate
sacchulmate (noun)
sacculate (adjective) also sacculated
sacrate (Obsolete - verb) also consecrate (as a verb)
saginate (Rare - verb)
sagittate (adjective) also sagittiform
salicylate (noun)
salivate (verb)
saltate (Rare - verb)
sanctificate (Obsolete - verb) also sanctify
sanitate (verb)
santonate (noun)
santoninate (noun)
sardachate (noun)
satiate (adjective, verb) also satiated (adjective)
saturate (noun, adjective, verb) also saturated (adjective)
savate (noun)
scammoniate (adjective)
scelerate (Obsolete - adjective) also wicked
scepterellate (adjective)
scholasticate (noun)
scintillate (verb)
scopate (adjective)
scopulate (adjective) also broom-shaped
scrobiculate (adjective) also scrobiculated
scutate (adjective)
scutellate (adjective) also scutellated
scutibranchiate (noun, adjective)
scyphate (adjective) also cup-shaped
sebate (noun)
secretariate (noun) also secretariat
secundate (Rare - verb)
sedate (adjective, verb)
segholate (noun)
segmentate (verb)
segolate (noun) same as segholate
segregate (noun, adjective)
selenate (noun)
self-estimate (noun)
semianimate (adjective)
semiarticulate (adjective)
semicarbonate (noun, adjective)
semicastrate (verb)
semicordate (adjective)
semi-illiterate (adjective)
semi-indurate (adjective)
semiliterate (noun, adjective)
semilunate (adjective) also semilunated
semimoderate (adjective)
seminate (Rare - verb)
semiovate (adjective)
semipalmate (adjective) also semipalmated
semiprivate (adjective)
semiquadrate (noun) also semiquartile
semiverticillate (adjective)
senate (noun)
sensate (adjective)
separate (noun, adjective, verb)
septate (adjective)
septemvirate (noun)
septenate (adjective) also heptamerous
septennate (noun)
septentrionate (verb)
septulate (adjective)
sequestrate (verb)
seraskierate (noun)
seriate (adjective)
serrate (adjective, verb)
serratulate (adjective)
serrulate (adjective) also serrulated
sesquialterate (adjective)
sesquicarbonate (noun)
sesquiduplicate (adjective)
sesquihydrate (noun)
sesquiplicate (adjective)
sexradiate (adjective)
sextuplicate (noun, adjective, verb)
shogunate (noun)
sibilate (verb)
siccate (Rare - verb)
siderate (Obsolete - verb)
sigillate (adjective)
sigmate (adjective)
signate (adjective)
significate (noun)
silicate (noun)
silvate (noun) same as sylvate
simulate 1. (verb) 2. (Archaic - adjective) also simulated (adjective)
sinapate (noun)
siniate (adjective)
sinuate (adjective, verb)
sinupalliate (adjective)
siogoonate (noun) same as shogunate
siphonate (adjective)
siphonobranchiate (noun, adjective)
siraskierate (see seraskierate)
situate 1. (verb) 2. (Archaic - adjective) also situated (adjective)
smifligate (verb) same as spiflicate

sociate (Obsolete - adjective, verb) also associated (adjective), associate (noun)

solate (verb)

solemnisate (Archaic British English) or solemnizate (Rare American English) (verb)

solicitate (Obsolete - adjective) same as solicitous
solidate (Obsolete - verb)
solidungulate (noun, adjective) also soliped (noun)
solvate (noun, verb)
somegate (Scottish English, Dialectal - adverb)
somnambulate (verb) also sleepwalk
somniate (Obsolete - verb)
sonicate (noun, verb)
sophisticate (noun, adjective, verb) also sophisticated (adjective)
soporate (Obsolete - verb)
sorbate (noun)
sorediate (adjective)
sororate (noun)
sorosilicate (noun)
spacelate (verb)

Spaniolate (verb) also Spaniolise (British English) or Spaniolize (American English)

spathulate (adjective) same as spatulate
spatiate (Obsolete - verb)
spatulate (adjective)
speciate (verb)
specificate (Obsolete - verb) also specify
spectate (verb)
speculate (verb)
sperate (Rare - adjective)
sphacelate (verb) also necrose
spherulate (adjective)
spicate (adjective)
spiculate (adjective) also spicular
spifflicate or spiflicate (British English, Slang - verb)
spinate (adjective) also spined
spinulate (adjective)
spiraculate (adjective) also spiracular
spirulate (adjective)
spoliate (verb)
sphincterate adjective also sphincteral, sphincterial, sphincteric
sporulate (verb)
squamate (adjective)
squamellate (adjective) also squamulose
squamulate (adjective) same as squamulose
stabilate (noun)
stabilitate (Obsolete - verb)
stadtholderate (noun) also stadtholdership
stagnate (verb)
stalemate (noun, verb)
staminate (adjective)
stannate (noun)
statuminate (Obsolete - verb)
stearate (noun)
steersmate (Obsolete - noun) also steersman
stellate (adjective) also stellated
stellionate (noun)
stellulate (adjective)
stercorate (Obsolete - noun) also excrement
stereobate (noun)
sternutate (verb)
stimulate (verb)
stipellate (adjective)
stipendiate (verb)
stipitate (adjective)
stipulate (verb)
stolonate (adjective)
stomate (noun) also stoma
strangulate (verb)
straticulate (adjective)
striate (adjective, verb) also striated (adjective)
stridulate (verb)
strigate (adjective)
strobilate (verb)
strophiolate (adjective) also strophiolated
stuprate (Rare - verb)
stylate (adjective)
stylobate (noun)
styphnate (noun)
subacetate (noun)
subacuminate (adjective)
subadministrate (verb)
subaduncate (adjective)
subadvocate (noun)
subaerate (verb)
subaggregate (noun, adjective, verb)
subalate (adjective) also subalated
subalternate (adjective)
subangulate (adjective) also subangulated
subarcuate (adjective) also subarcuated
subarticulate (adjective)
subattenuate (adjective) also subattenuated
subauriculate (adjective)
subcampanulate (adjective)
subcancellate (adjective)
subcarbonate (noun)
subcarinate (adjective) also subcarinated
subchelate (adjective)
subclimate (noun)
subcollegiate (adjective)
subcompensate (verb)
subconnate (adjective)
subcordate (adjective)
subcrenate (adjective) also subcrenated
subcultrate (adjective) also subcultrated
subcurate (noun)
subdeaconate or subdiaconate (noun)
subdelegate (noun)
subdemonstrate (verb)
subdentate (adjective)
subdenticulate (adjective) also subdenticulated
subdiaconate (noun) also subdeaconate
subduplicate (adjective)
subelongate (adjective) also subelongated
subemarginate (adjective) also subemarginated
suberate (noun)
subfalcate (adjective)
subfastigiate (adjective) also subfastigiated
subfoliate (adjective)
subgeniculate (adjective)
subhumerate (Obsolete - verb)
subindicate (Rare - verb)
subinfeudate (verb) also subinfeud
subirrigate (verb)
subjugate (verb)
sublaciniate (adjective)
sublanate (adjective)
sublanceolate (adjective)
sublate (verb)
sublimate (noun, adjective, verb) also sublimated (adjective)
subliterate (adjective)
sublunate (adjective) also sublunated
subministrate (Obsolete - verb) also subminister (as a verb)
submucronate (adjective) also submucronated
submuriate (noun)
suborbiculate (adjective) also suborbiculated
subordinate (noun, adjective, verb)
subovate (adjective)
subpalmate (adjective) also subpalmated
subpectinate (adjective) also subpectinated
subpedunculate (adjective) also subpedunculated
subpeltate (adjective)
subpetiolate (adjective) also subpetiolated
subphosphate (noun)
subpredicate (noun)
subprimate (noun)
subprofessorate or subprofessoriate (noun)
subquadrate (adjective)
subradiate (adjective)
subrogate (verb)
subseptate (adjective)
subserrate (adjective)
subsilicate (noun)
subspatulate (adjective)
substantiate (verb)
substrate (noun)
substriate (adjective)
subsulfate or subsulphate (noun)
subtemperate (adjective)
subtiliate (Obsolete - verb)
subtriplicate (adjective)
subtruncate (adjective)
subturriculate (adjective) also subturriculated
subulate (adjective)
subultimate (adjective)
subumbellate (adjective) also subumbellated, subumbellar
subumbonate (adjective)
subuncinate (adjective)
subungulate (noun)
subvertebrate (noun, adjective)
succinamate (noun)
succinate (noun)
succinurate (noun)
sucralfate (noun)
sucrate (noun)
sudate (verb) also sweat (as a verb)
sufflaminate (Obsolete -verb)
sufflate (verb)
suffocate (verb)
suffragate (Obsolete - verb)
suffumigate (verb)
suggillate (verb)
suimate (noun) same as self-mate (Chess)
sulcate (adjective) also sulcated
sulfate or sulphate (noun, verb)
sulfonate or sulphonate (noun, verb)
sulfurate or sulphurate (verb)
sullevate (Obsolete - verb)
sulphamate (noun)
sulphantimonate (noun)
sulpharsenate (noun)
sulphate or sulfate (noun, verb)
sulphaurate (noun)
sulphinate (noun)
sulphocarbonate (noun)
sulphocyanate (noun) also called thiocyanate
sulphonate or sulfonate (noun, verb)
sulphophosphate (noun)
sulphostannate (noun)
sulphotungstate (noun)
sulphurate or sulfurate (verb)
sulphydrate (noun)
sultanate (noun)
summate (verb)
superaccumulate (verb)
superaccurate (adjective)
superactivate (verb)
superadequate (adjective)
superannuate (verb)
superassociate (noun)
superate (Archaic - adjective)
superbiate (Obsolete, Rare - verb)
supercarbonate (Obsolete - noun) same as bicarbonate
superconglomerate (noun)
superdelegate (noun)
superdelicate (adjective)
superelaborate (adjective)
supererogate (verb)
superfetate (adjective)
superfortunate (adjective)
supergraduate (noun)
supergravitate (verb)
superillustrate (verb)
supermalate (noun)
superobstinate (adjective)
superordinate (noun, adjective, verb)
superovulate (verb)
superoxalate (noun)
superoxygenate (verb)

superphosphate 1. (noun) also called acid phosphate 2. (noun) also called triple superphosphate

superponderate (Obsolete - verb)
supersaturate (verb)
superseminate (Obsolete - verb)
superstimulate (verb)
supersulfate or supersulphate (noun, verb)
supertartrate (noun)
supinate (verb)
suppeditate (Obsolete - verb) also supply (as a verb)
supplicate (verb)
suppurate (verb)
supputate (Obsolete - verb) also suppute
supraspinate (adjective) also supraspinous
surbate (Obsolete - verb)
surculate (Obsolete - verb - not to be confused with circulate)
suricate (noun)
suroxidate (Obsolete - verb)
surrogate (noun, adjective, verb)
suscitate (Obsolete - verb)
suspercollate (verb - Humorous)
susurrate (verb - Literary)
sustentate (Rare - verb) also sustain
syllabicate (verb) also syllabify
sylvate (noun) also written silvate
syncopate (verb)
syndicate (noun, verb)
tabulate (adjective, verb)
taeniate (adjective) also taenioid
taenioglossate (adjective)
tagnicate (noun)
tailgate (noun, adjective, verb)
talliate (Obsolete - verb)
tanate (noun) also called raccoon dog
tannate (noun)
tantalate (noun)
tartramate (noun)
tartrate (noun)
tartronate (noun)
taurocholate (noun)
teammate (noun)
tectibranchiate (noun, adjective)
tectosilicate or tektosilicate (noun)
tellurate (noun)
temperate (adjective)
template (noun) also templet
tentaculate (adjective) also tentaculated, tentacled
tenuate (Rare - verb) same or similar to attenuate
terebate (noun)
terebinthinate (adjective)
terebrate (adjective)
terephthalate (noun)
tergeminate (adjective)
tergiversate (verb)
terminate (verb)
ternate (adjective)
terneplate (noun)
tertiate (verb)
tessellate (adjective, verb) also tessellated (adjective)
testate (noun, adjective)
testiculate (adjective)
testificate (Scottish English, Obsolete - noun)
testudinate (noun, adjective)
tetrabranchiate (adjective)
tetrahydrofolate (noun)
tetrarchate (noun) also tetrarchy
tetrathionate (noun)
thallate (noun)
thecate (adjective)
theologate (noun)
thermoregulate (verb)
thiobarbiturate (noun)
thiocarbonate (noun) also sulphocarbonate
thiocyanate (noun) also thiocyanide
thionate (noun)
thiosulfate or thiosulphate (noun)
tholobate (noun)
thymate (noun)
tibicinate (Rare - verb)
tidivate alternate spelling of titivate
tinplate (noun, verb) also tin (noun, verb, adjective)
tintinnabulate (verb)
titanate (noun)
titillate (verb)
titivate or tittivate (verb)
titrate (verb)
tittivate or titivate (verb)
titubate (verb)
toeplate (noun)
togate (adjective)
tolerate (verb)
tollgate (noun)
toluate (noun)
tomtate (noun)
torquate (adjective)
totipalmate (adjective)
trabeate (adjective) also trabeated
trabeculate (adjective) also trabecular
tracheate (noun, adjective)
trachelate (adjective)
trachelobranchiate (adjective)
tractate (noun)
tralineate (Obsolete - verb)
transanimate (Rare - verb)
transcolate (Obsolete - verb)
transcorporate (Obsolete - verb) same as transmigrate
transelementate (verb) also transelement
transeptate (adjective)
transfeminate (Obsolete, Rare - verb)
transfigurate (Rare - verb) also transfigure
transforate (Obsolete - verb)
transilluminate (verb)
translate (verb)
transliterate (verb)
translocate (verb)
transmeate (Obsolete - verb)
transmigrate (verb)
transpeciate (Obsolete - verb)
transregionate (Obsolete - adjective) also foreign
transubstantiate (verb)
transudate (noun)
transvaluate (verb)
transvasate (Obsolete - verb)
transverberate (Obsolete - verb)
trapezate (adjective) also trapeziform
tremulate (verb)
triacetate (noun)
triangulate (adjective, verb)
triarticulate (adjective)
tribracteate (adjective)
tribulate (verb)
tribunate (noun)
triclinate (adjective) also triclinic
tricorporate (adjective) also tricorporal
tricostate (adjective)
tricurvate (adjective)
tricuspidate (adjective) also tricuspid (noun, adjective)
tridentate (adjective) also tridental
trifoliate (adjective) also trifoliated
trifoliolate (adjective)
trifurcate (adjective, verb) also trifurcated (adjective)
trijugate (adjective) also trijugous
trilineate (adjective)
trilobate (adjective) also trilobated
trinervate (adjective)
trinitrate (noun)
tripalmitate (noun)
tripennate (adjective) same as tripinnate
triphosphate (noun)
tripinnate (adjective) also tripinnated
triplicate (noun, adjective, verb)
triplicostate (adjective)
tripudiate (Rare - verb) also dance (as a verb)
triradiate (adjective) also triradiated
triseriate (adjective)
trisnitrate (noun)
tristate or tri-state (adjective)
tristearate (noun) same as tristearin
tristitiate (Obsolete - verb)
trisulcate (adjective)
triternate (adjective)
trithionate (noun)
tritiate (verb)
trituberculate (adjective)
triturate (noun, verb)
triumvirate (noun)
truncate (adjective, verb) also truncated (adjective)
tubate (Rare - adjective) same as tubular

tuberculate 1. (adjective) also tuberculated, tuberculose 2. (adjective) also tubercular (in adjectival form)

tubicinate (verb)
tubulate (adjective, verb)
tubulidentate (adjective)
tumulate (Obsolete - verb)
tumultuate (Obsolete - verb)
tungstate (noun) also called wolframate
tunicate (noun, adjective) also tunicated (adjective)
turbinate (noun, adjective)
turriculate (adjective) also turriculated
tycoonate (noun)
ulcerate (verb)
ulmate (noun)
ultimate (noun, adjective)
ultracrepidate (verb)
ultrafiltrate (noun)
ululate (verb)
umbellate (adjective) also umbellated, umbellar
umbellulate (adjective)
umbilicate (adjective) also umbilicated
umbonate (adjective)
umbraculate (adjective)
umbrate (Obsolete - verb)
unaccurate (adjective)
unadulterate (adjective)
unaffectionate (adjective)
unanimate (Obsolete - adjective) same as unanimous
unappropriate (adjective)
unarticulate (adjective)
uncarnate 1. (Rare - adjective) 2. (verb)
uncate (adjective) same as uncinate
uncelibate (adjective)
uncinate (adjective)
uncollegiate (adjective)
uncommensurate (adjective)
uncompassionate (adjective)
uncomplicate (verb)
unconsecrate (Obsolete - verb) same as desecrate
unconsiderate (Obsolete - adjective) same as inconsiderate
unconsummate (adjective)
uncoordinate (adjective)
uncreate (adjective, verb)
undate (adjective) also wavy
undecorate (verb)
undegenerate (adjective)
undeliberate (adjective)
underestimate (noun, verb)
undergraduate (noun, adjective)
underlegate (noun)
underpopulate (verb)
underrate (verb)
understate (verb)
underventilate (verb)
undeterminate (adjective) also indeterminate
undispassionate (adjective)
undomesticate (verb)
undulate (adjective, verb) also undulated (adjective)
uneffeminate (adjective)
unelaborate (adjective)
unfasciate (adjective) also unfasciated
unfortunate (noun, adjective)
unfurcate (adjective)
unguiculate (noun, adjective) also unguiculated (adjective)
ungulate (noun, adjective)
uniate or Uniate (noun)
unibranchiate (adjective)
unicolorate (adjective)
unicostate (adjective)
uniflagellate (adjective)
unifoliate (adjective)
unifoliolate (adjective)
unijugate (adjective)
unilabiate (adjective)
unimmaculate (adjective)
unimmediate (adjective)
unimplicate (adjective)
unimportunate (adjective)
unincarnate (adjective)
unindurate (adjective)
uninitiate (adjective)
uninnate (adjective)
unintricate (adjective)
uninucleate (adjective) also uninuclear
uniovulate (adjective)
uniplicate (adjective)
uniseptate (adjective)
uniseriate (adjective)
unisilicate (noun)
univariate (adjective)
unliterate (adjective)
unlunate (adjective) also unlunated
unmagistrate (Obsolete - verb)
unmasculate (Obsolete - verb) same as emasculate (as a verb)
unnervate (Obsolete - adjective) same as enervate (as a verb), enervated
unobdurate (adjective)
unobstinate (adjective)
unordinate (Rare - adjective)
unornate (adjective)
unpassionate (adjective)
unportunate (Obsolete - adjective) same as importunate
unprecipitate (adjective)
unprivate (adjective)
unproportionate (adjective)
unpulvinate (adjective) also unpulvinated
unregenerate (adjective) also unregenerated
unruinate (Obsolete - adjective) also unruinated
unsatiate (adjective) also insatiate
unsaturate (noun, adjective, verb)
unsedate (adjective)
unsensate (adjective)
unseparate (adjective)
unserrate (adjective)
unsinuate (adjective)
unsophisticate (adjective) also unsophisticated
unsubordinate (adjective)
untemperate (adjective)
unvertebrate (adjective)
uranate (noun - not to be confused with urinate)
urate (noun)
urcelate (adjective)
urceolate (adjective)
urinate (verb)
urochordate (noun, adjective)
uroxanate (noun)
urticate (verb)
ustulate (adjective, verb)
utriculate (Archaic - adjective) same as utricular
uvate (noun)
vacate (verb)
vaccinate (verb)
vacillate (verb)
vacuate (Rare - verb)
vacuolate (adjective) also vacuolated
vaginate (adjective)
vagissate (Obsolete - verb) also frolic (as a verb)
valerate (noun)
valerianate (noun)
validate (verb)
vallate (adjective)
valleculate (adjective)
valproate (noun)
valuate (verb)
valvate (adjective)
vamplate (noun)
vanadate (noun) also vanadiate
vanillate (noun)
vaporate (Rare - verb)
vapulate (Obsolete - verb)
variate 1. (noun) also random variable 2. (noun) variant (as a noun)
varicellate (adjective)
variegate (verb)
variolate (adjective)
vaticinate (verb) also prophesy
vegetate (verb)
vehiculate (verb)
velate (adjective, verb)
vellicate (verb)
venditate (Obsolete - verb)
venenate (Rare - verb)
venerate (verb)
ventilate (verb)
veratrate (noun)
verbenate (verb)
verberate (Obsolete - verb)
verbigerate (verb)
vermiculate (adjective, verb) also vermiculated (adjective)
verminate (verb)
vernate (Obsolete - verb)
verriculate (adjective)
vertebrate (noun, adjective)
verticillastrate (adjective)
verticillate (adjective) also verticillated
vertiginate (Rare - adjective)
vesicate (verb)
vesiculate (adjective, verb)
vestigate (Obsolete - verb)
vexillate (adjective)
vibrate (verb)
vicarate (noun) also vicariate
vice-consulate (noun)
viciate (Rare - verb) same as vitiate
victimate (Obsolete - verb)
victoriate (noun)
vigintivirate (Rare - noun)
vindemiate (Obsolete - verb)
vindicate (verb)
vinylate (verb)
violate (verb)
virgate (1) (adjective)
virgate (2) (noun) also called yardland
virgulate (adjective) also virgate (1)
virtuate (Obsolete - verb)
viscerate (verb) also disembowel
vitiate (verb)
vitilitigate (Obsolete - verb)
vitrificate (Obsolete - verb) also vitrify
vitriolate 1. (verb) 2. (Rare - adjective) also vitriolated (adjective)
vittate (adjective)
vituperate (verb)
vivificate (Rare - verb) also vivify
vizierate (noun) also viziership
vizirate (noun) same as vizierate
vociferate (verb)
volitate (verb)
volubilate (adjective)
volvate (adjective)
vulcanisate (British English) or vulcanizate (American English) (noun)
vulgate (noun, adjective)
Vulgate (noun, adjective)
vulnerate (Obsolete - verb)
vulvate (adjective) also vulviform
wolframate (noun) same as tungstate
xanthate (noun)
xanthogenate (noun)
xeronate (noun)
xylate (noun)
zincate (noun)
zirconate (noun)
zonate (adjective) also zonated
zooflagellate (noun)
zygobranchiate (adjective)